《The Protected One》S e a t t l e


"Ah, do you smell that? Fresh Seattle hotel air." Marco smiles.

"Rich hotel air." Sophia Alice corrects him.

Rich indeed. Our rooms cost $1560 a night. It was also a resort so that is a bonus.

"Get off the bed, you have your own rooms to relax in," I say as I push him off my bed.

"Your room is much more spacious than ours," Felix complains.

"Just hurry up and get out so we can change, the dinner is in 2 hours," I tell them.

"That's plenty of time," Marco says.

"That's literally no time at all." Sophia rolls her eyes.

"Exactly, now please hurry up and get out!

"Fine since you guys don't want us in here, we'll have a blast on our own. Right, Claude? Asks Marco.

Except there is no response from Claude.


He bursts out of the bathroom.

"Did you guys know this place has a butt spray? He asks in amazement.

"Butt spray? Do you mean a bidet? I ask.

"Whatever it is, it's awesome." He laughs.

"Yeah that's it, everybody out," Sophia says.

"Boo, you girls are no fun." Felix pouts.

"Whatever. Just get out. We can spend time together later. We're literally going to spend time with each other in two hours." She tells him.

"Fine. We'll meet you two outside of your room in two hours." Marco says.

"Good. Now bye! She says shoving them out of the door.

"Finally." I sigh as they finally leave our hotel room.

"I call the first shower." Sophia Alice runs.

"No, I want to shower first! I call running after her.


"There's been a slight change of events. There are some third-party guys here, but this place is covered with my men. Stay close. You guys already know what to do." Xander says calmly but strictly.

I nod my head in understanding.

The boys start walking in and I link my arm with Claude's.

"On a scale from one to ten, how snobby do you think this third party is going to be? Claude asks.

"I don't know. The tone isn't making me uncomfortable so I'd say it will be pretty laid back." I answer.

"Same. Weird vibe though." He says.

I nod my head in agreement.

"You look beautiful by the way."


I turn my head to see him already looking at me.

"Thank you. You look handsome today as well." I smile brightly at him.

He gives me a smile that resembles a little kid on Christmas Day.

It was adorable.

We walk into the event room and take a seat at the biggest table in the center of the room.

I was in the middle between Dylan and Claude.

As soon as we were all seated, a waitress came to take our orders.

After saying our orders, Xander excused himself and began talking to the people around him.

This was the boring part about these gatherings.

The long boring waiting period between waiting for the food to come and Xander to return to the table.

The only thing you could do to pass time was talking to those who were at the same table as you.

There wasn't much of a problem with doing that, it just was boring.

I never knew what took the food so long at these kinds of events.

It always felt extra long to me.

My train of thought was interrupted when I felt something land on the table.

The waitress put a basket of wines, and alcohols on the table.

A smirk makes its way to my face.

I looked up and everyone seemed to be in their own world.

I reach for the bottle of tequila but a hand stops me before I can grab it.

"Don't even think about it," Dylan warns lowly.

"Oh come on, this tequila looks so expensive and so good," I say.

"Yeah, I want to try some too." Sophia Alice smiles.

"Neither of you can have any." He simply says.

"We're of age. We can legally drink that." I tell him.

"There's no way I'm anyone of you possibly get drunk or even tipsy in an environment that you aren't used to." He explains.

"That goes for all of you," Xander adds sitting down.

His face seems to be in a state of frustration.

He leans down to whisper in Tomas and Dylan's ear.

Dylan's reaction mirrors someone who's just been told the worse news of their life.

Xander tells him to go to his suite and collect the images from the printer.

Me being me, I wanted to find out what was going on.


Xander leaves the room with a few of his men, Tomas and Dylan following behind him.

"I'll be right back," I say getting up, not waiting for a response.

I hear Felix's voice call me but have the time to answer.

I reach the hallway but I don't see Tomas, Dylan nor Xander.

I turn the corner when I slam into a hard chest that nearly knocks me off my feet.

Before I can tell the person off, they walk away without a single word or glance.

"Apology accepted jerk!" I call after him.

I roll my eyes and make my way to the elevator.

"Frankie wait." A voice calls.

I hold the elevator doors and see Claude approaching the elevator.

He walks into the elevator and I press the 9th-floor button.

"What's with you running off? He asks.

"I just want to know what's going on. Did you see the look on Dylan's face? I ask.

"You're really nosy." He smiles.

"You would want to know too," I tell him.

"Yeah of course, why do you think I came with you? He laughs.

I scoff and playfully hit him.

The elevator doors open and we go to Xander's suite.

Tomas answers the door and rolls his eyes when he sees me.

"Why'd did you follow me, Frankie? He asks annoyed.

"I want to know what's going on. You looked really worried." I answer stepping into the suite.

He looks at me knowing I wasn't going to give it up.

"Two more of our men were killed. Same way, more markings in the same places." He answers.

The room falls silent.

"Can I see the markings? I ask.

"Frankie, these are graphic are you sure? He asks.

I nod my head.

"I'll send them to your phone. When the new ones print, I'll also send those. You two go back to the party. I'm going to call Xander and find out more details." He says.

I nod my head.

When we're back in the hallway I turn to Claude.

"I'm going to my room. I'll meet you downstairs." I tell him.

"I'm coming with you." He says.

I shake my head.

"Claude I'll be fine. Please. It's just down the hall." I say.

"Frankie." He seems conflicted.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." I reassure him.

"Fine." He says after a couple of seconds.

"I'll be waiting for you in the lobby." He says.

"I'll call you when I'm on my way down," I say.

He nods his head, and I watch him enter the elevator.

I quickly make my way to Sophia Alice and I's suite and go through my suitcase.

A series of dings go off on my phone and I quickly unlock my phone to see the images of the murdered men.

Tomas was right, it was graphic.

All of them had random numbers written on them.

I cringed as I saw multiple stab wounds on all of them and the number of stab wounds brutally carved on their backs. 12, 31,7, and 70.

I could barely look at the one with 70.

There were two pending photos which I assumed to be the new ones.

They spun and spun.

I sighed as I grew impatient and stepped outside of the hotel room to get better reception.

After 2 minutes of waiting, it was still spinning.

I walk out to the skywalk. You'd think we were in the desert.

I sigh in satisfaction as the images start to unblur a bit.

This time instead of stab wounds, they were bullet wounds, with the number of times the person was shot carved into their back. 02.

The next image had the same thing but the number was 09.

The next two had only letters written on them. N and W.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

I went back and glanced at all the numbers again.

6 different numbers with N and W.

Geographical coordinates.

I open google maps and type in the coordinates.

The results show a pin in a city called Oranjestad.

I pinch the screen smaller and smaller to zoom out.

When I was able to see the location as a whole, I felt frozen.

Goosebumps spread all over my body when I saw the name of the location.


My fingers were slow and shaking as I tapped the phone icon and pressed on Claude's contact.

The phone rang as I turned around to go back inside the hotel.

That was until I bumped into a hard chest.

"I told you we'd be seeing each other soon, Karol."

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