《No Good (Daryl Dixon)》Chapter 6


~Rebel's POV~

"Are ye' insane?" he yelled.

"We are literally on the first floor, what is it, 20 feet? Stop being such a baby. If you really want me to, I'll catch you."

I smiled at him sarcastically and surveyed the ground below us. There weren't any walkers as far as I could tell, but it was dark, so my eyes weren't much use.

I plopped on my bottom and swung my legs over so they were dangling near a filthy window.

I secured my bow and the sheath of arrows on my back and placed the palms of my hands on the roof, preparing myself to push off.

Before I could jump, the window shattered and a frigid hand grabbed my leg.

If you could call it hand. The skin was peeling away to the point that you could see the muscles moving. Blood flowed freely, staining my leg a nauseating inflamed color.

I was brutally yanked down and a harsh scream slipped through my lips.

The raw fingers raked down my exposed legs, although, it was docile enough so as not to leave a scratch.

My vision was spotted with little red and black dots and I fought my subconscious to stay awake. I couldn't black out now. I needed to survive.

It was as if someone had read my thoughts, a warm hand gripped my forearm and lifted me briskly, yet gently.

The frigid hand released me unwillingly with a groan of hunger reverberating through my fragile body.

I was tugged back to my feet, both the bow and sheath of arrows falling to the ground in the process.

I let out a small squeal as a set of warm hands gripped my shoulders firmly.

I felt my hair being brushed out of my face and words were being spoken to me but they bounced off my ears and I couldn't decipher what they were.I tried to focus on the lips that were moving rapidly in front of me.

"Rebel! Ye' okay?" The words were being spewed at me and my head spun in confusion.

Was I okay? That was like shooting me and asking if it hurt. I was just attacked by a walker and this man had the nerve to ask me if I was okay?

"Peachy." I spat. I guess the words were a bit harsh but at a time like this, it was all I could think of.

"Yer' leg." Daryl said bluntly. Yeah, big whoop. I have a leg.

"What about it?" I asked bitterly.

"You're bleedin'."

I looked down and sure enough, my leg was smeared with blood. I collapsed to the ground and pulled my leg up, balancing my foot on my thigh. Sure, there was blood. But it wasn't mine.

"It's not mine. The walker was bleeding. No scratches, no bite. I'm fine." I muttered just loud enough for him to here.

"Guess that plan's out. What now?" Daryl asked me.

I swiveled my head around to look for alternate options. I felt stupid when I saw the ladder that was behind us. It was hardly a yard away.

"We could climb down the ladder." I suggested dumbly.

He whipped around, like me, he didn't notice that ladder that was so near to us. He walked over and pushed down with his foot a bit.

The ladder let out a groan of protest under his weight but it seemed to hold steady.

Daryl looked up at me in confirmation and I nodded, urging him to go first.


I stood up and slung the weapon over my shoulder, striding over to the rusty ladder and shimmying down it cautiously.

I was about halfway down and the creaking became louder, echoing off the brick walls of the nearby buildings.

The ladder let out a sickening snap and the top of the contraption flew back, smacking my arms and sending my flying. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact.

But it never came.

When I opened my eyes, I was in Daryl's arms. His musky scent had engulfed me and his sturdy arms were holding me captive.

His hot breath fanned over my face and I shivered by being so close to him. The way I fit in his arms was so...


"Thank you." I said quietly, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.

Daryl released his vice grip on me and my feet fell to the pavement. One of his arms was still placed on the small of my back, keeping me upright.

It was hard not to notice how close our bodies were. I was pushed flush against him, our bodies connecting, forming one. He was at least a head taller than me, causing me to look up at him and him, down on me.

I lowered my head and stared at our feet that were mixed together. I could feel his sweltering breath against the top of my head, blowing my hair in several directions.

I lifted my head back up and regretted it almost immediately.

Our lips collided, but instead of pulling away awkwardly, we stayed there. Our lips mashed together and my hand found his hair and I weaved my fingers through his grungy hair.

The hand that was on the small of my back applied more pressure, pushing us together even more, if that was even possible. His tongue found it's way into my mouth and intertwined with mine.

The kiss was short-lived as a scream resounded through the alley.

We pulled away, putting a fair amount of distance between the two of us. A boy ran through the alley toward us, he was running from Rick and Glen. In the boy's hands was the bag of guns that had been spoken of.

The boy must've not seen us, because he ran straight into Daryl, making the two tumble to the ground.

Daryl rolled out from under the boy and pinned him to the ground. I snatched the bag of guns and tossed them to Rick, considering they were his.

"Get anything good?" Glenn asked me, gesturing to the duffel bag full of weapons from the shooting range.

I nodded and kicked the bag to him so he could survey the goods. He unzipped the bag and his eyes widened.

I heard him let out a few colorful words and a "Well done." directed towards Daryl and I.

T-Dog rounded the corner and pulled a chain-link fence closed, blocking the path of the herd of walkers that were chasing after him.

They slammed against the fence, trying to find a way through it or around it.

Several tried to climb it, but failed by either losing a limb or being forced off by another carnivorous walker.

Daryl started yelling at the boy and he was trying to find out where something was or who someone was. I rolled my eyes, that was never going to work.

Yelling was never my best questioning method, seduction was.

I pushed Daryl off the boy and stepped closer to him, making Daryl look at me spitefully. I could see why, it's not like we hadn't just shared a kiss. I pressed my body against the boy's, trying my hardest not to gag.


