《Save me from the darkness. Kiritodobakudeku》Chapter 17 Day 2 : The forest. It's all fun and games until someone _____...


Sorry for not updating for ages.

I wake up and I'm in a a dark room. I look around and see Izuku on the floor infront of me. I quickly ran up to him. He was almost dead and covered in blood. He spotted me and whispered 'this is your fault. You said you would protect me but you didn't' before disappearing. In his place Ejiro who was slowly dicintergrating. He saw me and said 'HELP ME. please' he whimpered the last part before completely faiding away. Next was Shoto. He was on fire. 'You promised me you would protect me from my father.' He then slowly burnt and vanished leaving behind his ashes.Soon after the voices started up again.

Your fault


No-one loves you. They only pity you



You promised


Then I woke up panting. After I had regulated my breathing I looked at my watch. It was 6:00 am. About half 'n' hour before Shitty hair woke up. Sighing I got up and went downstairs to make a feast. I ended up making waffles, french toast, pancakes, omelets and hashbrowns. Then as I was starting on lunch Eiji came downstairs. I continued to work on luch which consisted of sushi and rice balls. 'Mornin' babe. Babe? Bakubro? Bakubabe? Katsubro?? Katsubabe? Kat? Suki? Kats? Katsuki? Katsudon???? Kacchan?' The last one got my attention. 'Yea Eji?' 'Can I wake up Sho and Zuku?' 'Yes then come down for breakfast.

'Okie dokie' I yelled as I went up the stairs using my wings. Which according to Aizawa would go away in 5 minutes. After I got upstairs my wings disappeared. 'Perfect timing' I thought to myself before launching onto our bed. I woke Sho up first because I knew Izu had insomnia. Shaking Shoto awake I started to whisper yell 'Babe. Babe. Todobro. Todobroski. Todobroki. Todobabe. Todobabeski. Todobabeki. Shobro. Shobabe. Sho. Shoto. Kitten. wake up.' groaning Sho finally got up. 'Whaaaaaaaaaaat?''Breakfast is ready' and with that Shoto was racing down the stairs. I then turned to Zuzu and the process continues 'babe. Babe. Midobro. Midobabe. Izubabe. Izubro. Izu. Zuku. Zuzu. Izuku. Dekuuuuuu. Bunny?' breakfasts ready it's time to get up. 'uuuugh. What time is ittt?'


'Kacchaaaaan! That was really good.'

' heh thanks nerd'

'Aizawa sensei what are we doing here?' Izuku asks

'Well problem child we're staying in the forest until about 2 and then we're going to the graveyard. '

'Let's play last man!' Mina yelled after lunch.

'YEAH!' Denki replied enthusiastically already gathering everyone up for it. The seekers were Iida, Aoyama, Shinsou and Ojiro. Momo ended up winning the game.

'Alright everyone it's time to go to the graveyard'

'Sir, isn't this Sir Nighteye's grave?' Deku said whilst holding back tears. 'And Nana Shimura's is there too.'

'Yes young Midoriya it is' was the only reply he got before Aizawa stalked off into the distance.

'Why's everyone so sad?' I thought. 'I know! they seem to miss them so I'll hug the graves!' I then went over to the graves Deku was standing by and hugged each of the cold stones tightly. After that I went over to where dad was and hugged this grave. His name was Oboro Shirakumo.

I was looking at Oboro's grave when suddenly there was shouting coming from behind me. I turned around and Eri's horn was glowing! Oh shit. I rushed over but Izuku got there faster and calmed her down. As soon as I got over I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again.

Then from behind me I heard a disgruntled voice I thought I would never here again.

'Eri what did you do?'

'BABE!' The man shreaked in happiness


'Nana Shimura is that really you?'


'Oboro?' The black haired male sobbed running over to his until recently deceased best friend.

'All right kids time for bed,' Aizawa sighed contently leaning into his boyfriend and his childhood friend. One by one they all left saying goodnight to their makeshift parents and uncle.

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