
The song up above is from 13 reasons why you might recognise it if you have watched the series. It is a very calming song to listen to.

At this moment, I am going to start editing this book so you don't have to read my mistakes.

Have a fantastic day, beautiful 🙃😉

On with the chapter...✨


✨Emilia POV

I heard the creak of a door open. Opening my eyes I see Diego walking towards the shelves with a lot of books in his hands. Does he read?

He must be returning them.


"Oh shît!" He jumps dropping the books all over the floor.

"What are you doing in here?" He eyes the beanbags and blankets and walks over to me.

"You slept in here?" He falls back on the bean bag next to me and closes his eyes.

"Yeah." Remember to answer verbally, remember to answer verbally, remember to answer verbally. Don't want a repeat of last night.

"Yeah, I can see why."

"Can I talk to you?" He looks up at me after I ask the question. We did need to talk things out about what happened the other day. I shouldn't have poured water on him and I need to apologise. I need to do a lot of that.

"I need to talk to you." He flashes me an apologetic smile and begins to speak.

"I am sorry, you know, about the other morning and yesterday. We haven't been the kindest to you."

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have poured the water on you," I whisper feeling very guilty.

"Don't even worry about it."

"Are we okay now?" I ask him, staring into his eyes. He smiled at me weakly and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Never better." He pats my back continuing to hug me.

"C'mon, we need to go get breakfast. We're going out today." Huh, that's the first I have ever heard about it.

"Why aren't you at school?" Seriously, he was at school last week now he isn't this week.

"The holidays, now get up and go get dressed."

"Ugh, fine." I put all of the pillows and blankets back where they were before and walk to my room.

After doing my morning routine, I lifted my shirt and saw that the bruises hadn't gone away; they had gotten so much worse.

They had spread all over my chest and stomach. I hope Shawn rots in hell.

What if they are broken and they need treatment? That would mean having to go to the boys about this. You know, I could search up what to do on Google but that useless punk broke my phone. He is more useless than a plastic fork.

He needs to shave the nonexistent beard that he thinks he has. It's stubble. Maybe his ego has killed off his last brain cell.

"You ready." Diego pushes the door open, he could have seen my ribs. Luckily, I pushed my shirt down quickly before he had the chance to see anything.

"Yep." I just thought about bringing my phone downstairs but I can't, it's not going to be easy not having the phone my mum bought me.


We walk down the hall and begin to walk down the steps. Of course, Diego was taking two at a time making me behind him a little.

It got the last five steps and my foot slipped over the edge of the step making me slide down. Curse your socks.

"Woah." Since Diego was in front of me he easily caught me. That didn't do any good for my healing foot. What normal people have a fricking red velvet carpet on their stairs. It's too slippery.

He steadies me back on my feet properly and asks if my foot was okay. How caring. You weren't caring the other day, were you?

I have a serious problem, it's called 'icantstopbringingupthingsfromthepastbecauseiwanttoseepeoplefeelguilty syndrome.'

I have a serious case of it.

We walk into the kitchen where Elijah is making an English Breakfast. My only problem with an English breakfast was that it was way too greasy and fattening.

I can never taste the food because it is always drowning in the oil. I love the sausage and the toast though.

I'm seriously talking about breakfast? Wow, can my life get anymore sad?

All of the boys were gathered around the island just talking or going on their phones. Lucky them.

Alessandro looks over at me for a second before pushing a new iPhone across the island towards me.

He can't be for real. The newest iPhone isn't going to change what happened last night. He can shove this up to his àss and out of his mouth. He can eat the damn thing, it's an apple.

I push it back to where he was sitting and he eyes me wearily.

"Is there a problem?" Yes, there is, he can return this and pay for his anger management classes.

"Yes, you're my problem," I exclaim to Alessandro. I mumble a thank you to Elijah because he placed a monstrous plate of breakfast in front of me.

What a kind guy he is, it makes me wonder how they are even related sometimes. I have been here a week and Axel and the others have been nicer to me in the past week than anyone has been nicer to me for my whole life. Excluding Blade and Alessandro because they look like shît and act like shît.

"I don't understand, I got you a new phone, what else do you want?" Her voice became deeper and a lot more sharper. Tip number one: never piss off a 6'4 man who is made of muscle and can easily step on you.

"Of course you wouldn't understand, you're not me," I say before digging in the delicious breakfast that tastes like breakfast. Something savoury to balance out all of the sweet breakfast I have had the past few days.

"But I got you a new phone, I don't see why you're angry." His frustration was humorous to me, and clearly to Diego and Luca. The blade was just looking up at the scene now and then from his phone.