"I really need a place to stay. I'm not very fond of this group and I want to stay with your's. Please?" I asked quietly, sticking my lower lip out in what I knew was an adorable pout.

I had gotten a countless number of boys to share their deepest secrets by just pouting, it was, in my opinion, the best form of seduction.

"Ye' do?" Daryl asked me, disbelief filling his voice. Rick looked at me, obviously shocked by my false statement.

The boy cleared his throat, "I would be more than happy to show you. You got a car?"

I shook my head, "They do, they can drop us off and they'll leave. I promise." I rubbed my hand up and down his arm seductively. I could see lust glaze his eyes.

This was too damn easy.

I thought to myself. He was practically dropping to his knees and kissing my feet. It had probably been awhile since he got any female attention, so it wasn't that hard to believe he would act this way.

I could see the boy's Adams Apple bobbing up and down. He nodded eagerly and I pushed myself off of him. I grabbed his hand and looked back towards the group.

Daryl was shooting both me and the boy daggers while the rest of them were staring in shock.

"Ready, guys?" I asked sweetly, like I hadn't just offered to give myself to the boy who couldn't be any older than me.

Rick shook his head and nodded. We headed in the opposite direction of the walkers that were banging on the fence.

The path we took was clear and in little time we were back at the van, all the while I was holding the boy's grimy, sweaty hand.

I climbed into the van, settling myself into the boy's lap. It felt so disgusting and I tried not to retch up this morning's meal.

The boy gave Glenn the instructions and his hand settled into the back pocket of my denim shorts.

The ride was bumpy to say the least. Every time we hit a bump I felt the boy's.....boy....rise. It was creepy and distasteful. The whole ride Daryl was staring at me, trying to figure out why my mood had changed so quickly.

At one point, he mouthed a single word, "Why?" My only response was a wink and a small smile.

After that, he dropped his gaze. Trying to keep up with the act, I nestled my head into the boy's dingy neck. I felt his arousal even more present and I struggled not to jump out of his hold.

The van rolled to a stop and I stood up, pulling the boy with me. The door slid open and we all hopped out. The boy looked at Rick questioningly, as if asking why they were still here.

"We want to make sure she gets where you're going safely." Rick said. The boy nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist, guiding me to a crumbling brick wall. We came across a gaping hole and I looked at him suspiciously.

"We live right through here." He explained, pointing at the hole. I nodded and decided that now was the time to put my plan in action.

I thrusted my elbow into his ribs and he let out a cry of pain. I side-kicked his legs, making him fall to the ground in agony. I pushed my combat boot on his chest so he wouldn't be able to move.

"Thanks for the tour, boy." I spat in his face and kicked his head, deftly knocking him out.

I looked back at the group, "What now?"

Daryl eyeballed me, a trace of a smile playing on his lips.

He looked like he was proud of me for putting on the act that I did. I was proud too. I had never acted like that to a guy, much less a boy.

Rick stepped forward, "Chances are, they have a guard watching the door. We need a distraction to let their guards down. Rebel, can you do that?"

I nodded. "I've got just the thing." I beamed at the group before reaching my hand up and rubbing my eye laboriously. I could feel eyes of confusion on me as I rubbed my face, causing blood to come up making my cheeks red and blotchy. I fuzzed my hair up and ripped my shirt slightly, causing it to cut open to the middle of my ribs.

By the time I was done, I looked like I had been dragged back and forth through a grove of brambles. It was just what I was going for. A small tear rolled down my cheek, completing my look.

I stepped through the chink in the wall and made my breathing seem ragged. The alloy doors flung open and a group of men came out, aiming their guns at me.

I let out a 'startled' squeal, trying to act scared.

I forced my body to shake as I threw my hands in the air. "I'm not a walker, I swear!"

The main guy signaled for the others to lower their guns. "What's your story?" The guy's voice was rugged and tired, like he had been through too much to care.

"My sister and mother were attacked and I got out. I didn't know they would become what they did. I had to shoot them and I-" I cut off sobbing, trying to act heartbroken by cracking my voice on several of the words.

"I'm sorry. Guys, go back inside. I'm gonna get this beautiful girl cleaned up." The main guy said, it was more of an order than a request.

He handed his gun to another guy and they walked back into the building, closing the doors behind them.

He opened his arms and I rushed into them. He smelled cleaner than he should've. I almost believed he had shower access.

"What's your name?" he asked in his thick Jersey accent.

"Kimberly, but everyone calls me Kimmie." I said, making up the most common name I could think of.

He nodded, "I'm-" he was cut off by the guys ducking through the hole in the wall. They aimed there guns at the main guy. I unwrapped his arms and backed away from him teasingly.

"Kimmie? You know these guys?" He asked me, eyeing the group wearily.

"You shouldn't call someone by their fake name. Don't you know it's rude?" I teased him by skipping back to the group and grabbing the bow and arrows from Daryl who was previously holding them for me.

The doors flung open and Rick and the main guy launched into a conversation that I wasn't paying attention to.

I should have, but I didn't. Rick walked into the building with the main guy and our group ducked back under the wall, leaving me and Daryl standing in a deserted area.

"Ye' got some good actin' skills." he complimented me with a smirk playing on his features.

"Thanks." I beamed my signature smile at him and skipped back under the wall.

As I straightened my spine, I felt an arm loop around my neck and I was slammed into the brick wall. I could tell who it was from the sickeningly minty breath that wafted over my face.

Porter was back.


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