《Moondrop x Sundrop》🌑Part 2: Backstory☀️



No one's pov:

"Anyhow, my name is Chica!" She said happily holding out her had towards moondrop. He gladly shook it as the gentleman he is. "As you heard, the names Moondrop" They all introduced themselves asking questions to him, and showing his the whole plex. The only person he ended up actually getting g along and liking was Roxy they where like two gremlins messing around just after meeting for one day. Witch was bad because they would always get into shenanigans after a cuple of few days. As the days went on, the daycare was finished. Sadly Roxy was depressed about the fact that she wouldn't be able too see Moondrop as often anymore since they both would be too busy with the children, especially moondrop since he had to stay in the daycare 24/7.

One day before the daycare officially opened Mark and the other engineers showed all the animatronics the inside of the day care. It was huge, the daycare looked so huge without the kids in it yet. All of them where shoked that Moon had all this place to himself to work at. "We made the daycare the 2nd biggest place in the plex, since there are always children running around, and are very young, we made it for them, and because we always get a one hell of a wave some days, so we need it!" Said Mark. "Wave?" Asked Freddy, "Usally we have one of those days when there are way too many children, so when that happens we employees call it a wave. It's like a signal to call the workers who are home to come in and help out, since we are understaffed. Sometimes, us the engineers also have to help out by passing the food, and other stuff. The daycare will make it easier and less chaotic." Explained Mark. "Wow it's like your own dam Castle" Said Monty tilting down his sunglasses to see better. "Your own paradise, your highness" mocked Roxy next to Moondrop bowing. Moon got flustered in embarrassment and glared at her, witch made Roxy burst our laughing. "Said moondrop shoving her away as she still laughed.


No one's pov:

After the daycare officially opened, just after a few days, it was packed with so many kids for Moondrop to take care for himself. After just a month, moondrop was partially in a battlefield taking care of them. Finally after a whole month of hell, they hired a co-worker for Moondrop.

No one's pov:

"" Said moondrop as he got out of his charging area, it was one hour before the daycare opened. He headed to Roxy's racing track to hang out with her, until he was stopped by a map bot saying Mark told him to go back to the daycare. "Asked moondrop already annoyed. "Well since the manager is so nice, and has seen you struggling to take care of the children on your own. He hired a co-worker to help you out!" Said Mark happily. As he moved aside to show Sasha waving her hand. "From today on I'll be your partner!! I'm Sasha by the way!!" Partner? Thought moon "" he said. "Well moondrop I'm happy to be working with you" smiled Sasha holding her hand out. Moondrop shook it. As the day started, and the children came, it was easier for moondrop now since he had Sasha by his side helping him out. He was actually happy for once taking care of the children with somebody by his side. As the days went by, Moon got more and more protective of Sahsa, since he never felt these feelings, he didn't knew how to behave. He would get mad when Sahsa had to go home, or leave the daycare for a while.



Okay, I changed things up a little bit, but I hope you enjoyed the story!!!

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