
Thank you for 18k reads, it's really

shocking because I've only had this book up for less than a month and it already is this many reads.

The song up top is Breathe Me by Sia^^^

Any thoughts or constructive feedback is helpful so I can make my writing so much better. When I say this I don't mean pick out every single flaw in my book, I just want ways I can make my writing better. I will warn you, my writing isn't perfect and I know that. I write for fun, I'm not being serious. I'm only 14, I'm not the best writer in the world so give me a break 😊😊

If you don't like that there are errors, you are more than welcome to leave [I hope that isn't rude of me] 😊

I just want to say that I only write for fun and when people point out every flaw it takes the fun out of it. I know I asked for mistakes to be pointed out but is it too late to take it back? I say at the end of every chapter that it isn't edited until I get the chance to.

Thank you if you are enjoying the book so far xx

Sorry about that^^ 🥺

Anyways, enjoy your day, gorgeous 🥰

On with the chapter...✨


✨Emilia POV

I was pushing the pasta around my plate while listening to the multiple conversations going around the table.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to sort some work out at the office." Alessandro walks in with his briefcase in hand looking all smart in a suit that looks more expensive with the watch glistening on his wrist.


Alessandro sat down at the head of the table unbuttoning his blazer. He greeted Josh and the other guy, I didn't know his name yet.

"Lijah, did you speak to him today, we need to know when he can pick it up," Alessandro says, who was this mystery guy?

"Yes, I visited him actually, he said he can pick it up in a few days," Elijah replied.

"Oh, Mia Saintclaire said she wanted to come and visit you tomorrow, Emilia." Alessandro reminds me. I hadn't spoken to her in a long time, the last I spoke to her was when I first came.


"Who's Mia, is it her mum?" Josh says, I mean, he didn't know so I can't blame him, but if my last name was Russo then how on earth did he get the idea she would be my mum?

You know what, I'm tired of arguing these days. I'm tired of having to repeat myself over and over again.

"No," I state monotonously while filling my mouth with pasta and some sauce.

"Oh well." Josh shrugs.

We sat in painful silence for a few moments until Alessandro broke it.

"Valentina!!" Alessandro yelled.

"Yes, Mr Russo?" She waddles in with another tray of bread, she looks so adorable.


"Are you joining us today, for dinner I mean?" He stands you and pulls a chair for her to sit, do I sense a relationship going on? No, it can't be, he's just being friendly, but then why isn't he like this to me? Who cares, I'll call them 'Valessadro'. Just imagine stars around the name.

"Thank you, Mr Russo." She spoke with her strong Italian accent. She reminds me of a cute puppy.

"How many times have I told you, just call me Alessandro." He giggles and proceeded to eat.

I could feel Josh's stare burning into me now and then, I didn't know what I did to him, was this about earlier?

So I join in with the staring contest, neither of us is looking away, I hate being stubborn sometimes.

I throw a piece of pasta and it hits his eye making him flinch, but in return, he kicks me hard under the table, that's hardly fair, he had trainers on and I had socks on.

"Ow." I drop my fork and pull my leg up to my chest so I can soothe it.

"Are you okay?" Elijah asks me, I just mumble a small yes and continue to rub the area.

"Is everything okay?" Josh asked knowing what was wrong. Go eat shit you bîtch.

I ignore him and proceed to munch on my food, I bet Valentina cooked this, although Elijah is an amazing cook, this beats everything.

I was really tired at this point, I didn't want to stay awake for another moment, I was beyond exhausted. You know those days where you don't do much but you're still tired as fuck? That's how I feel.

"We're gonna watch a movie, are you guys gonna join?" Diego asks us all.

"I will if they aren't there." I shoot daggers into Josh and Mr Brunette. I still didn't know his name.

"Their names are Josh and Jayden." The brunette guy says, their names scream trouble, of course, both of their names begin with 'J', I expected one name beginning with it but two? Heck to the no.

"Of course they are," I mutter almost inaudibly, but they heard me because I felt another harsh pound against my other leg.

"Shît." I bite my lip to ease the pain, I was practically a bag of bones, this is hardly a fair game anymore.

"Ahem." Alessandro looks at me with the 'you'reindeepshitandnowyouhavetoserveyourpunishmentlook'. I can't do anything right, if I was an emoji, I'd be the facepalming one with the purple shirt.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I look at him apologetically.

"You know the rules Emilia, please, give me your phone for the night and you can have it back tomorrow." At least he was polite about it this time. I huff and pass him the phone over the table.

"Hehe." A mischievous giggle was heard from behind me, Blade and Josh. I get why they hate me now because I insult them.


"But Blade swears all the time around me and he even swore at Luca, ask him yourself." I look at Luca and he nods ferociously while smiling with food in his mouth. Gross.

