《protected - dnf》eighteen, pt. 2
Clay stood at his desk, gripping the edge of the table tightly.
A storm raged inside of his chest – a hurricane. He had felt like this before. Felt angry. Confused. But he had always been able to manage it.
Now, his emotions felt out of control.
For a moment, he wasn't sure what he was going to do. He felt like throwing something, maybe, or destroying something. Just to make the outside look the way he felt on the inside. But before he could do anything stupid, an image outside his window caught his eye. He watched George lead Daisy from the stables, jump on her back, and ride through the castle gates into the darkening night.
The sight startled him. He sat down heavily at his desk, the image filling up his mind and momentarily quieting the storm.
George left, like Clay had told him to. Was he leaving for good?
Let him go, a bitter, retributive voice in his head hissed. You can find a servant who's twice as good, and half as irritating.
But the instant he let himself actually picture a world without George by his side, that sentiment crumbled away like sand.
George was special. He was smart. Smarter than people gave him credit for. He was incredibly brave. Every time Clay got himself in a scrape, George threw himself in right alongside him, even though he had no real way to defend himself. He had an incredibly good heart. He cared about everything and everyone, even animals, to a degree Clay sometimes found ridiculous, but always endearing.
There was nobody else like George, not to Clay. His being Clay's servant was just a technicality. The idea of replacing him was – was laughable.
And Clay had just told him to leave.
But you had to, Clay told himself, his mind spinning again, the storm starting up and swirling his thoughts into gusts. George had been defending magic. He had been irrational, had been saying dangerous things. What else was Clay supposed to do?
The inherent evil of magic was something Clay knew to be true. Fundamentally. Deep down, in the parts of himself that never changed. He knew his duty was to protect the things he cared most about: his family, his friends, and above all, Camelot. He also knew that magic threatened Camelot. Every time. Without exception. Therefore, his duty was to eliminate magic.
But apparently, George believed differently. Didn't that count for something? Didn't it count that Clay, himself, had seen a gray area? Had hesitated when looking into that woman's eyes?
What if George is right? he thought, and even putting that sentiment into words felt terrifying. It was questioning a premise he had accepted unquestioningly for his entire life. It was challenging his father's bedrock beliefs. It was acknowledging that, all this time, for all these years, Clay might have been wrong.
His mother's words echoed softly in his head. You know truth, Clay.
He didn't know what the truth was in this moment. His father and George, two people he trusted implicitly, had looked at the same woman, had heard the same words, and had left with entirely different minds. Clay had left torn between the two. Directly in the middle.
Clay needed to see the sorcerer again, for himself. Needed to talk to her. Surely, he must have missed something about her – something that would unlock the answer, something that would confirm to him that his father was being rational, rather than tyrannical. That he hadn't based his worldview on a lie. He felt himself stand and move towards the doors, propelled forward by the steady drum of his heartbeat in his ears.
He only had tonight to figure this out for himself. By the time morning came, it would be too late.
The cold evening air whipped against George's face and through his hair as he urged Daisy on faster through the forest, stinging his eyes and distracting him from the emotion bubbling up in his chest.
He was running away. He was being a coward. Again.
But Clay had told him to leave, and he just... he just needed to go. He couldn't be in that castle. Couldn't go to bed knowing a sorcerer was locked away in the dungeon. Couldn't face his grandmother again, having failed.
And what else could he do? Brute-magic his way through the royal guard to release Cecily? Force himself into exile, or more likely, onto a pyre?
Maybe a better man would, George thought. Maybe he would, still. But not right now. He needed some time to think.
Daisy seemed to be following a path through the forest known only to her, and he trusted her and let her lead as the night grew darker, until suddenly they were emerging from the treeline into an open space and George saw the lake he had visited in his boyhood, shimmering with moonlight. His breath caught in his throat as Daisy slowed to a walk, the wind rustling softly in the trees.
"Good girl," George whispered as he hopped off, patting Daisy on the shoulder. He started to walk towards the water, his hands stuffed in his pockets.
Soft ripples ran along the surface of the lake, making the reflection of the moon shiver in its center. George looked around him but saw nobody, as usual, just the tall branches of trees reaching towards the sky and swaying slowly in the breeze. Across the lake, he saw the rocks where he had once laid out with Dream in the sun, the treeline where the bandits had emerged all those years ago. It was the first time George had used his magic to protect Dream, the first of a series of moments that Dream had never known about. Might never know about.
