《Arrange Marriage||Taehyung ff||》Part - 18


During the whole ride, she was shouting at me, cursing me and what not.

I don't know how she still has so much energy.

We reached home, I quickly came out of the car, opened her side of door and picked her up bridal style.

She was still resisting, kicking and all

on top of that she smells like she bathed in alcohol.

I somehow took her upstairs in the room and immediately entered the bathroom.

I made her stand in the shower cubicle, trapping her between me and the wall and press the shower on🚿

As soon as the water touched her body, she stopped her movements and relaxed closing her eyes.

I was just looking at her face,

water dripping through her hair flowing from cheeks to her lips.

Her lips

My gaze stuck at her lips which were wet and looked plump.

A sudden urge to kiss those lips overpowered me.

The urge was so powerful that I lost all my senses,I forgot whatever the situation is.

I slowly leaned forward and put my lips on her soft and warm lips

and closed my eyes.

My heartbeat accelerated,I slowly started to move my lips

savouring the taste of her cherry lips

but then the realization hit me.

She is drunk, I can't take advantage of her.

I quickly backed off.

She slide down the wall and sat down on the floor like a ball with her eyes still closed.

And then another realization hit me.

Tae - " She is soaked, now how do I make her change her clothes."

I bent down towards her and started shaking her.

Tae- " Hey y/n, get up and change your clothes."

She wasn't budging, I think she slept just like that.

Tae - " What should I do now? She will catch cold."


I picked her up and placed her on the couch in our room.

I opened my closet and picked the longest black T-shirt I have and also an eye mask.

I wore the eyemask, so that I can't see anything.

I started removing her clothes,along with undergarments because they were soaked too and made her wear my t-shirt.

My hands were trembling throughout.

and my heart would skip a beat whenever my hands touched her skin.

I removed my eye mask dryed her hair and tucked her in the bed.

I was amazed at the fact that even the sound of dryer didn't wake her up.

I came out of the bathroom, after changing my clothes and looked at y/n

who was mumbling something.

Tae - " Y/n, you need something?"

Y/n - " Mark..."

I stopped my moments when I heard what she said.

Y/n - " Even Mark left me, he left me for that bitch.

I wanted to marry him but he...."

She was thinking about that Mark, in her sleep.

I felt anger rising in me, I backfaced her and slept.

I woke up because of the stupid alarm, I quickly shut it off and sat up.

My head was paining like hell,I realized that I maybe drunk last night due to that nonsense competition.

But I don't remember what happened after that.

I was about to remove my duvet when I noticed what I was wearing.

I looked under the duvet and I was not even wearing my undergarments.

I started panicking and my hands started becoming sweaty.

Just then Taehyung entered the room with a tray.

I pulled up the duvet up to my neck

and asked him with a trembling voice.

Y/n - " Taehyung, what happened last night?"


Tae - " N-nothing."

He was not making an eye contact with me, which made me even more scared.

He walked towards the bed and put the tray on the nightstand.

Y/n - " What did you do to me?"

My voice cracked and my tears started flowing.

I know he is my husband, but he can't do anything to me, without my permission and conscious.

He immediately looked at me at widened his eyes.

Tae - " No,no y/n "

He tried to hold my hand but I yanked it.

Y/n - " Don't touch me."

Tae - " Y/n, you are misunderstanding, let me explain."

I looked at him and said

Y/n - " speak"

Tae- " y/n, you were drunk last night and continuously struggling,so to calm you down, I took you to the shower a-and t-then I-I No,then you were soaked so I changed your clothes."

I gasped

Tae- " Don't worry, I didn't saw anything, I wore this eye mask."

He said showing me the eyemask.

I felt relieved.

I lowered my e s and said

Y/n - " Thank you for helping me last night and sorry I misunderstood you."

Tae - " I-its okay,...... I don't know how to cook hangover soup so here I bought some honey and banana,

it'll help you."

He said and entered the bathroom with his clothes.

I don't know why but I still think he is guilty of something.

I shrugged my thoughts and started having the banana.

I was standing in front of the mirror, trying to do my tie.

Tae's mind- " Why am I feeling this, why it hurts me so much thinking that she wanted to marry that Mark,

she already told me before

that she loves him

then why this fact is hurting me Soo much now

I don't know what she has done to me,I suddenly start feeling nervous when I am close to her,

her smile makes me soo happy,

why can't I tolerate some other man around her,

I used to be a Playboy flirting with almost every girl.

But since she came into my life,

I didn't flirted with any girl,

nor did i checked out anyone else except her.

It's not that I am trying to do that,

I just don't feel like flirting or checking out girls.

What is this freaking feeling.?????"

I was in my deep thoughts when bathroom door opened and y/n walked in.

She looked at me and said

Y/n - " Geez! Taehyung, what mess have you created with your tie."

She walked towards me,and started doing my tie.

She was concentrating on my tie and I was concentrating on her face.

Tae's mind - " This is happening again, that giddy feeling

And my heart, it is running a marathon now."

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