《Colliding Ambition》Chapter 26
This morning I woke up before Katherine did. She looks so peaceful that I literally spent 15 minutes just watching her sleep. Then I decided that's fucking creepy and grabbed my book. I had finished The Love hypothesis and went to grab The Spanish Love Deception.
I know what your thinking. How could someone who doesn't believe in love read romance? The answer is that I mainly read them for the 'plot' if you know what I mean.
And maybe there is a tiny part of me that longs for the kind of love these books have, but I'll never admit it.
I mean I have no reason to believe in the kind of love I read about. Yeah I grew up with an amazing mom and grandparents who love me but knowing how my dad left affected my ability to love, I think.
I've never given myself a chance to try. Until I met Katherine. She makes me want to try, want to fall in love. But the question is, how will I know when?
I smile to myself when I remember what happened last night.
I run my hand with a feather like touch over her spine as I read my book with my other hand. Sometime later I feel her stir and then stretch. I look down and see her looking up at me with a smile and I damn near die.
Her dimples show which makes her all the more gorgeous. "Mornin' babe." I says before I captures her lips into a quick kiss. She hum in satisfaction.
I pulls away and resume my feather like touch. The hotel room is glittered with the sun, I look at the clock and see that it's 8am. Our blankets are all tangled around us.
I look back at her and see her attention on my book which I left butterflied open. Before I could argue she grabs it and reads what page I'm on, worst part is that I had just gotten to the good part.
Then she gasp and look at me to see me just smirking. "You read porn?" She says with a snort.
I mocks offense, "It's not porn its New Adult Romance." I say as if that explains anything.
She bite her lip, "It's porn, baby."
I rolls my eyes, "The right term for it is erratica."
She put the book down and climb onto my body and strattle me, the blanket falling to her hips. "Just admit you read porn. Is that where you get all your sex ideas?" She asks smirking.
But I'm distracted by something on her body. A hidden tattoo just hidden enough when she has pants on. It's where her thigh meets her stomach. It's of big skates, a type writer and smaller skates with a crown on them.
I runs my hand on her tattoo. "How'd I not know you had a tattoo?"
She shrug, "It's not a dinner table kind of conversation." She run her hands up my chest. My cock is immediately awake and hard because anytime she touches me it's like he knows who she is and is ready.
She slowly start sliding down his body. "What are you doing." I croak, in a suddenly husky voice.
She runs a hand over my abs which contract under her touch. "You did all the pleasuring yesterday. My turn." She moves the sheet off my lower body and my cock spring up. She settle between his legs.
"I didn't just do that for you, I enjoyed it. Probably more than you━" I hisses when she grab my erection. "Cazzo."
What the fuck? I barely talk Italian to anyone besides my family, but with her it's spilling out like a fountain.
"Say something else in Italian." She demands running her hand up and down my length, squeezing at some points.
I looks down at me. "Tieni gli occhi su di me, piccola." I pauses and look at her more deeply. "Dio sei così bella." I mutter.
She brushes her finger over my tip causing me to groan and push my hips upwards. "What'd you say?" She asks as she lower her mouth to my tip. Gliding her tongue along my shaft.
I exhales, "Keep your eyes on me, baby."
I feel like I'm going to explode from her just breathing on my dick. God I feel like I'm back in sophomore year and loosing my V-card.
She keep her eyes on me as she sucks my tip into her mouth. Immediately, my hand goes to her hair, lacing my fingers through it, as she squeeze the base of my cock.
She goes farther down until I hit the back of her throat and she chokes. But she doesn't stop. She swirls her tongue around the tip and take my dick back in her mouth.
I groan, "Just like that. Fuck your good at this." I hisses. She continues swirling, sucking, licking, teasing my cock until the pressure surges, "I'm coming." I says just before I come.
But she doesn't keep her mouth on my cock. She smirks up at me, "Sorry, babe. Don't swallow." She say standing up and grabbing the cloth from last night.
I hold back a laugh. This girl... god how did I ever hate her. Did I ever hate her? Or was I suppressing what I was feeling? I don't give a shit because it lead me here.
When she turns back around I'm narrowing my eyes at her, "My ass."
She laugh as she hands me the cloth. I clean up. "Don't take it personally, done it like once." She shrugs and climbs back on me and strattle.
Once? Again, a surge of jealousy runs through my veins.