"Blade, pass me your phone for the night." I could see Blade biting his tongue so hard he might swallow it, he must teach me his tricks. I need to swallow my tongue.

His phone looks horrible, sure we had the same model but he didn't have a case on it and the screen had a smash in the bottom right corner, money doesn't grow on trees. That's right, the UK has plastic money, I don't know if that's bad but at least it buys me chocolate.

"Are you crazy?" Blade mutters through gritted teeth.

"I'm perfectly sane actually." I am not sure if that was a lie because a lot of crazy stuff goes on in my head, my brain cells have a party in there sometimes.

"What happened to 'snitches get stitches?'" Blade tells me, oops, I guess I forgot the number one rule of sibling code, if that's a thing, to be honest, I still don't see myself as a part of the family but it doesn't hurt to think it.

"I forgot about that." Shrugging, I shove a whole slice of garlic bread in my mouth, my big, fat mouth is quaking.

"Yeah, I bet your last brain cell did." He scrapes the fork across the plate making me cringe.

"Please, I bet you can't even spell photosynthesis." I challenge him, this word took me a long time to remember.

"P, h, o, t, o, s, y, n, t, h, i, s, i, s, see I can spell." Blade tries to prove me wrong but fails.

"Actually when you get to the 'thesis' part it's an 'e' not an 'I', but we all make mistakes like my mum did not take birth control 9 months before you were born." My sweet, sweet mouth.

Elijah and Axel spit out his food and Alessandro look at me with that same look from earlier.

The twins and their friends remained silent just observing with a smirk on their faces.

"Dude, you just got burnt by a 10-year-old." Jayden I think his name was said.

"I'm 13, and you should never burn the chicken, it's good food." I think I'm just gonna shut the fuck up now.

I think Blade swallowed his tongue, he's now grinding his teeth together clearly holding in his anger.

Axel keeps on snorting and Elijah is biting the inside of his cheek, someone told me that the skin and muscle inside the mouth is the same muscle that is inside the jay-jay, that could just be a myth though. Why would I bring this up at the dinner table? That's just disturbing.

"I suggest you don't say anything else before he explodes," Elijah advises me. Thank you, for the worst advice given to a girl who can't shut up for one second.

"Emilia I'm gonna have to make this two nights without your phone," Alessandro informs me. Darn it, I could have just kept my thoughts to myself but nooo, I'm too much of a blabbermouth to put a sock in my mouth. Or a towel? There was no point in me protesting, it wasn't going to change that he took my phone, I had my other one anyway, so I couldn't care any less.

"So umm, back to the question, are you guys gonna watch the movie with us?" Diego asks innocently drawing our attention to him.

"I will." I raise my hand.

"Don't stay up too late though," Alessandro says before wiping his mouth and taking his plate into the kitchen.

"Okay." I put my plate onto Luca's and he smiles at me before finishing the food. He would only eat it after I left the room anyways.

"What movie is it?" I ask.

"You'll have to wait and see." Diego rubs his hands together with a malicious smile.


"Luca, stop eating the popcorn," Jayden says to him before stealing the bowl.

"We're watching a movie in a minute, just let me have it." He whines.

"It's not playing yet, Luca," Diego tells him. How does this boy stay fit? He's eaten so much but he still has so much muscle on his body.

"I got a movie." Blade walks back into the living room with a movie in hand a bag of sweets.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry." Luca moans, he just ate and now he's hungry?

"AXEL!!" Diego shouts.

"I'm coming." Axel huffs, yay, he was watching the movie with us, I want to watch Brave.

I love her Scottish accent and her ginger hair, she's so perfect and beautiful, I can't believe I'm envious of an animated character. Random but Flynn Rider needs to marry me, I know he's not int he same movie but I have the biggest crush on him.

"Conjuring? Blade, she's just a child." Axel complains to Blade.

"She doesn't speak like one," Jayden murmurs under his breath.

"She can handle it," Josh reassures him.

"I don't think so, she's 13." Axel reply's to him, at least he knows my age.

"She doesn't know what it's about, she'll be fine for the first few minutes," Diego tells him, I look over at Luca to see he was looking through the bag. Typical.

"Have you seen it before?" Luca asks me opening a bar of chocolate.

"Nope." It sounds like a cartoon show, a Nickelodeon show maybe. Or Disney show, you can't beat Gravity Falls or Phineas and Ferb.

"Great let's watch it." Blade plops himself on the sofa wrapping himself up in blankets.

Sitting down in between Axel and Blade, I pull the blanket from Blade and settle down to watch the movie. This will be good.





Demi 💋✨

[2109 words in this chapter 💋✨💙]

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