《Most Protected Of All》Sick


Matt's POV;

I woke up still with my eyes closed and I felt a small weight on top of me. I know already who it is. Then before I could attack this little girl. She got really close to my face and was breathing really hard like I could feel the small droplets of water coming from her breath oh goodness and the a big wet bloop of snot dropped from her nose and landed right on my face. I jolted up.

"Oh gosh ew ew eewwwwww!!! Why??? " I half screamed half whispered. I quickly wiped it off me and then looked at Rose. I grimaced oh no.

Rose sat on the bed looking like she just bathed in snot. Her hair was everywhere, her face was covered in snot and he eyes were puffy and red and the worst of all. She looked about ready to burst out in tears.

"Oh shoot Rose it's fine. It's ok I am not that disgusted just maybe a little. " I said while I picked her up and moved to the bathroom to wash her face and hands. As I was washing her I knew what a mess all the other brothers are going to be in knowing their little sister is sick.

It's going to be a long long day.

Rose's POV;

Wow this is weird and gross. Why is this stupid green stuff all over my face. I put my hands underneath the sink, I cup some water and splashed it on my face. I looked over to Matt, he looked deep in thought. I got down from the small stool by the sink. I looked up at him,he was still staring at nothing. I looked down at his pants.

Ughhhhhhhh my Nose really itches. And there is yucky stuff on it. I close my eyes in frustration and reach my hand out to the nearest thing and rub my nose on it.


Oh that's much batter I can breath better.

"EKKK ROSE!!!!!!! EWWW" Matt squeaks. He then stormed off. Weirdo.

I walk towards the door just as my hand was about to reach for the door knob, I hear Dad's voice

" Matt what is your issue now?! And why do you have boogers on your pants??" Dad says loudly in a weirded out voice.

" uGH dad rose is sick!!!" Matt says stomping his foot.

By this time I am by the top of the stairs. Sick. Ohhh is that what this is. I never knew that it had a name I just called it green monsters.

A million feet start rushing toward me making my eyes go wide. Oh no. What did I do?

I run quickly back to my room and shut the door. I frantically look around for a hiding place. I look at my friends, they always help me. I run over and place them around me and I grab a blanket from my bed. I cover myself and my friends. They won't find me here.

What did I do?

Roberts POV;

Rose is sick.

Shit no that can't happen.

My baby.

We all rush over toward the stairs and right as soon as we got there we see a small flash of pink night gown and we hear small pats of feet running.

" you idiots you scared her. Now she thinks she is in trouble. " Matt says while wiping off the boogers on his pj pants.

I run my hand Down my face in sadness I sharply turn toward my sons and point a finger at them.

" stay here. I am going to go take care of my daughter. " I say going up the stairs. Before I can disappear from ear shoot I hear.


" but I wanna take care of my sister " from Damon.

I arrive in front of Rose's room. I open the door and find a big blanket over a small bump.

A small sad smile appears on my face, I slowly walk over to her bed and sit down.

" I really really wish my daughter was here. " I say watching The lump under the blanket closely for any sign of her coming out from under there. But then a small little voice speaks out from under the blanket.

" why? " Rose says.

" because I heard my little rose was sick. And I want to take care of her. " I say gently

" are you mad? " Rose says in a scared voice.

" what? No baby of course not. I could never be mad at you. Especially for something like this. Ok. Can you come to me please? " I say softly.

The lump under the blanket moved and then the blanket slid off and revealed my beautiful daughter and her millions of stuffed animals.

She slowly stands up and walks over holding her blanket. Once she is in front of me I pick her up and set her on my lap.

" let's help you get better Rose darling" I say with the most care ever.

I will always be here for you darling. I love you.

Thoughts??????? Please leave comments please.

I am sooooo very sorry to all of you that had to wait a year for my update. I am overwhelmed with a million different things going on in my life. Please excuse my mistake. Thank you for leaving the millions of comments saying you wanted an update. I only wrote again bc of those. So thank you. I will try better to update regularly.

Thank you for reading.

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