《Colliding Ambition》Chapter 7


Katherine and Chase are horrible at beer pong. We've just ended the first game and Kai and I won by a long shot, and by that I mean we have 4/6 cups still full of beer.

"Let's go again." Chase says to us.

I roll my eyes because as we've been playing he's been drinking something stronger. So has Katherine, when Kai asked her what she's drinking she literally said she doesn't know.

"I'm going to get a refill." Katherine says picking up her red solo cup.

She catches my eye as I raise an eyebrow, "And what will you be refilling it with, Kitty?" I use the nickname I know pisses her off. When any of us use it her face either flushes from embarrassment or anger, you don't know which one.

"Fuck off, Cap." She's now using the nickname that pisses me off, at least the way she's using it. She turns around and heads to the kitchen.

"Yo, that chick is a smoke show." A freshmen player says from the nearby couch, Wyatt Lewis.

It's Kai who speaks but were all thinking the same thing, "Non of us can go there because...well none of us do girlfriends and if it was a hookup Coach would kill us."

But Wyatt ain't giving up, "I could do girlfriends, if it was Katherine."

"Kitty." Chase pipes up.

I don't even notice when a girl comes in until I hear her, "Rohan hey." I look down and see Julia Lee. Really hot chick, I've hooked up with her plenty because she understands what I want━just sex, which is what she wants. She's wearing a very skimpy purple top with leather pants.

"Hey Julia. Haven't seen you in a while." I remark which is true. We text, only when we want to fuck so there hasn't been much contact.


She smirks, "Yeah, I've been busy with and essay. But I'm done and exhausted, you busy tonight?" She leans on the table.

I grin, "Completely free." Julia is still smirking as she leans up and brushes her lips over mine. I slip my tongue inside as she does too. It's quick because I pull away. "I'm just going to stay for a hour or so and then we can go back to my house." Julia nods.

I'm talking to Julia when Katherine walks in with a refill, she freezes when she sees Julia. But she recovers quickly and walks up to Chase.

We're about to play when Katherine speaks about the heat, "Fuck, it's hot." And the next thing I know she's unzipping her leather coat and revealing a see-through mesh shirt with a black...bra underneath. My breath hitches━unaudably because of the music━because she's fucking gorgeous, and it take every part of me to pull my eyes away.

Now fuck me because I shouldn't be thinking this of her.

I have no clue what Amber put in my drink so I just put random shit in it. I take a sip and okay, woah that's strong, stronger than before.

"Someones exploring." A guy says from beside me. I look over and see a guy with brown hair and emerald green eyes. He's wearing a white nike hoodie and black jeans.

"Well I don't drink often so I don't know what I like." I say as I take a sip.

A deep husky chuckles comes from him, "I'm Cohan, Cohan White."

I smile, "Katherine Mitchell."

"I know." I raise an eyebrow, "Were in the same writing class."

I bit my lip, "I'm sorry there are so many people in that class and I've only been in it for like 2 weeks, but come sit with me next time." I take another sip, "But right now I have friends waiting for me." I say.


He nods, "Okay then Katherine, see you tomorrow."

As I walk back to the room I try to remember his face but I draw a blank, which makes me feel bad. But what I see when I enter the dining room makes me skid to a stop, Rohan with a girl, hand on her hip whispering in her ear, her laughing.

I recover quickly and walk over to Chase, "What'd you refill it with?" He asks grabbing it and shocking me by taking a sip. Chase Jackson keeps finding ways to make me laugh and shock me, its exhilarating. He smirks after he takes a sip, "I can taste so many different types of alcohol. You going bad or something'?"

"Oh shut up Chase, and let's play. Same teams?" I ask looking around making sure not to stay to long on Rohan, I don't know why. Reid is still kissing the same girl, Kai is refilling the beer━ours are already full, and a bunch of players, plus other guys and girls are around, either sitting on the couch or standing against the wall.

The placement of this house is open concept, makes it so I could see into most rooms, the big-ass living room, kitchen, if I look behind me I see what would be a theatre room. And were in the dining room.

And all the bodies in the house, plus more people arriving are making it hot and I'm still wearing my leather jacket, "Fuck, it's hot." I say, as I start to unzip my jacket. After I throw it on one of the chairs, my eyes involuntarily go to Rohan and I swear his breathe hitches, then I remember my outfit.

"Woah Kitty, nice outfit." I look at Chase and roll my eyes.

"Stop ogling my tits." I push his head to face forward and one again my eyes go to Rohan then to the scowling girl beside him, scowling at me. I raise my eyebrow and smirk.

This time me and Chase are kicking Kai and Rohan's asses, but that's probably because both their eyes keep going to my tits, even Kai's which makes me laugh.

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