《The Protected One》O v e r I t


It's been 3 weeks since that day.

3 weeks since a gun was held to my head.

3 weeks since I've spoken to Claude.

3 weeks since I found out my family's in the mafia.

Things have gotten back to the way they were somewhat.

It's currently Monday.

A new school day. As usual , it was hectic and everyone was running around.

"Has anyone seen my red lipstick, shade 324? Sophia Alice asks frantically.

"No, and you don't even need it," Marco rolled his eyes.

"I didn't ask that. I ask if you've seen my lipstick." Sophia Alice says.

"And i answered your question. No." Marco once again rolls his eyes.

"You're so fucking useless," Sophia Alice sighs.

"Okay everyone in the car." Tomas sighs.

We all pile into the car and as usual drive to school.

Just out luck , it started to rain on the way there. It only got heavier and heavier as we got closer to the school.

if it were a normal day, we would all split when we arrived.

Today wasn't normal though. It was pouring.

We decided to wait for the rain to stop then go in.

Which was a bad idea considering 20 mins later we were still in the car and were officially late for class.

We all decided to just rush in anyways.

And due to the fact we waited so long, the hallways were all empty.

I am walking to my locker and roll my eyes at the sight when I arrive.

I make my way to my locker anyway and stand in front of him.

"Can you move? I ask not looking at him.

"Can you let me explain? Or answer my calls or texts?

I sighed loudly.

"No. Now I'm not going to ask you again, move." I say.


"Frankie I told you I was sorry. So. Many. Times." He breathes.

"That doesn't change what you did." I say.

"I know what I did was horrible but-"

"Horrible? Claude, that doesn't even begin to describe what you did."

"I know. And I feel awful. But I had reasons." He says

"Geez Claude how selfish can you be? I scoff.


"I really don't want to hear it from you right now. Or ever, actually."

"Why are you so stubborn? You can't even keep quiet to hear what I have to say?! He raises his voice.

I scoff. Is he serious right now?

He's getting mad at me?

"You're the last one who should be getting upset at someone right now." I sarcastic laugh.

"You know what forget it." He sighs and walks away.

I close my locker and walk after him.

"You are literally the worst person ever! I say as I feel tears come to my eyes.

"Let it go Frankie!" He shouts as he opens the door leading back outside.

I step outside as well not caring that it was currently pouring.

"Let it go?!" I repeat.

""You left me in there. You stabbed me in the back! I sobbed.



"I'm sorry." He simply says before taking off to his car.

I stand there in disbelief watching him.

I began to cry again.


He left me again.

I can't believe him.

I'm officially done with Claude Daniels.

I can't believe I was ever best friends with him. Since 1st grade.

I turned around and made my way back into the school.


Walking with my head down it was only right I bumped into someone.

"My bad." They say.

I look up to see who it was.

Just my luck.


"Frankie? You're soaking! He says.

"I know."

"You need to get out of those clothes before you catch a cold." He says.

"I don't have anything." I say lowly.

He looks at my face once again.

"Have you been crying? He asks looking me in my eye.

This only makes me more sad.

"What happened? He asks.

Tears run down my face.

"I really don't want to talk about it right now. I don't even want to be at school right now." I say honestly.

"Come on, ill take you home." He says.

I shake my head.

"I can't. I'll just get in trouble." I say honestly.

He sighs.

"Okay. Just come with me anyway." He says.

I follow him out the school to his car.

He pulls out of the student drive way and he starts driving.

I stare out the window as all I can see are the tiny rain drops on the window and a blurred out scenery.

We pull to a stop and I look up to see a house.

I reach for the door but before I could make it out Ben was already by my side covering my hair with his jacket.

We make our way inside and he grabs my hand and leads me upstairs.

"Here." He says handing me a towel.

"You should go take a shower. I'll have something for you to change into while I put your clothes in the dryer."

"Thank you." I say grabbing the towel and make my way into his bathroom.

I strip down from my wet clothes and put them on the counter.

I closed the door to the shower and a minute or so later I heard Benjamin come in and take my wet clothes.

There was a bar of soap and some body wash so I just used the body wash.

I rinsed off and turned off the shower. I wrapped my body in the towel and dried off.

I picked up the red lifeguard hoodie that he picked out for me and some shorts. They were girl ones.

I walked out of the bathroom to see him watching tv.

He patted the bed next to him and I sat down.

"Want to watch anything? He asked

I shake my head.

"Nothing in particular." I say.

"I've got Clueless on dvd." He says.

I gasp.

Clueless is my absolute favorite movie of all time.

"You know me so well." I smile.

He laughs and gets up to get the disk and put it in the player.

As the movie starts I begin to feel a little tired.

And before I know it, I'm asleep.

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