《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part -28


Me and y/n were having dinner right now

We were all good now, we have forgiven each other.

And yes, Yeji's design was rejected whereas y/n's design was approved.

Tae - " Y/n, what's going in your department?"

She looked at me and smiled

That smile😍

Y/n - "You know what!!!

She was excited to tell

Y/n - "after the rejection of Yeji's design, tables have turned.

Everyone started avoiding yeji saying that she is a narcissist and spend rumours.

And they are being good to me

I can see they have finally accepted me."

Tae - " That's good."

The table again went silent.

But there was a chaos going inside my mind.

I wanted to ask her something, I know her answer can hurt me severely or even wouldn't let me sleep tonight.

But since I have realized my feelings towards her I want to know about this.

I gathered all the courage from all the corners of my gut and asked

Tae - " Umm....y-y/n?"

She looked at me and hummed

Tae - " D-do you still l-love Mark?"

She stopped her movements and then put her chopsticks down

That made me nervous.

Tae's mind - " No,no don't speak anything.....I don't want to listen....stop stop stop."

Y/n - " No."

Tae's mind - " Huh?"

Y/n - " I realized few days back that I am finally over him, my feelings for him died.......I would not cry anymore after seeing him with some girl....I am finally free."

She said the last part cheerfully.

And I felt like the biggest stone was removed from my heart

I felt delighted at the fact that there is not any Mark guy in her heart anymore.

I did my happy dance in my mind.

I was trying so hard to stop my wide smile.

Y/n - " Aren't you happy for me?"


Tae - " Yes, yes I am, I definitely am...I am very happy."

Y/n - " wow, you look even more happy than me."

She giggled

Tae - " Let's go out for ice cream after dinner to celebrate this."

Y/n - " Definitely....I was craving for ice cream soo much."

She said and quickly started finishing her dinner.

I looked at her and giggled.

It was the time for me to leave office but I was sitting on my chair thinking something with elbow on the table and face on my palm.

Tae's mind - " How should I find out whether y/n feels something for me or not?

What if she moved on from Mark because she fell for me?"

This thought itself brought many butterflies in my stomach.

Tae's mind - " Should I check it on Google...last time when I searched about my feelings,it showed love and it was true.........I should try"

I opened my laptop and type

How to find out if someone has feelings for you.

Tae - " Oh! We have a list over here."

1. They will be jealous if you are close to other boys/girls "

Tae - " Jealous? Well Yeji's incident can't be counted because it was a different case...........but I will try this one out some day."

2. They get nervous if you are really close to them.

Tae - "ok, this is true cause I have experienced it... should I try this?

I hope I don't start getting nervous being close to her."

Tae's mind - " Let's go home and try this."

I went home and saw y/n in the kitchen, preparing dinner, she looks most beautiful when she is concentrating over something.

Tae - " I am home."

She looked at me for a second, smiled and went back to her cooking


Y/n - " Go and freshen up..... dinner will be ready in some time."

I went to the room changed into my pyjamas, mentally prepared myself for making her nervous and quitely went down.

I slowly went and stood behind her closely without her noticing.

She was still cooking.

Tae's mind - " What should I do? She is not noticing me....should I backhug her?

Yes I should."

I sneakily put my hands on her waist


She flinched soo hard.

Y/n - " Ahhhh!"

She turned around and looked at me shocked

Y/n - " What are you doing here?"

Tae - " Were you nervous that I was soo close?"

I asked with a smug smile

Y/n - " Nervous?? I was scared!!

Are you ghost or something, standing behind me without making any noise....I almost got a heart attack."

She shook her head and my smile faded

Y/n - " Pass me the bowl from there."

Tae's mind - " Okay, so she was not nervous, she got scared, failed in this one❌"

Today I decided to check the other thing.

3. They laugh the loudest on your jokes.

I went towards y/n who was watching Netflix and sat beside her.

I started having small talks with her to which she was replying shortly.

Tae's mind - " I think it's time for my joke."

Tae - " Can I ask you something?"

Y/n - " Hmmm"

She said looking at the T.V

Tae - " Which country's capital has the fastest growing population?"

She just shrugged her shoulder.

Tae - " Ireland, cause everyday it's Dublin"😂😂🤣

I started laughing loudly.

But she looked at me with 'so done' look

Y/n - " would you let me watch the T.V peacefully?"

I stopped laughing and pouted sadly while getting up and going back to my room

Tae's mind - " I should never use Jin hyung's jokes."

Tae - " This one failed as well❌"

I read the other one

4. They took secret glances at you

Tae -" I don't need to check it, because I know she never does this, it's always me who is caught looking at her by her."

I again sadly pout.

It was evening I was in the study when I heard some chatting from downstairs.

I walked out to see what's happening?

I saw y/n and her friend Lisa sitting in the living room having coffee and chatting.

I was about go back to the study room but then an idea came to my mind.

Tae's mind - " let's try the jealousy one."

I walked downstairs to the living room with my hands in the pocket

Tae - " Hi Lisa."

I took a seat.

Lisa - " Oh hi! Mr.Kim"

Tae - " Oh come-on! You can call me Taehyung."

I looked at y/n and she was just smiling

Tae - " You are looking beautiful Lisa."

Before Lisa could answer y/n suddenly spoke

Y/n - " I know right?

I was telling her the same thing...she is looking extra beautiful today."

She then turned to Lisa and asked

Y/n -" you did something right? Tell me."

Lisa - " yah! It's nothing..I just tried a new skin care routine and it helped I guess."

Y/n - " What routine? Tell me."

She said excitedly

My sad pout was again back.

I got up from there and walked back to the study.

Tae's mind - " Huh! Jealous? She is here agreeing with me when I am flirting with her friend

This is a fail too❌"

I was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling

Tae's mind - " I think y/n doesn't love me😔....but she doesn't love Mark either🙂..... don't worry I will make her fall for me😁"

Just then y/n entered the room, wished me good night and slept back facing me

I went towards her and backhugged her....this is my habit now and she also doesn't mind it.

Tae's mind - " I love you"

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