《Save me from the darkness. Kiritodobakudeku》Chapter 9 Day 1: The beach. Fun with Kota


Deku speaking

Eri speaking

' ' Kota shouted running towards the brocoli boi. The red hed, blonde and half 'n' half looked at each other in confusion. The greenette ran over to the boy and hugged him. '?' Kota asked anxiously. Izuku sighed. 'Oh Kota they did but then I fought overhaul to save Eri. I broke my bones again then and had to stop using them. But a couple weeks ago I finally mastered my quirk. So yes Kota they've healed now' Deku whispered happily yet still remorseful after thinking about that day. '?' Kota asked suspiciously. 'Actually that reminds me she's around your age. She's behind Kacchan right now though. Do ya wanna meet her?' '!' Eri can you come here please?' 'Um sure Mr. Deku!' Hi I'm Eri, wanna be friends?' '.' Kota said whilst dragging Eri down to the sea where Tokoyami, Sero and a couple others were playing volley ball.

Um what just happened? One second Izu was walking with us and the next he was with some black haired kid chatting like they trusted each other with their life. I looked at my other two boyfriend hoping for an answer but they were just as confused as me. After he finished talking with the boy, who I later found out was Kota, Deku turned around and said 'I guess I need to explain?'. I was about to say something when Blasty stepped in and yelled 'Um... Fuck yeah you do nerd. Who was that?' 'That's Kota' He mumbled. He then proceeded to explain everything about how they met and then about how he saved him from Muscular. Bakubabe cut in yet again yelling 'WhY dIdN't YoU cAlL fOr HeLp Or SoMeThInG!?!'. Deku's reply was hilarious. 'One 'cause they were looking for you, two because my phone broke and three because I can look after myself.'


We were in the water when I felt something underneath me. I looked down to see ashy blonde spikes speeding up to the surface. I felt myself rising and being tossed backwards into the water. The last thing I saw before I went under. Kacchan. I emerged back up.

I turned around to see a dripping wet Izu emerge from under the water taking off his flip flop. 'Katsuki Bakugou!' He whispered dangerously. Katsu having heard him turned around panicked. He looked at the flip flop in his boyfriends hand and ran behind Ei. Wow he was actually scared. Izu started stalking closer making Katsuki run out of the water. Zu ran after using his quirk to make him faster. 'Babe if we want to still have two other boyfriends by the end of the day we should probably go stop him.' Ei yelled. 'But Ei do we have to? I feed off drama' I whined. 'Yes now come on!' he replied.

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