《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 26


So the first set of product we launched were doing good in the market,

That was a wonderful thing

and we were already working on the designs of our second set of products.

Since now I am the head designer,so I have a huge responsibility.

But to my unfortune my team, is not very supportive.

I guess they still didn't liked the fact that I became the head designer, even after knowing the whole story behind the fashion show.

They always try to contradict me and my opinions.

But right now I care less about that, what I care more about is my work and about the company.

I have no time to involve myself in their grudges

Right now I am conducting the meeting in fashion department to finalise the designs.

I was standing in front ,with the screen showing a design and said

Y/n - " So, this is the rough draft of our finalised design...I would like to know your opinion about that."

I said and looked at my colleagues

Worker 1 - " Mam, we don't have any Offshoulder piece in the set...so I think if this dress is given off shoulder design, then that would look even more perfect."

I looked at him

Y/n - " Offshoulder? Oh yes I like that idea...we will work on it."

In this way people were giving their opinions and I was answering if I liked it or not.

We were almost done with discussions when someone spoke

Yeji - " Mam, actually I have my own design as well........I am not being rude but I think that is better than this."

She said cockily.

Yeji is one of those people who love to create trouble.

I raised an eyebrow and said

Y/n - " Would you like to show us your design Miss Yeji?"

She took out her pendrive and inserted it in the laptop to show us her design on the projector screen.

She started explaining her design

When she was done I said

Y/n - " Miss Yeji, your design is good but it is not very suitable to our theme and it has some defects like...."

I told her about some defects in her design politely.


My comment wasn't taken very nicely by her.

Yeji - " Mrs.Y/n, I know you are the head designer but it doesn't mean only you know about fashion here


Let someone else also show their hardwork.

Why are you always sabotaging the hard work of others."

She said annoyed

Y/n - " Miss yeji, I have clearly explained why I am refusing your design."

I also replied in an annoyed tone.

Yeji - " Mrs. Y/n, please don't act like you know everything."

She said and rolled her eyes

I was pissed at her now, why she always has to make a mountain out of a mole-hill.

Y/n - " Okay, if you think your design is good enough to be the final design, I allow you to present your design in the main meeting in front of the CEO and COO."

I know her design would not be approved so to bring her mind on the right track I gave her that offer.

Yeji - " okay."

She said with a smirk.

Her smirk confused me, I was wondering why is she so confident.

Me, yeji, COO and few other people were sitting in the meeting room waiting for Taehyung.

Just then Taehyung entered the room and took his seat and gestured us to start the meeting.

I went up in the front, showed my design and started explaining it.

I looked at everyone's faces and it showed that they are satisfied with the design.

I was done with my explanation so I said

Y/n - " But this is not the only final design we have...our Junior designer miss Yeji also have a design which she wants to present."

I came back to my seat and yeji went in front and started explaining her design

Yeji was done with her explaination and now it was time to vote for designs.

They were discussing something amongst them and then COO spoke

COO - " I am sorry Miss Yeji, but I think your design needs some more work, so I would vote for Mrs.Y/n's design."

Everyone agreed with him and voted for my design.

I was happy as I was expecting this


Then Taehyung spoke

Tae - " Wait a minute"

Everyone's attention turned towards him

Tae - "Mrs.Y/n's design was good but I think Miss Yeji did a wonderful job."

He said looking at yeji but everyone else was shocked.

Tae - " Miss Yeji's design is unique so I would prefer Miss Yeji's design."


His eyes never left Yeji,who looked like she was on cloud nine

And I was confused, if he is joking or being serious.

COO - " But sir it- "

Tae - " I have made my decision Mr.Bang."

Since Tae is the CEO, so whatever he chooses will be the final design.

He stood up followed by everyone and walked towards Yeji smiling and shook her hands.

Tae - " Congratulations Miss Yeji, your design is chosen."

I was in utter confusion right now, I don't know why is he doing this.

Yeji - " Thank you Mr.Kim "

She shyly said

Y/n - " Mr .Kim ca-"

Tae - " Mrs. Y/n, please let others also showcase their talent."

He said coldly.

I was shocked, would be an understatement....I didn't knew what to do.

He walked out of meeting followed by everyone and then yeji ,who left while giving me an evil smirk

I was the last one to leave but I didn't went to the department I went back home

because I was not in the state to

bear the humiliation I would be given by my juniors

I was the one who very confidently told yeji that her designs have defects and now in main meeting her design was chosen over mine

This was definitely something to humiliate me with.

As they always find opportunities to belittle me

so they would never leave this chance.

I was sitting on my bed hugging my legs crying with my face in my knees after coming from office

Taehyung was the last person I was expecting to reject my design.

He has always liked my work then why he?

Right now, I can only find one explanation of Taehyung's behavior.

I was comparing this situation with Mark and Sowon's situation.

Today's incident brought back the memory of Mark taking side of Sowon over me


Now my husband is taking side on someone else over me.

I wouldn't have minded if Yeji's design was worthy but I know it was not

then why?

Everyone else supported my design then why he didn't?

I was scared....i was scared of getting cheated again..... and my tears were not ready to stop.

Just then I heard the front door open and I realized Taehyung is back

I quickly entered the bathroom to get rid of my crying face.

After sometime I came out of the bathroom and saw Taehyung in the room.

He noticed me and came towards me.

Tae - " Y/n"

I ignored him and was about to walk past him when he held my wrist.

He was making me angry.

Y/n - " Don't you dare touch me."

I firmly said removing my wrist and walked out when he said

Tae - "listen to me y/n...why are you behaving like this?"

I stopped and turned around

I was sooooo angry at this moment.

Y/n - " Why am I behaving like this?

You are asking me?

But I ask you Mr.Kim why were you behaving like that in the meeting?"

Tae - " Y/n, I- "

I walked towards him and said

Y/n - " You preferred her designs over mine....can you please tell me what were the defects in my designs."

My tone was so angry.

He didn't said anything but looked down

Y/n - " Do you understand how much humiliation it would give me?"

Tae - ".................."


I shouted

I was genuinely expecting him to tell me what was wrong in my design but he was still silent,his silence was confirming my doubts which angered me even more


He immediately looked at me

Tae - " Y/n- "


Tae - " Y/N!!"

He raised his voice.


Tae - " Its-"


I scoffed


Past betrayals with me were taking charge right now.

Tae - " Y/N STOP!"

He said angrily but I didn't cared because I was angry too.



I was cut off by a tight slap

It was so strong that I fell down on the floor with my head moving opposite and my hair covering the face.

I kept my hand on my slapped cheek and my tears started flowing

I looked up at him with my red eyes.

He was still angry.

I quitely got up and walked up to the guestroom , locked myself in and started crying leaning on the door

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