His hands itched and his mind raced with thoughts he couldn't quiet, and he decided to do something he rarely let himself indulge in. He decided to take his magic for a spin.
George wandered closer to the forest to gather a few branches, hoping to try out a new vocal spell he had been practicing in his free time. Gathering a few sticks together, he set them aflame with a flick of his wrist, coaxing the flame until it licked up the branches and dissolved them into embers.
Placing his hands over the sparks and focusing his mind on the result he wanted, George took a breath and whispered in the Old Language: "upastiye drakon."
The embers swirled to life under his hands and flew into the air above the lake, and as George kept careful control over their flight, they rearranged themselves into the form of a dragon, stretching towards the sky. Delighted, George tried to push the embers a little further to get the dragon to roar, but here he lost his control over the sparks and they dissipated into the night.
George exhaled and dropped his hands, resolving to practice more. This spell was more about tact than pure strength. He could have surged forward with all his magic, but – the embers just would have gone out. It was like his gran said: it was easier to destroy than to create with magic.
Like anything. That was the important end to the phrase. Like anything. Magic was no ethically distinct from a sword, or a rock for that matter. They could all be used to hurt. They could all be used to help.
George looked down at his hands and clenched them into fists a few times, feeling the sparks in his fingers and repeating it to himself.
You're not evil. You're not. And this isn't wrong.
"That was cute," came a voice from behind him, and George whirled, sudden panic cracking through him like a lightning bolt.
A woman stood behind him, observing him closely.
He had been seen.
Clay had about two thousand second thoughts as he made his way to the dungeons, but before any could take hold, he was descending into the lowest level of the castle. He never had reason to visit the dungeons, and the damp stone corridors lit by flickering torches seemed unfamiliar and unwelcoming as he neared the heavy wooden door which led to the sorcerer's cell.
Pushing it open, he saw Ponk and Callahan jumping to attention, having been put on first watch. When they saw Clay, they relaxed slightly.
"Is everything alright?" Ponk asked. Callahan looked attentive and concerned.
"Nothing's wrong," Clay assured him. "I need to talk to the prisoner. Alone."
Ponk and Callahan glanced at each other, and then into the cell. The bars to the cell were made of heavy wrought iron, and through them, Clay caught a glimpse of the sorcerer. She sat on the floor in the corner, her hands and feet chained, leaning against the stone wall.
"Okay," Ponk eventually said, as Callahan shrugged. "I guess that's fine. We'll stand right outside. Shout if you need us."
"Thank you," Clay said as his friends nodded and left the dungeon, the door shutting behind them. He walked slowly towards the bars of the sorcerer's cell, stopping about a foot away.
The sorcerer kept her gaze fixed on the opposite wall. Her face looked lined with exhaustion. She didn't look otherworldly. Didn't look ethereal. Didn't look like anything except a woman huddled in the corner of a cell. Clay grit his teeth.
"My name is Clay," he said, breaking the silence. "I wanted to talk to you."
The sorcerer glanced at him briefly. Her gaze was appraising.
"If you try anything," Clay warned, "there are two guards waiting just outside."
"I'm not going to do anything," the sorcerer said, lifting her chains and tilting her head towards the bars of the cell. She had an interesting voice, sort of husky and strong. "I don't know any spells that can break through iron."
Clay narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "You could still do something else," he muttered.
"Like what," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Turn you green? Give you warts?"
Was that a joke? Clay didn't laugh. "I don't know," he said defensively. "I don't know what – what sorcerers like you do to people."
She actually rolled her eyes at that. "Am I the first sorcerer you've ever spoken to?" she asked.
"Yes," Clay said with certainty. "I don't keep company with traitors."
"Then I don't blame you for not knowing that we're just normal people," Cecily said, pulling her legs a little closer to her body, "and normal people generally don't like hurting other people randomly. So. You're safe."
Clay bit the inside of his lip. He wasn't blind. He could see what this situation would look like to an outsider. His father was putting this woman to death, and yet she wasn't lifting a finger against Clay. Wasn't even raising her voice.
"Why are you here?" the woman asked. She seemed tired.
"I don't really know," Clay said. "Except that a friend of mine seems to think... well, I don't know what he thinks. That you're innocent? That I should let you go?"
"Interesting," the woman said, her gaze thoughtful.
There had to be a trick. There had to be something Clay couldn't see here. There had to be more than a helpless person stoically accepting her fate. Whatever confirmation Clay was looking for that Daniel was in the right, he hadn't found it yet. And it freaked him out.
