《Most Protected Of All》Silent Treatment.


Rose's POV;

"Matt... Matt... Matt" I said over and over again. He's been asleep for too long. A big sigh escaped my mouth when will I get to show Matt how pretty he is. I ran out of my room all the way to Ace and Adam's room.

"Who's there?" Ace answers.

" It's me!!!!" I say bouncing on my toes.

The door opens to reveal Adem with red paint all over his hands. I raise my eyebrow.

"Um, Adem the paint goes on a paper if you didn't know," I tell him wondering why on earth would he put it on his hands.

Adem smiles the opens the door wider.

"I know Rose. Come in. What do you need?" Adem says while leading me in.

I see Ace over in front of a big white paper and he has blue paint all over his hands and his nose. What were these boys doing?

I blink at Ace still confused at their appearance. I shake my head and look back at Adem.

"Well,imadeMattallprettywhilehewassleepingandnowineedsomethingtowakehimupbecausehewon'twakeup!" I say in one breath while bouncing on my toes.

Ace gets up from his seat in front of the paper and comes and kneels down in front of me.

"Ok tell me that one more time but this time a little slower." Ace says. I nod my head still excited about showing Matt how pretty he is.

"Ok listen carefully this time. I made Matt all pretty while he was sleeping and now I need something to wake him up because he won't wake up!!!" I say looking from Ace to Adem.

Adem nods slowly then goes over to his bed and from under the bed pulls out this weird-looking thing that I have never seen before.


" What is that?" I ask looking at it weirdly.

"This hun is a really loud horn that will make Matt get up no problem," Adem says handing it to me. I turn it around.

" Will Matt like the horn?" I ask questionly. I have never really heard any horns except car horns.

Ace and Adem both look at each other and smile really big. Weird.

"Oh yes, Rose he will love it." Ace says trying not to laugh.

" Just hold it like this and push that little button on top. Got it?" Adem says handing it to me and showing me how to hold it.

" Ok thank you," I say while still looking at the horn in my hand. I start walking toward my room. I was just about to make it to my room when I see Damon and Luke walking toward me.

" Hey Rose what are you up to?" Luke asks as he looks weirdly at my horn.

"Adem and Ace gave it to me so that I can wake up Matt and they said he would like it," I say as I see both Damon and Luke smile.

" Oh I see can we come along?" Damon asks while looking at something behind me.

I turn around and see that both Adem and Ace are right behind me. I mean sure they can come I don't see why they would want to. But maybe they want themselves to get all pretty too.

I look back and Damon and give him a smile.

"Sure!" I say and run the rest of the way to my room. I reached my room and went over to the bed. Right before I could push it I feel something heavy on my ears. I look up at Damon who put this thing on my ears. Damon pulls it off a bit.


" It is a cool thing to wear when you use horns. It is called ear muffs." Damon says then puts them back into place.

I look back at Matt and go right up to the bed.




Matt flew so high that he fell off the bed.

Wow, that was loud even I could hear it with these earmuffs on.

"WHAT ON EARTH????!!" Matt screamed even though it sounds quiet to me. And everybody started laughing. I wonder why.

I take my Earmuffs off and smiled at Matt.

"Look, Matt, I made you pretty," I say taking his hand a leading him to my bathroom mirror.

"WHAT??? WHAT NO WHY????? ROSE !!" Matt said really fast then franticly turned the water on and tried to wash it off.

My face turned sad why doesn't he like it?

" Matt, why are you trying to wash it off? Don't you like it?" I ask sadly trying to keep the tears in.

Matt turns to me and even under all the glitter I see his face really red. He blows a big breath of air and storms out of the room.

I get out of the bathroom and go to Damon and lift my arms telling him I want to be held.

"Why didn't he like it, Damon?" I ask once I am picked up. Damon wipes some of the tears away that escaped.

"Oh, Rose I am sorry Matt can be a bit ungrateful," Damon says while laying my head on his shoulder. I sniffle and Damon walks out of my room and down the stairs.

Right when we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"DINNER TIME!!!" Grandma yells.

A bunch of feet is heard then Damon puts me down. Damon, Luke, Ace, Adem, and I all head to the dining room. Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma are all already there. We all sit down.

"Where is Matt?" Dad asks looking around at all of us.

"He is upstairs in his room pouting." Ace says.

Dad raises an eyebrow.

"Um, why?" Grandpa asks.

"And he is also giving Rose the silent treatment," Adem says. I wonder what the silent treatment is?

Grandpa looks sadly at me and hugs me.

"Don't worry hun Grandpa will make him talk to you again," Grandpa says while hugging me.

I nod my head and sniffle. They all sit down and we all start to eat. When we were almost done with dinner we heard footsteps come down the stairs. and before I could see who it was, everybody at the table was laughing. At what I have no idea.

I look up at the person who came down the stair to see that it was Matt. Only half of his face was glitter and the other half looked red like he was rubbing it hard.

A small pout forms on my face.

He washed the glitter away!!!

Without saying a word to anyone he sits in a seat and silently eats without so much as looking at me.


Please leave comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to all of you that had to wait until I updated.

And thank you to all you who wished me to get better!!!!

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