Probably sexting a bleached blonde with skin that is darker than a Cheeto. The typical English girl, more commonly known as a Chav, it's a common species of animal in the UK. It seems something like he would do, sext someone. I hope he knows it's illegal.


"That's your problem, you don't understand what you did was wrong, no expensive phone can buy away my pain."

"I explained this to you yesterday and I will not repeat myself." I wasn't being cheeky or anything I was just trying to get a rise out of him by showing my calmness.

"I know that, but I got you a new phone, so why are you angry at me, I should be angry at you, you broke one of the rules and shoved my face in lasagna."

Oh right, I remember that I giggle and so does the twins at the table. Blade just smirks widely showing his dimples, he still hasn't looked up from his phone, he's listening to our conversation.

"You're mad because you know you deserved it, you hurt me, I'm starting to believe that you're the reason God created the middle finger," I told him looking him square in the eye. He clenched the fork tightly and closed his eyes.

"Just take the damn phone." He spoke through gritted teeth. He does a lot of that lately, he might need to go to the dentist.

"No, I had a phone, but you broke it, you have no idea what that phone meant to me. I guess I will have to repeat myself, it was the last thing my mum bought me before she died, I took photos with her that are on that phone. Especially the photos that were taken hours before she died. Do you know how that feels? It feels like crap because you broke the last thing she ever gifted me with. You wouldn't understand because you have no empathy to give and trust me, even if you did, I'd throw it back in your face and into the bin where you belong. Now if I am allowed to, I will eat my breakfast or do you want to take this away from me too?"

Okay, breath, Emilia, just breath. Inhale and exhale. Whew, that was too much to say in one go I think I might have run out of oxygen if I didn't stop there.

"Return it and buy some personality." I sip my apple juice proudly. I just shut him up for good. A little pat on the back for my roasting session.

Axel nudges my side and praises me for what I said and the twins and Elijah were giggling and snickering at my outburst. Blade as per usual didn't say anything but just kept smirking at his plate. Oh, so he stopped texting the bimbo. I have no idea if he was texting, I just presumed he gets around if you know what I mean.

"Do you like breakfast?" Elijah tried to change the subject but I could tell he was finding this funny. It wasn't even funny on my behalf, I was frustrated on how he thought he could buy me a new phone the all would be forgiven. It doesn't work like that, Thor.

"It's amazing, but maybe you could cut my portion sizes down please, I'm too small to eat all of this." I gestured my hands down towards my plate. He smiled and nodded.

"I'll have it." Luca raises his hand in the air excitedly.

"I never said I was finished." I slapped his hand away when he tried to take a piece of toast from my plate.

"Ow! You're feistier than usual." He soothes the area which I slapped.

"Oh yeah, I and Diego are taking you shopping for school and other stuff what you want to buy, it starts in a week when the holidays are over," Axel informs me. What did I need for school?

Oh right, not going to the same school, Alessandro said he would speak to me about school but never did.

"Oh yeah about the school, what do I do about my artwork? It's in my old school."

"I'll send them an email about it if you want, I'll see what I can do." Elijah imputed.

"Yeah, thanks."

"You'll be going with the twins and Blade." Elijah states.

"But, he's in college." Blade's ears perked up at the sound of his name.

"It's the sixth form, surely you've heard of it before." He rolls his eyes at me. Is he looking for a brain up there? He won't find one, it was killed off the day he was born.

"Sorry," I say sarcastically under my breath.

"Is that another rule broken?" Blade asks me. How the heck would I know, I can't remember which sock I put on first this morning, never mind remembering something that was said to me last week.

"Are you gonna take my phone away from me? Too late, Alessandro beat you to it." I am on fire today. I'm doing a little victory dance in my head. Alessandro just grumbles at me and mentions something about having work to do.

"There's nothing you can take from me anyways." It's true, I have nothing valuable that I can't live without.

"I can ground you." Blade, you're not the boss of me, I'm the boss of myself, not you. Just because your older doesn't mean he can push me around.

"Where exactly would I need to go anyways, ground me, do your worst, the house is in a secluded area anyways so I wouldn't know where to go." I should start adding up points for the number of times I burn these people.

"C'mon, get your shoes on before things escalate," Axel tells me whilst smirking. Does he want to get wrinkles?

We headed out for the door as soon as I put my shoes on, I look back into the kitchen to see Diego running to catch up and Luca feasting on my pretty full plate. Greedy Cow.

"Hey! Get some McDonald's whilst your out!" Blade shouts before Axel nods and shuts the door.



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