《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 6


It's been a week since Shota moved in completely, the two made small talk mostly, Hizashi was busy with his job at the local music store and well, Aziawa didn't have a job, so he stayed home watching TV or watching cat videos.

9:15, 'bout time for Hizashi's loud ass... in the past week Shota heard the real side of Hizashi, the loud beats of rap and techno and classic rock, Shota liked it oddly better than Toshinori's women. Shota sighed on tge small couch, the memory of what happened here was still fuzzy... Hizashi opened the door, carrying a bag, fast food..? Is that fucking McDonald's... Jesus Christ 'Zashi... that's what Shota called him in his head... thinking it would be awkward to call him that around the house "Hey Sho! I got a quick meal hope you don't mind" Hizashi had a stupid smile plastered on his face "Whatever, I guess it's better than your cooking" he lightly snickered, Hizashi could burn water if you didn't watch him and correct him on what he done, "Well... someone's being rude" the blond mumbled, it kicked a chuckle in Shota.

They ate the meals, but the pickles were picked off Shota's burger and thrown into the trash, "pickles are gross, how could you eat those" Shota cringed "I like sour things, more sour the better if you ask me" Hizashi smiled that stupid grin.

10:45. Hizashi stretched from the small couch, the two were watching this animal documentary about birds (cause why not) Hizashi wanted to make Shota laugh so he made these stupid voices for the birds

(The greatest video I could think of)

It actually worked Shota laughed and even snorted a little! Hizashi proudly mocked Shota's little snort "that was so adorable!" The blond spoke out loud, not meaning to at all. "Um.. erm... damn it... sorry.. I didn't mean to sa-" Hizashi's cheeks burned with heat and embarrassment "i... I'm going to take a shower!" Hizashi rushed into his bathroom a small bundle of clothes in his hand, he kicked the shower onto cold and stared into the mirror "God damn it Hizashi screw everything up why don't you" Hizashi stared into his own green eyes, whispering to his self.


Shota's cheeks were warmer than usual, odd... but i think that loud mouth likes me.. very odd... Shota looked at the time, Hizashi would be going to bed soon, so he should too. He drug his fingers through his jet black, it felt gross, no longer soft and puffy like usual and Hizashi was going to use all the hot water... fuck... they would have to share a shower...

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