《The Protected One》P l a n s


"Frankie I've got the yellow and black flowers here." Felix says.

I let out a loud sigh.

"No they were supposed to be red and black! Why the hell are they yellow?! I ask examining the flowers.

"I guess this will have to do. You can put them on the side." I tell him.

We were all currently setting up for Claude's birthday party tonight.

I chose to have it in Xander's backyard since it's spacious and I wanted to make it a boho dinner party.

So far the tables were all set, food is almost done, the cake is in the fridge and all that's left is the small decorations from outside.

"This place is coming together quite nicely, baby sis." Dylan says.

"Really you think so? I ask.

"Of course. If anyone's going to make something happen it's you." He smiles.

"Thanks Dylan. I appreciate that." I smile back at him.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to make sure those cookies aren't poisoned and that they're safe for you all to eat."

I chuckle.

"My hero." I say sarcastically.

I playfully roll my eyes as I watch him go up to the dessert stand and bite into a cookie.

I looked around and scanned the scene.

Dylan was right. It is coming together nicely.

"I don't know where you ordered these things , but they slap." A voice says behind me.

I gasp.

"Seriously? Is everyone eating something from the dessert table? We have to leave some for Claude and the actual party! I scold.

"Relax Frankie, there's going to be enough for Claude's party." Leo says.

"Just stop eating all the cookies. That goes for everyone! I say looking everyone in the eye.

"The last batch of pasta is in the oven." One is the chefs we hired tells me.

"Oh that's great thank you so much! I smile.

I check the time. 6:15.

It's time to start getting ready. Guest will be here in the next hour or so.

"Thank you guys for your help. You guys can go get dressed or whatever." I tell them.

As if they've been waiting for this moment their whole lives, they all stop immediately and go into the house.


Except Marco and Felix who make a B line for the dessert table.

More specially the cookies.

"Get your damn hands out of the cookies! I yell approaching them.


I add the last bobby pin to the top of my bun and smile in satisfaction.

I spent the last hour perfecting my slick bun.

Sophia Alice was in the back doing the finishing touches to her makeup.

I already had on my simple but sexy black dress and black heels.

Downstairs I could here the music playing and it seemed like the party was alive.

"Yo Frankiestien, Claude's downstairs." Felix bursts through the door.

"Jeez what if we were naked! I scold standing up.

"That would have been traumatizing. I'll get everyone together while you get Claude." He says.

"Okay, got it." I nod my head.

"See you down there." I tell Sophia Alice before heading out the door.

I walk as fast as my feet can take me in these heels.

I was simply too excited. I've never thrown Claude a party for his birthday before.

I make my way to the front yard where I see Claude waiting outside his car.

"I didn't actually think you were serious Frankie." He says when he sees me.

I let out a laugh.

"You gave me permission so you already know I had to." I smile proudly.

He chuckles to himself.

"Is it bad that I want to ditch my own party." He sighs.

"Not bad. But I hope you won't after I put all this effort into planning it." I say.

He nods his head.

"Ah you're right. That would be rude of me." He says sarcastically.

I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Are you ready to go in? I ask.

He nods his head.

"Yeah. I'm excited to see what you've done with the place."

I squeal in excitement.

"You're gonna love it! I beam.

I grab his hand and began leading him to the front door.

I lead him through the house where he stops occasionally to gawk at the decor inside the house.

"It gets better." I tell him.

We finally reach the backyard and I open the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Everyone screams.

I turn to Claude and I see his face the happiest I've seen him.


His friends come up to him and they all do they're little hand shake thing.

I look in the crowd and I spot Xander.

He was in meetings all day. I'm glad I can finally seen him.

I make my way to him and he smiles when he sees me.

"Look at you. You really outdid yourself little one." He smiles.

"It was light work." I say.

He playfully rolls his eyes.

"I give credit when it's due Frankie. You're really amazing at this kind of thing. Do you see yourself doing something like this in the long run?

"Birthday party planning? I ask curiously.

"Event planning, design. Within that range." He says.

"I would love to do it whenever I can. It's like a form of therapy for me." I explain.

"We could use a social secretary, Coordinator of events. I can't think of a better fit." He says.

I look up to him.

"Are you serious? I ask.

"I'd be honored to have my baby sister run that section herself. You've got a real talent for it." He smiles.

"Oh my god, I'd love to! I smile.

"When can I start? I ask.

"Graduate first. Then you can start when you feel ready to." He says.

"Thank you, Xander. I really appreciate it." I smile.

"Trust me when I say you're doing me a favor. No need to hear you complain about the decor of every event we host. You'll be in charge." He says.

I laugh.


I turn my attention back to everyone and notice that Claude is deep in conversation with some of the guest.

I take that as my queue to start to enjoy myself.

Thankfully, that came easily.


1 dinner, 2 desserts including birthday cake and 3 drinks later I am the happiest I've been for a while.

The party went well, and it seems like everyone enjoyed themselves.

I don't know exactly what I drank, but it works fast.

Or maybe I just can't hold my liquor.

The party had died down and the last of the guest were leaving while I was tiredly cleaning the table.

I throw some trash in a garbage bag and empty some plates in there as well.

While doing so, I come across a clean white paper with a few words on it.

I hope my invite was just lost in the mail. See you soon.

I squint my eyes.

What the hell does that even mean?

I shrug my shoulders and throw that in the garbage bag along with a napkin.

"You should leave that for tomorrow where we can all clean. You did all this work today, I think that's enough." Tomas says coming up to me.

"Yeah you're right, it's late anyway." I yawn.

He tells me goodnight and I say it back.

I'm about to carry one more plate into the house when Claude walks up to me.

"That was the last of them." He sighs putting his hands into his pocket.

"Did you enjoy your party? I ask.

A big smile spreads across his face.

"It's more than I could have ever wished for. I can't thank you enough." He says.

"I'm glad you like it." I say as we walk into the house together.

Everyone including Sophia Alice and Chris were sitting at the kitchen island chatting.

I made a B line for the couch and it felt like heaven when my body sank into the couch.

I heard Claude chuckle and say some other things that I couldn't understand. I was already fading into a deep slumber.


"Frankie? I call her name for the third time.

Still no response.

"She's knocked out." Marco laughs.

I nod my head in agreement.

"She really worked her butt off today." Sophia Alice smiles in amusement.

I place my hand on her back and other under her legs to pick her up.

I look to Xander who bobs his head in the up and to the left direction.

I nod my head and head up the stairs with her careful not to hit her head on the wall.

I reach her bedroom and flick the lights on using Frankie's heel and set her on the bed.

I take her shoes off of her feet and pull the blanket up to her abdomen.

I whisper a "good night" and began walking away when I feel a hand softly stop me.

"Stay." Her voice softly says.

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