《Cat Kisses Are Better~ //ERASERMIC//》Chap. 1


The door unlocked with ease, the lights flickered with delay "old room I assume" Shota thought. He threw his keys in a small clear bowl, plastered with glittery cat stickers, his greatest work of art. He snickered, as he grabbed a shot glass and filled it to the brim with the weakest whiskey Shota grabbed, he was being cheap... really cheap. He downed the brown liquid and booted his little laptop, "" Shota tensed up it had mainly scared him and grossed him out. "Damn man-hoe" Shota spoke in a crisp, monotone voice. Luckily his cat headset, black to go with everything, were still charged so he connected them to the laptop and Googled the address on the yellow form. "Hmm... 2 blocks from here..." his voice scared him. Phone... where's my damn phone when I need it, he got up looking everywhere, then he found it in the take-out bag, the screen was warm and wet from the condensation. "Gross" Shota shuttered. He wiped the phone off and dialed the number...

"MY MY MY MUSIC HITS ME SO HARD MAKES YOU SAY OH MY LORD🎶" Hizashi screeched in the shower, the mixture of MC Hammer, running water and almost melodic singing were almost nothing compared to how loud Hizashi's phone was. The blonde almost slipped out of the shower to answer his phone, he slipped and grabbed it before the ring was over "H-Hello?" Hizashi spoke breathless, wiping wet, blond streaks off his face. "Um... did I interupt... something" the voice was clean, fresh, bleak. Hizashi blushed getting what the caller meant "uh.. oh no! No not at all, what can I help you with?" Hizashi picked his wet self off of the floor and wrapped his lower half so he could sit on the couch waiting for the call to end. "I'm calling about the spare room and bath? I would like to know if it was still up for offer" YES! Hizashi thought My first call about the room. "Ah, Yes, so far you're the only one whose called about it, it's still up. If I could recommend seeing it before moving right in, that away I'll be able to know you before I let a stranger move it, you understand right?" Hizashi was practically bouncing happily. A few seconds past "yes, of course. Alright. Let's see..." Hizashi looked at the digital clock hanging above his "bookshelf" which he used for useless crap than books. 4:15 "I'll be over at 5 sharp, is that okay for you?" Hizashi blushed A little He sounds so refined, so... fancy "That's perfectly alright with me, I'm Hizashi Yamada" it took him a few minutes before he realized he was smiling a goofy like grin "Shota Aziawa, I'll see you soon Hizashi" then the phone beeped, the call was over...

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