"Okay, drop the act. What's your game?" he snapped, glaring at the sorcerer. "Seriously. You must be planning something."
"What makes you think that?"
"You're - you're so calm, it's like you don't even care you're about to die. Why didn't you defend yourself at the trial?"
She met his gaze levelly. "Would it have mattered?"
"You could have tried, at least," Clay said, avoiding the question. "At this point it feels like you have a death wish."
A dark look flashed across her face and her forehead furrowed into a soft glare. "It wouldn't have mattered," she answered her own question. "I knew the law. I knew what would happen the minute I healed my kids. I did it anyway. I don't feel like embarrassing myself begging for mercy I won't get."
"So you'll just sit there quietly until tomorrow morning?" Clay said angrily. "I'm not that naïve."
"Maybe you are," she responded, matching his volume. "Have you ever had something you would give your life for, Prince Clay?"
The words stopped him in his tracks. "Yes," he said finally, his arms falling to his side, his hands balling into fists. "I would give my life to keep my kingdom safe."
The sorcerer nodded slowly, keeping her eyes on Clay. "That's what they say about you," she said softly. The words sent a shiver of surprise down Clay's spine. "They say you're different from your father. That you care about the people."
"Of course I do," Clay muttered.
The sorcerer just kind of hummed noncommittally. "If you do feel that way... maybe you can understand. You think there's anything I wouldn't do to keep my children safe? You're wrong. I die tomorrow. So what?" She shrugged. "They're home safe, right now. Alive. Breathing. So I say fair trade. Done deal." She made a motion like she was brushing her hands off, and then returned her gaze to the stone wall. But when she spoke next, her voice kind of trembled, betraying the fact that she wasn't as stoic as she seemed. "Now if you're done trying to convince yourself I'm some evil demon, or something, I'd like to spend my last night with my thoughts, instead of nursing your feelings, Your Highness."
The words shook Clay, threatening to throw him off-balance. Because they seemed true. But there had to be more here, there had to be. "I trust my father more than I trust you," Clay said, shoving a finger at the woman. "And I'm not different from him. There has to be a reason for this."
"Whatever you say," the woman sighed, but as Clay turned and stalked away from the cell, she said, "but you are different, no matter what you think."
"And why is that?" Clay threw over his shoulder.
"You came here, didn't you?"
Clay stopped still at the door, his heart racing. He felt the sorcerer's eyes on his back.
He didn't turn. He pushed through the door and waved off Ponk and Callahan.
He needed to talk to his father.
The voice that had startled George belonged to a woman with a pale face and long, silver hair. She wore a dark blue cloak that swept behind her as she walked steadily towards George, stopping a few paces away.
George took a defensive step back, his hands balling into fists. "Who are you?" he asked warily. His mind scrambled for an excuse but found none even worth trying. Oh, that whole magic dragon thing? – yeah, total coincidence –
But the woman didn't look afraid of him. Instead, she looked supremely interested. Her eyes were strangely light, probably blue? – but in the night, they looked almost white. Her face was cunning and she gave George a broad, sharp smile.
"My name is Minx," she said. "Don't worry. I don't bite. Much."
Minx lifted her hand and conjured sparks from mid-air, silently blowing a similar ember-dragon to life. This one, unlike George's, was animated; it flapped its wings as it flew several loops around George before arcing up towards the sky, breathing out flame and then scattering to the wind.
George's heart caught in his throat, and he looked at the woman with large, wild eyes.
"You're magic," he breathed, both relieved and shocked. Aside from his grandmother, and Cecily in the dungeons, he had never met another magic user. Especially not one who seemed close to his age.
"Not just magic," Minx responded, her eyes glittering. She had an unfamiliar accent, and her voice held a strange, enchanting lilt. "An elemental. Just like you, George."
George laughed in utter disbelief before double-taking. "Sorry... how do you know my name?"
"I've heard of you," she said, taking a step towards him. "I've been meaning to meet with you."
"And... why is that?"
"I have a plan that I think you'll want to hear. A plan to bring power back to sorcerers in Camelot," she said, and then, perhaps picking up on the way George's eyes started to narrow, quickly followed with, "and a plan to save the woman scheduled to burn tomorrow."
This gave George pause, and though he heard distant alarm bells ringing in his head, his desperation for a solution that might help Cecily drowned them out. "Well... what's your plan?"
Minx smirked and motioned for George to follow her. He fell into step beside her as she started to walk around the lake. She slipped a hand through his arm, holding him at the crook of his elbow and throwing him slightly off-guard as she started to speak.