"Who?" I practically demand.
She gasps, "Your jealous." She cups my jaw with both hands and lean down to peck lips. "Don't worry, Ro, don't need to be jealous of him. It was back in high school." She sit back up, "I think." I narrows my eyes causing her to laugh again. She pats my chest before getting off me and the bed.
"Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up. She doesn't have anything on as she saunters towards the bathroom.
"Why?" I swing my legs over the side of the bed.
"Because I smell like sex and sweat. I don't want my parents to smell me, or anyone for that matter." She says as she walks towards the bathroom.
Parents? I get off the bed and walk to my discarded boxers and put them on. "Your going to see your parents?" I ask walking towards the bathroom.
"Yeah. Today's a free day and my parents want to see me." She says as she bends over and starts the shower.
"Can I come?" I don't know where that came from but it's too late.
"You want to come to New York with me? To meet my parents? Like my mom and dad? My dad?" She asked shocked. I would be too if I were her.
I smirk, "Yes, Katherine."
She places her hands on her hips. I can't help my eyes wandering over her body. "You want to meet my parents?"
I groan, "How many times are we going to go through this? Is your memory that short?" I ask.
She narrows her eyes, "Jackass." She mutters. But then she raises her eyebrow, "Your not going to chicken shit?"
I furrow my brows, "Chicken shit?"
"Yeah. Like back out when you actually meet them?" She prompts. She reaches into the shower and seems satisfied with the heat.
"No I won't."
She smiles innocently, "Are you going to fangirl over dad?" She says going over to the cabinet and grabbing 2 towels.
I scoff, "No...." I pause. "Okay maybe a little, but who wouldn't?"
"Okay fine you can come. I'm renting a car to drive up there so we have to leave in about an hour." She says getting into the shower.
I smile as I strip my boxers and follow her.
She gasps, "What are you doing?"
I give her a devilish smirk, "You said it yourself, an hour and we both need to shower." I place my hands on her hips, "So I thought this would be better use of our time."
She rolls her eyes but her lips quirk upwards. "Fine. Spin around and kneel, Cap." She demands. I raise my eyebrows. "Get your mind outta the gutter, I'm going wash your hair. God you hockey players only think about sex."
That causes me too laugh because she's not wrong. She rushes me too do as she says and I'd be lying if I said her hands in my hair practically giving me a massage doesn't feel better than sex. And that's saying a lot coming from me.
🏒 🏒 🏒
Rohan demanded I let him drive, why? I have no clue but I didn't argue because it gave me a chance to do some school. Throughout the entire drive his hand was on my thigh which distracted me
It takes about 3 hours to get to NYC and an extra half hour to get to the penthouse. When mom told me they couldn't make it to the harvard game━I don't mind, I didn't want them to see what had happened━I told them I'd come visit today.
Mom was ecstatic since I hadn't seen them since the end of September which was only a month ago.
"This is it." I point to my childhood penthouse to Rohan who drives into the parking garage.
I'm way too excited that I'm out of the car and going towards the elevator, not waiting for Rohan. But he catches up as we take the elevator from the garage to the lobby where we have to take a different elevator.
When we get to the lobby I see the secretary who's literally worked there my entire childhood. I smile, "Hey, Alyssa." She looks up and then smiles wide. She rounds the desk and throws herself at me.
She stuck up for me when I'd sneak out or boys in. She started working here when she was 19 I think so that would make her 38 now? She started as a intern.
"What are you doing here?" She gushes when she lets me go. But then she catches who's behind me and leans in, "And who is the handsome man behind you?"
I smirk as I look behind me at Rohan who is looking at the lobby with wide eyes, "Um, that's a little harder to explain, how about I answer your first question." I bite my lip.
She raises her eyebrow, "Better practice the answer to that question, we all know how over protective your dad is." She lets me go and goes back to the desk, "Go on up, they're up there."
I nod and look back at Rohan, "C'mon, Cap."
He narrows his eyes, "Stop calling me that." I smirk, "Kitty."
I'm now narrowing my eyes and walk into the elevator. Rohan follows but walks behind me and when the doors close he leans into me and wraps his arms around my waist, placing his chin on my left shoulder.
Smiling, I lean back into him. "Your a very touchy guy for being a play boy." I remark looking at the numbers go up.
