《Most Protected Of All》BodyGuards.


Rose's POV;

I woke up to Ace and Adem cuddled up with me on my bed. All around the bed were my stuffies. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look at the twins. They are making the loud sound that mister made when he was sleeping, it is so loud. I scrunch up my face in disgust I hope I never make that sound when I am older. I wiggle my way out of the bed and gather all of my friends. I walk down the hall and to the top of the stairs. Right when I was about to step on the first step someone picks me up. What is with people and picking me up before I can reach the first step??

"And where do you think you're going?" Dad says with amusement. Once I recognized dad's voice a big smile broke out on my face.

"Daddy!!" I exclaim loudly I haven't seen him in forever. I hug the life out of dad and he takes me down the stairs.

"Daddy where have you been?? You have never been home." I state with sadness. Dad looks at me with guilty eyes.

" I am sorry hun I just have had a lot of work to do. " He says apologizing. Dad then sets me down on the ground while he goes to make breakfast. I look around and go toward the living room and put all my stuffies on the couch then climb on it myself. Once I am comfortable I look around the room and what I see confuses me.

All around the living room are a bunch of suitcases! but that is not what surprises me the most. sitting across from me are two really big tall men that are in suits and look like can't smile. Oh no, why can't they smile?


" Hey, Giants do you need help smiling? I think I can help you if you want." I tell them with worry in my voice. Then they both crack a small grin but it is gone the next second. Well, they almost had it, I am sure we could practice.

Daddy walks into the living room while Twins, Luke, and Damon are walking down the stairs. I look up at my brothers and smile then I see dad put some fruit in front of me and I happily munch on it.

"Um Rose we are going to be going on a trip today and we will be gone for three days," Dad says with nervousness. I snap my head toward dad, so are they leaving me by myself?

"So you going to leave me by myself?" I ask with sadness.

"No, we are not going to leave you by yourself. This here is to off Matt's friends Alex and Logan, they are going to take care of you, they are kinda like your bodyguards.." Dad says. I look back at the two giants and nod toward dad.

Alex and Logan;

(Ignore the man in the middle.)

Dad then kissed my head and so did Damon, Luke, and the twins then they grab their suitcases and started walking toward the elevator the went to the garage. Once they reach the garage Matt comes down the stairs looking half asleep. Once Matt spots me he comes over and picks me up.

"Hi, Angel remember that we will be back and Alex and Logan will take care of you and will protect you I promise," Matt says with a sleepy voice, then he kisses my head then sets me down and makes his way over to the garage.


Once they are out of my sight Alex closes the door the Logan offers his hand and leads me toward the kitchen. I look up at them both and an idea lights up my face, Alex sees my face and grimaces like he knows what I am going to say.

"Do you want to play dress-up with me??" I say with so much happiness. Both Grimce but nod their heads and I grab both of their hands and lead them toward my room.

We are going to have much fun!!!!!!


Please leave Comments!!!!!!!!!

Also, what do you think about Alex and Logan??????

I am thinking of starting a new book but I need some ideas for names. Please give me some ideas for a female lead. Thanks.

I just got back from my trip and I have to say I was able to get this huckleberry milkshake and it was Amazing you have to get one.

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