《Monty x Sundrop (DISCONTINUED)》☀️The news☀️



No one's pov:

"Hey moonface!" Shouted Roxy as she busted inside the naptime room. "Ughhhh what do you want now furrball" groaned moondrop as he slowly slid down a pile of pillows as he stretched. Roxy looked down at moodrop as she poked his head. "Hey, Mark says he wats to see you." "For what?" "I dunno, he just told me to get you" moondrop raises one arm signaling Roxy to drag him over to the Works and repair room where Mark was at. "Ughhhh fine you lasy ass" Roxy then got a hold of his hand and proceeded to drag him all the way there. They passed the rest of the glamrocks looking at them with a confused and weird looks.

Finally they had reached the Works and Repair room. "Hey Mark I got him!" Shouted Roxy as she opened the door and threw moondrop inside "Oof, could've been more gentle!" Hissed moonrop as he glared at Roxy who had a smirk on her face. "Ah! Thanks Roxy." Mark said as he came out of a room. Moon dusted himself off once he stood up "so what you need fom me?" "Well~ there is no other way to say this but... you guys are getting a new animatronic worker!!!" Shouted happily Mark as he pulled out a copy of the blue print of the animatronic. Roxy and Moon both had their mouths wide open. They looked at eachother, then at Mark, then eachother, and at Mark again.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?" They both shouted in suprise as they ran towards Mark's shaking him over and over again. "Whoa okay! Okay! I was just informed of this too so calm down!" He begged. "Wait, why onother new animatronic? Moondrop was build like, four weeks ago. I thought they didn't have the budget to make another one?" Asked Roxy "Well that's true, I know moondrop is still a new worker, he has been having a hard time taking care of the children alone." Hehe dumass!" Snickered Roxy at Moon "Shut up, it ain't my fault the daycare is so big that it's the second biggest place in the whole plex! Its full of kids 24/7!" Shouted moon. "ANYWAYS, the company decited to use the last of the budged that was used to make moonrop, to give him a new animatronic, and remodel the day care!" Mark explained some more before he paused. "Okay, here, take this, you guys can have the copy of the blue print and give the news to the others for me. This animatronic can't build itself."


As Moon and Roxy snached the blue print out of Mark's hand, they dashed out to inform the others. "GUYS!" Both shouted at the same time getting everyone's attention from the stage. "Um no need to shout now both of you. What do you need?" Asked Freddy. Moon and Roxy just looked at eachother before shouting at the same time "WERE GETTING A NEW ANIMATRONIC!!!!" They all paused before speaking "WHAT!!!!" Freddy Chica and Monty all shouted at the same time all shocked at these news. "Wait! For real! This is not one of you guys pranks is it?!" Asked Chica suspicious, but excited too. "Here, have a look for your self" Said noon as he handed out the blue print to her. Chica bend down to take it, and jumped out of the stage to put it on the stage floor. She unrolled it carefully. She was shoked to see the design of the animatronic. "OH MY GOD!!!" Squealed Chica as everyone rushed over to squishing eachother trying to get a look. "Okay guys two people at a time!" Shoute Freddy as they all backed away. Freddy was first to get a look, then Moon and Roxy. Finally it was Monty and Chica's turn. "Sundrop" said shica slowly as she read the name. "Sorta like yours" Pointed Monty to moondrop. "Wait why another animatronic though?" Asked Freddy. "Well because this fella over here can't take care of children by himself." Pointed Roxy at Moon "Hey! There are too many kids from me to take care of alone!"

Argued Moon at Roxy. "Oh yea! Mark said the daycare would also get remodeled." Remembered Roxy. "Oh! What are they gonna put in there?" Asked Chica. "Well Mark said their gonna build a tower for Sundrop, gonna make it his room" Said moon. "How come you're the only one gettin' all the new stuff?" Said Monty in an annoyed tone. "Because I'm fabulous!" Bragged moondrop.



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