《My Princess》Chapter 14: Isabella


September 5, Saturday

The cool breeze hit my skin and I shivered. I'd been out here just for a little bit now and felt much better. I felt calm and at peace with myself.

More people started to leave then come as the night was Morning. It had to be 1am by now.

The doors slam open with a man walking outside. It was one of Becca's friends I met.

"Hey, your Izzy right?" I try hard to remember his name so I don't seem rude. Obviously he knew mine, my nickname anyways.

"Yes and your Eric. Becca told me you guys have been friends since high school." I say trying to have a light conversation. I didn't mind it but I really wanted to go home. But my ride was Grayson and I didn't wanna pay for a expensive taxi.

"Ya, we were crazy back then. We were extreme party people." Eric says sitting down besides me. His legs touch mine because of the small bench.

"I bet. I saw you in there. Dancing all crazy like." I say with a small laugh as well as Eric. He runs his hands down his face like he's trying to rub the alcohol away.

"I saw you. With Grayson, right? Are you guys a thing or something?" Eric says leaning back into the bench. His brown eyes looked into my soul like he's trying to figure out if I'm lying or something.

"Um ya that's Grayson. I haven't known him long. Maybe a week or two. We aren't anything at all. If anything barely friends." I say with a loud sigh. I definitely didn't want to think about Grayson again. Or the way he made me feel.

"I didn't look like it. I saw the way his eyes looked at you. He looked like he wanted to eat you or something. Do you want my jacket, just here have it. You keep shivering." Eric says changing the subject by shoving his jacket on me. I take it reluctantly knowing he probably would not let me say no.


"Thanks for the jacket. But really we aren't anything. He always has that look anyways." I snuggle into the jacket feeling the warmth come back to my fingers. Eric sat there like the slight breeze was nothing.

"There you guys are. We've been looking for you everywhere. Ok not really but we are leaving." Becca says stumbling out of the bar. Sean, Sasha and Cara are all behind her. Cara looked extremely tired.

"Your definitely not driving. I'll drive because I drank less than all of you." Eric says standing up from the bench. I rise up with him walking over to the group.

I walk with them all to the parking lot assuming Grayson will be over there. I know damn well Cara isn't driving and I don't even know him well enough to drive his vehicle.

The slam of the bar doors erupt from behind us but I seem to be the only one who notices. But I do see Cara jump slightly at the noise.

I turn around slightly to see Grayson walking toward us. I continue walking since we will all be in the car soon. Although when he gets to me the unexplainable happens.

Grayson rips my jacket off throwing it to the ground in anger. I gasp and turn around to look at his dark eyes. They weren't red anymore at least. Just pitch black.

"What was that for!" I say upset. It wasn't even my jacket. Grayson takes small steps towards me making my spine tingle. Why did he look so much like a predator right now?

His head moves between my shoulder and cheek. He inhales loudly then exhales by my ear. "You smell like him." I could hear the anger erupt inside him but he was whispering. I move backwards and pick the coat up.


"I don't know what you mean." I say walking away from him. Now my emotions from earlier were coming back.

As I walk away from him quickly, I walk over to Becca's car. I wish I could ride with her but there's no room in her car.

"Here's your jacket back. Thanks by the way." I tell Eric as I hand the jacket back to him. He takes it from my hands and gives me a smile.

"Be safe tonight." Eric says before jumping into the driver seat of Becca's car. I wave them goodbye as they drive away.

Now I have to go through unbearable torcher. Being in a car with Grayson. Even worse, Caras drunk and will probably pass out.

Not even two minutes later...

Cara was passed out in the back of the truck with her face against the window. Some of her saliva slide down her chin making me want to laugh. Although mister pissed besides me made me shut my mouth.

His hands were white, clenched to the stirring wheel. His eyes hadn't moved from the road for a while now and he hadn't spoke a single word.

"Why are you upset?" I instantly regret saying anything. The me would have just been quiet the enter ride. But for some reason, the new me wanted to fight Grayson.

"I'm not upset. Just have a lot on my mind." He says with a loud sigh. His hands finally relax on the wheel. His eyes look at me as well.

"What's on your mind?" Now I feel less nervous than before. He let's out another sigh making me think he doesn't wanna talk about it.

"Just.... work. There's some problems at work and I took it out on you. I'm sorry for being a dick." Grayson says with an incredibly soft voice. My heart almost melts out of my chest.

"It's ok. I understand what you mean. If you ever need someone to talk to, I've been told I'm a great listener." I say giving him a calm smile. His shoulders noticeably relax as he looks back at the road.

"Same for you princess." The rest of the ride was filled with light music and small talk. It wasn't a long ride to my apartment.

When we arrived he drove to the door not making me walk far. "Thank you for being my personal driver." I say with a small laugh. Unexpectedly Grayson picks up my hand and kisses the top of it sending chills down my spine. His lips were so soft.

"Have a good night." Grayson says darkly making my cheeks redden. Thankfully it was night time. Grayson doesn't drive away until I'm inside the building. Maybe he does like me after all.

Mine by Bazzi

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