《Scarred ✔》20 | scarred decisions


"I'm free," I breathe out. My heart beats wildly, for an entirely different reason. I'm free. It's hard to believe that because of the fact that I've never really been 'free'.

"You're free," Zach confirms with a curt nod. Why isn't he happy? Unless it doesn't really matter to him. Yeah, maybe it doesn't.

"You didn't deserve any of it, Ella," his voice is strangely soft yet hard at the same time. "I'm sorry for saying things I shouldn't have. The deal, I shouldn't have agreed to that either."

Then why did you?

"It's okay," I whisper back. Tears well up in my eyes and I'm not even sure why. I remain sitting on the bed and Zach, too, remains rooted in his place.

"Why aren't you happy for me?" The question escapes my lips before I can stop myself. He frowns at my question and shakes his head.

"I'm happy for you. I'm sad for myself."

What he says doesn't make sense to me. That may be because my mind is currently frozen and everything feels surreal. Or I heard him wrong because he said the last part in a whisper.

"Does that- does that mean I don't have to live here anymore?"

I try to wipe all types of emotion from my face. I can't let him know that I don't want to leave yet. Or ever. Everything is finally getting better.

His eyes search my face for something. Zach doesn't answer me for a minute or two. I hold my breath, waiting for him to tell me no. Waiting for him to tell me to stay.


This isn't supposed to hurt, right? After all, why would he want me to stay? Then why does it hurt? I nod my head, struggling to control my emotions at this point.


"Stay for the night, Kyle will drive you tomorrow."

Kyle? Why Kyle? Why not him?

"Okay. Zach, what is going to happen n-now?"

"That mutt will spend the rest of his life behind the bars. His property will be passed down to you, both his business company and house. Congratulations," Zach summarises for me. His face is void of any emotion, like mine.

What about the divorce papers?

The question is stuck on my throat. I don't ask him that, I am not sure as to why.

Could it be that he doesn't want me to go? If so, why doesn't he say so? Because he is so damn stubborn. Male ego, I mentally roll my eyes at that.

"Why did you agree to the d-deal, Zach?"

Zach looks taken aback by the question. He slides his hand into his pant pocket and meets my eyes.

"Because I wanted you to feel the pain I did."

"Is that all?"

His eyes widen for a fraction but he masks his emotion well. Maybe it really was just that.


I exhale, not realizing that I had been holding my breath. Of course, that was all. Who in the right mind would have feelings for someone after seven whole years?

Except for an idiot like myself.

"Then why did you.. kiss me?"

Zach looks at me as if I've grown two heads. "Because I'm a man Ella. I have needs," he says with a chuckle. Does that mean he would also- bad Ella!

My cheeks heat up at that. Great, continue to make a fool out of yourself, Ella. Why don't you?

"I should start p-packing," I stand up and wrap my arms around myself. Trying to make myself feel a bit better. Trying to comfort me because my stupid, stupid heart won't stop aching.


Stupid heart!

Zach doesn't say anything to that. I stride to the closet and carry the clothes I had brought and stuff it inside my suitcase. I don't forget the crumpled diary, shooting Zach a look I throw it inside the suitcase.

"Does that mean I won't have to be your personal assistant either?"

Zach clenches his jaw and gives a nod. I mumble a small okay and continue throwing things inside the suitcase while Zach continues to stand and look at me walk here and there.

Once I'm done, my stomach growls loudly and I pass Zach a sheepish grin. He shakes his head in reply and drags me to the kitchen. We have dinner and walk sleepily back to our- I mean his room.

I flop on the bed and cover my mouth to stifle the yawn. Zach switches the lights off and flops next to me. I realize that I don't need to sleep next to Zach anymore but I'm too exhausted to stand up and walk somewhere else.

Besides, this bed is so soft.

At some point that night, I feel myself being pulled into something by my waist. I feel the warmth spread through me, both inside and out. Snuggling closer, I shut my eyes and sleep.

The next day, my heart feels like it is about to burst with emotion. Quite literally, if that's possible. Do hearts burst like that? I shiver at the thought, hope they don't.

Kyle waits for me in the car while I move towards it painfully slow. I wait for Zach to show up and ask me to stay, I mean that's what happens in movies, right?

That moment never comes though. I keep turning around, hoping Zach to at least say goodbye but no, he doesn't show up at all. Sighing to myself, I walk outside, looking at my ankle boots and blinking the tears away.

It doesn't matter. I'm free now, I should be feeling happy!

Once I'm outside, Kyle takes the suitcase from my hand and I again turn back. I take a final look at his house and smile tearily. It's been one hell of a month.

I'd be lying if I say I won't miss this place. I'll miss everything.

I'll miss you, Zach. Like I always have.

It was a miracle I got to see him again. I was thankful for that, I at least got to tell him why I had to leave.

"Mrs Kane," Kyle calls out and I almost laugh but that weight in my chest won't let me. Zach will probably send me the divorce papers in a few days.

I open the door to Zach's car. However, just when I'm about to sit down, I'm turned around by my elbow. A pair of familiar lips come crashing down to mine.


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