《Actions Speak Louder Than Fortune Cookies》5 - Oh Great Fortune


An hour later, Alexa was on her way out the door, fancy as could be for the wedding she was taking part in.

As soon as she left, Rylee threw together some quick leftovers for dinner, Chinese from her favorite place down the block. She sighed as she finished her last few bites before throwing away the containers. As she cleaned up the counter, she noticed her forgotten fortune cookie waiting for her. She smirked as she picked up it and ripped open its pouch.

Since she was a kid, she had always loved the idea of fortune cookies. She new at the end of the day that they were just silly, made up bits of wisdom and humor by some person behind a desk in Chicago or something, but she liked to pretend for a moment that this specific cookie and its specific fortune were supposed to make their way to her.

She snapped the cookie clean in half, pulling out the fortune strip, and popping a portion of the cookie into her mouth. As she chewed, she flipped the small strip of paper over and began to read:

She sat pondering her new found fortune as she finished eating the other half of the cookie.

That's pretty deep. Damn. She laughed to herself. She didn't have the heart to throw it away, so she decided to peel back her clear silicone phone case and tucked the fortune inside. When she flipped her phone over, it stretched perfectly across the back, almost like it was made to fit there.

She placed her phone on its charger and made her way to the bathroom and started getting ready for her 7 o'clock shift at Ruby's. She has always volunteered for Friday and Saturday prime time shifts, but man could they drag. She couldn't deny the tip money she received in those two nine hour periods though. Plus Johnny knew he could always count on her. She had been working there for a while and was one of the few "veteran" staff, as he called her, that could run the ship without him there.


Once she got out of the shower, she threw on her glasses and started to blow dry her hair, using her round brush to get the perfect curls to lay across her shoulders. She padded across the hall to her bedroom to change into her Ruby's attire. Usually during her Friday and Saturday shifts, Rylee would break out her lace push up bras that peaked out of the top of her low cut tank top. She didn't do it yesterday though because it was laundry day, so why not do it today she said to herself as she pulled her black tank top over her red lace push up. She then decided to match her bra and her cheeky underwear because why not. She pulled those on and then hopped into her jean shorts.

She made her way back to the bathroom, put in her contacts and completed her makeup routine.

And just like that she was already grabbing her phone and purse, sliding on her Converse, and making her way out the door.

The subway ride was never very long but it was always full of characters. Today there was a man playing slow r&b music on his saxophone on the opposite end of her train car. She would normally listen to music from her Spotify off her phone during these trips, but when people were playing music on the train, she enjoyed listening to them. She loved the uniqueness and variety New York City brought to every moment of her days.

She had only come to the city five or so years ago, moving here from a small town North of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but she felt like she had lived here forever. She had always enjoyed the hustle and bustle of city life, especially growing up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, but New York City was a whole different ball game. Quite literally too, cause man the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team is just not great. It was crazy to move to a place with a team like the Yankees.


Her train arrived at her destination and she hopped off with a new skip in her step, her day brightened by the music she was able to witness moments ago. She had another block or two to walk, so she decided not to plug herself into her Spotify today, just taking in the sounds of the city. As the sun began its descent, the busy streets lived on.

As she walked inside Ruby's she was greeted by the regulars, she waved and smiled back. She's happy that, for the most part, she doesn't have to fake her way through her job. She has known others in the past who have had to plaster on a smile and whisk up a bubbly persona to make it through a shift, but luckily, here, she didn't have to do that. She really did, over all, enjoy her job here. She always got to meet new people from all different walks of life, while also getting to make close connections with the regulars that flowed in. Of course, with any bar, the longer the nights go on, and the drunker some get, you really get to see people's true personalities shine. Luckily again, she hasn't had to deal with too many crazies, and the security at Ruby's is always on top of their game.

Rylee walked through the swinging door behind the bar and found a nice safe place to tuck her purse. She trusted everyone that worked at Ruby's so she wasn't too concerned with anyone trying to mess with her stuff. She turned around to grab a cold bottle of water out of the fridge behind her and took a sip, before replacing the cap. She grabbed a sharpie off the counter and wrote "R

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