"You heard've what's happening in Mercia, George?"
"Only rumors," George mumbled, glancing at Minx. She was beautiful, in a strange, wild sort of way. Her smirk lingered on her lips, and her eyes were bright and focused on something in the distance.
"Tell me what you know," she said.
"That the government is crumbling," he said, thinking back to all the stories he had whispered heard around the castle. "That magic is going completely unrestricted. That sorcerers are gaining more and more power."
Minx chuckled. "Good. That's what we want all the little people to know. But it's not the whole story. That part's much more interesting."
"What is the whole story?"
"The story is the Circle," Minx breathed, and then launched into an account of a world George had never known.
The Circle was a sorcerer's guild that had survived for decades, throughout the purges and the repression, operating secretly and always with the intention of protecting sorcerers in Albion. It was a small group, made up of an elite few who had retained powerful positions in various kingdoms. Nobles with magic blood, advisors with hidden practices. A slight majority of them resided in Mercia, hence their initial attempts at legalizing magic the straight-forward way, Minx explained with a wince, referring to the Mercian decision which had almost led to war with Camelot some years ago.
The Unnoticed Dungeon
A newly formed dungeon core awakes with no memory of who or what he was. In fact, he just found out that he died. He has no idea or when or how he came to pass, and now finds himself being forced to start all over as a dungeon core. Worse yet, he isn't even your average run of the mill dungeon. No, the Overseers, whoever they are, have designated him to be an experimental core. This means he doesn't have to play by all the rules, the bad news is that if the core oversteps his boundaries as a dungeon core too far he's more than dead; he's erased. Now he has to struggle to figure out what kind of dungeon he wants to be, all the while very aware that he can't play it safe. The overseers don't want safe, they want lines redrawn and limits reset. The question is, can he do it and survive? He asks, because he overstepped before he even made it to his new world.
8 311Aethernea
[Best Fantasy Story Winner at Wattpad Fiction Awards 2016] ? Adventure ? Mystery ? Humor ? Romance ? Systematic, almost scientific Magic ? Strategy in Fights ? Character Development Gallery | Wikia | Official Site | Patreon | Facebook | Twitter ————————————————————————————————————- Summary ————————————————————————————————————- In a world where everyone can use magic, where treasure hunters, alchemists, and warlocks are common professions, and where mage duels are the most popular form of entertainment, Kiel is a "non-mage" - a person who doesn't have the aptitude to use magic on regular basis - until he meets Elaru - a spell breaker of mysterious origin, wielder of the fabled 'Aethernea of Sight' - eyes that can see magic, who claims she can give him the power to become the greatest mage world of Halnea has ever seen. Coerced into binding his soul to hers, Kiel finds himself pulled into a web of secrets, where one wrong step could end in his untimely demise. Who, or what is Elaru Wayvin really? What is her relation to the ruling 15 noble mage families? What is the source of The Ink - a mysterious plague spreading through the continent? What is the Aetherneal bond between them and what has it turned them into? What is the truth behind gods and divine magic? Why has the third race of Halnea - the Ascended, mysteriously disappeared, and what is the connection between the remaining two races? In the search for truth, Kiel and Elaru enroll at the most prestigious University of Magic. Yet, between awkward social events, falling in love, thrilling competitions, blood curling battles, irritating peers, and damnable love rivals, there is little time for studying. And as if avoiding sinister plots from all sides wasn't difficult enough, their new detestable mentor takes them on a voyage into the uncharted forbidden zone filled with unspeakable secrets, ancient riddles, man-eating monsters, and deadly traps. A quest that just might end up changing the fate of the entire world. ————————————————————————————————————- What do readers say about it? ————————————————————————————————————- "Aethernea is my absolute favorite read on wattpad, I love it as much as I love Harry Potter and The Mortal Instruments. You have such an amazing way to make the words flow and unbelievable descriptions. Unique characters and a great story line. All the small clues and mystery in the humor and fantasy just makes the book perfect in my opinion. I read all chapters in two days! Less than 48 hours even! I'm REALLY looking forward to the next update, the world of Aethernea is so deep and well thought out, it's beautiful and magical. God I can't believe how creative you are, so many small details with so many families and stories everywhere. Purely fantastical, I admire you." - astro-logical from Wattpad "I love love love Aethernea so much! It is amazing how you created this new world with different creatures, magics, looks, illnesses, and evil! I was blown away by your explanation of the Mana pools and how to weave magic! