《The Protected One》C h a r a c t e r s


Xander is the oldest Almarack. Him along with Frankie were the first to be adopted. They were adopted together and were in the same foster home. They are the closest.

Dylan is the second oldest, and is very quiet, and keeps to himself almost all the time. But don't let it fool you. Dylan is the biggest family man out there and would do anything for his siblings.

Felix is what they call the "chick magnet" After Xander he is definitely the most protective brother.

Tomas is adopted from France. Frankie adores his tranquility. Everyone can agree that Tomas is the most relaxed Almarack sibling.

Marco and Sophia Alice are the only blood related siblings in the bunch. . They were also the last ones to be adopted. Despite all his brothers being strict and serious, Marco is the one that keeps everyone sane. The clown of the house.

Sophia Alice is the eldest girl in the family. She's a total girly girl. But she's also a badass. She's the type to have a two end lipstick. One lipstick, the other end a knife.

Frankie is the baby of the bunch. Because if this and the fact that's she and Sophia Alice are the only girls, the boys are extremely overprotective of them, especially her. Totally the most down to earth Almarack.

Frankie's best friend since the 1st grade and a friend of the Almarack family.

Marcos best friend and Sophia Alice's love interest.

Ben is a sweet a loyal boy who would do anything for those he loves.

Hated by all the male Almarack's.

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