《Save me from the darkness. Kiritodobakudeku》Chapter 5 coach trip pt. 2


There was an hour left until we got off the bus. An hour til we can crash in our cabin. An hour until I can cuddle with my boyfriends. Who knows maybe I wont even cut? Yeah thats a lie. But maybe it could happen. Then I got the urge to cut. 'Just a little longer' I thought to myself. Just then Aizawa-sensei announced that we would be reaching a gas station in a couple minutes. Yes I just had to wait a couple minutes then I could drag my razor along my arm and reapply my gauze. I looked around and saw Izu, Kiri and Sho had woken up. Aww they looked so fucking cute with their bed hair. Just if I thought it couldn't get any cuter Sho let out a little yawn that looked like a cats. Izu just awwed whilst petting the half asleep Ejiro's hair that he hadn't bothered to put up that morning. As we stopped Aizawa said he was treating us all to slushies as long as we all wore something he purchased from one of the stores. When doors opened we all rushed out desperate to stretch our legs.

I wandered off to a shop for the order I placed in awhile back. I had ordered 20 necklaces / chokers for the results of the test. And 20 bracelets that turned you into your spirit animal/ the animal you resemble the most. This will be fun. I went up to the counter to get them. All of them were customized with gold chain necklaces with the colour of their eyes on the heart in the center for the girls. For the boys were a choker their eye colour being the main colour with either silver spikes, chains or patterns (leopard print, swirls or stripes). Then there were the bracelets which were made out of black leather with their favourite colour on the gem in the center of them. I paid and left the store after also getting one for me, Hitoshi, Hizashi and Eri (No other teachers were there.) I headed toward the slushie store. I got my children's favourites which of course I knew. Then I got a black large expresso for me as Mic counted as a kid. I then grabbed my speaker and yelled around the parking lot for my kids to come back. I laughed as their faces lit up when they saw the slushies. I quickly handed them their bracelets and once they had put them on I gave them their slushies.


As soon as I got off the bus I ran to the bathrooms where I threw up. I started sobbing afterwards realizing what I had done. I decided then and there I would eat all of the sweets from 'Suki without purging any of them. I then got up and went to meet up with my boyfriends on the benches for cuddles and bento.

I ran over to behind the hill as I saw Kiri and Deku head off to the bathroom and Bakugou slink off to climb a tree whilst waiting for everyone else. I have to be quick with this I thought grabbing my razor and raking it along my arm. I did this a few times until I felt satisfied. I immediately felt guilty afterwards. What would my boyfriends think I muttered whilst wrapping bandages over my arms. Then I pulled my sleeves back down and wandered back to our meeting bench where Eji was waiting. I quickly hurried over and curled up next to him burrying my head into his chest whilst he ate. 'Hiya Sho,' he greeted.

I smiled as the voices filled my head

One cut

Two cuts

Three cuts

Four cuts

Five cuts

I sighed before rewrapping my arms and walking over to the bench for cuddles. When I saw Sho, Katsu and Eji were cuddling. I threw myself on Sho's lap and laid over the top of Kiri, my head resting in Katsuki's lap.

I decided since it was a good day I would climb a tree, cut twice with a compass I stole because it makes less scars and harm. Wrap my arms up in a fresh gauze and the cuddle with my boyfriends. I watched as Kiri and Deku walked over to the bathroom I shrugged it off as them needing the bathroom. Then I scoured the place looking for Roki. I saw him slink up a hill, look around then go behind it. I made a mental note to ask him about it when we got to the cabins. I then did the cuts, climb down the tree and flop myself onto the bench next to Kiri. Who was snuggling so fucking cutely into Roki's neck. I awwed at the sight.

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