《Most Protected Of All》Grandfather and Grandfather Clock


Rose's POV;

The giant grandfather clock was clicking. My eyes following it back and forth. Alex said that I could go to play outside when the little hand was on 2 and the big hand was on 12. I sigh how hard is it to move the hand to 2?? surely the clock can manage that right??

" You know that staring at the clock will not make it move any faster right?" Logan says with a smile. I look at him with a pout.

"Then what will?" I ask impatiently. Logan crackles then come over toward me and kneels down.

"Just you wait before you know it you will be outside," Logan says with a smile. How could he be smiling about my sadness?

I snap my head toward the clock and it was time!!!!!

I jump up so fast that I nearly hit Logan's chin and then I raced out of the house into the backyard. Yesterday I found out about the backyard and it is so cool just like a forest.

I went over to the little river thing and looked at all the fishy.

"Are you hungry?" I ask the fish because they were all right by me. I sit up and run over to one of the trees and under the tree is some fish food. I grab it then sprinkle some on the water. I watch with Happiness as the fish fight each other to the food. A giggle leaves my mouth as I was one takes the food from another. Silly fish.

I quickly snap my head towards the sound. What was that? I walk over toward the fence since that is where the sound came from.

Once I am in front of the fence I find a little hole and peek through it. I couldn't see anything but grass and trees. I look around for a way to see what the sound was. Then I spot a gate, I walk over to it and unlatch the lock. I stepped out of the gate and looked around. I could not see anything that had made the sound.


I sanp my head behind me and looked.

What I saw made me pale so white that I would put whip cream to shame.

I quickly got inside the gate and locked it quickly. I started backing away from the gate still in shock, how could he be here?

Hebanged on the gate trying to brack it down. With all of my strength I quickly ran toward the house.

I slammed the back door open then ran toward the kitchen. I snaped my head back and forth looking everywhere. Where is everybody??

All I heard was the sound of the grandfather clock ticking. I looked at the clock, oh that stupid clock is getting annoying.

I quickly looked back at the back door to find there was no door there but in its place stood the one person I will never like ever.

"Now now you little brat, did you really think that staying in this big house was going to keep you save?" he said spitting his words out.

My eyes widen No I can't let him take me back, I turn on my heels and run toward the kitchen right before I could make it toward the kitchen I run into legs.

WHat!!?? i thought he was behind me???

I looked up and I am not met with his eyes but some other eyes that make me feel extremely safe. The man standing before me had gray hair and was really tall. Some how he looked frimilier.

"GET OVER HERE YOU BRAT!!!" HE yelled from behind me. Deciding that this man in front of me was a better choice then him, I lefted my arms up signaling that I wanted to be held. To my surprise he quickly picked me up. I snuggled my face into his neck and held onto him for dear life.


"There you are" He said. I whipped my face around I saw him.


The man holding me tightened his grip.

"Princess do you know this man?" the nice man that held me questioned.

"Yes but he is really mean." I say pleading the nice man not to give me to him.

"WHY YOU LITTLE BRAT." Mister yelled then charged toward us. I quickly turned around barrying my face into the nice mans neck.

I heard a really loud sound then I quickly turned around and on the ground was Mister, before I could see anything else the nice man covered my eyes and layed my head back on his shoulder.

The nice man walked up the stiars and while he was walking up the stairs a lot of people in suits came in the house and went toward where Mister was.

I lefted my head from his shoulder and looked at him in the eyes he turned his head and looked at me.

"What is your name?" I ask quietly looking at his eyes the whole time. He was looking at me just like how Daddy, my brothers, ALex and Logan look at me.

"Princesse, I am your Grandfather." He says.

My eyes widen WHAT!!!???

"REALLY???" I ask with happiness. He smiles really big and then holds me tight to him.

Her Grandfather;

"Yes hun, now tell me why were you left all alone?" Grandpa said with a bit of anger.


Please leave comments!!!!!!!!!

What do you think about the grandfather??

Oh, and also I started writing a new book that is called "Rumor". It has a different feel to it then this book but if you checked it out it would mean a lot to me. Thanks!!!!!

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