Then I feel his teeth scrap against my neck. "Did you just call me a playboy?" I hear the playfulness in his voice.
I giggle, "Don't even deny it." I say just as the doors open. "This way." I tell him as I walk out of the elevator and towards the door to the penthouse. Before I knock I look at Rohan, "Are you sure you want to be here?"
He tilts his head, "Yes, now knock on that door, babe, or I will."
I wait a second before I turn around and knock. Not even 10 seconds pass before the door opens and mom is standing there with a huge smile on her face, then she spots Rohan and her smile widens.
Me and mom look a lot alike, blonde hair, slim figure, height. But I am also a lot like my dad, eyes, face shape, hockey...
"Hey mom." I says going up to her and hugging her tight, shoving my face in her neck, suddenly missing my mother more than I thought. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, honey." Hearing her soothing voice makes me relax.
I release her, "Oh mom this is Rohan, my━"
My eyes widen as I look at Rohan he's just smiling. Boyfriend? Is he joking? I can't tell as I look at him.
"Katherine, you never mentioned a boyfriend." Mom said in her 'mom' voice.
Before I can respond, Rohan does, "It's all very new, sorry Mrs. Mitchell that we didn't tell you sooner." He says grabbing her hand and kissing it.
I have to stop myself from laughing. Polite Rohan, that's a first.
Mom raises her brows at him then looks to me and nods. "C'mon in Rohan. And please, it's Cecilia." She walks back into the penthouse.
I look to Rohan, "Boyfriend?" I'm still in shock.
He grins, "Yeah."
"Your joking?" I ask.
He frowns, "No."
My mouth gapes which he takes that opportunity to kiss me before walking into the penthouse. I'm frozen before I follow him and close the door.
The penthouse is kind of like an open concept. When you walk in your immediately in the living room. To your right is a hallway with 2 guest bedrooms and each have a bathroom.
The living room has a U couch. The big flat screen tv is on top of a fire place. To the left is the kitchen and then in the left corner in the dinning room but in the middle is stairs that lead to the upstairs through a balcony. All the windows are ceiling high.
Mom is in the kitchen already and dad is on the couch but gets up when he sees me. Then he narrows his eyes when he sees Rohan.
"Hi, dad." I rush over and hug him, also to explain before he acts like he used to in front of my past boyfriends.
"Hey, princess." He hugs me back but I can see him looking over my head.
"Dad, this is Rohan." I look back at him and he nods. I look back at dad, "my boyfriend."
Dad looks back at Rohan who looks at him head on, unlike my other boyfriends who used to shrink. "Boyfriend." He says as if testing the words. "Wait Rohan?" He looks back at me, "The Rohan?"
Rohan looks at me with a smirk, "You talk about me?"
I roll my eyes, "Dad your stroking his ego." I mumble.
Rohan looks at the tv. I look and see that dads watching one of his earlier hockey games. He does that a lot, no clue why. "Is that your game from '98?" He asks waking towards us, dad nods. "I've been wondering how you got that last shot."
And then their off in the hockey world on the couch. I thought that would go...less smooth. I walk over to the kitchen and lean against the counter.
As if mom read my mind she remarks, "That went smooth."
I look over at her, "Yeah. Usually it doesn't. Then again he's the first hockey player I've...dated."
Mom points her knife at me, "How long has you and this relationship been happening?" She demands.
I can see it in her eyes she doesn't believe my shit. "God how do you do that." I mumble. "We just gave this a label just now, but I've liked him for a while, he just recently admitted to himself he likes me back."
"He's on your team?" She goes back to cutting the chicken for the chicken lasagna, my fav.
"Yeah, the captain." I jump up onto the counter and watch her cook since I can't. I always did this as a child. I'd go on the counter, bug either my mom or grandmothers.
"Oh hey mom." She looks up at me. "That new romance book your writing? Is it done?" I ask.
She nods, "Yeah, my publisher just sent the copies of the book in paperback for me to approve."
I look over at Rohan, "Do you think I could bring one home."
"Bring one home?" I look back at her, "You barely've ever read my books."
"It's not for me. Rohan likes to read romance books so I thought...I don't know, does that seem stupid?"
"No, honey. It's sweet, that you pay attention to those things. Their in my office, in the boxes. Take one before you leave."
"Thank you, mom." I say before grabbing a piece of chicken, mom smacks my hand like she did when I was younger.
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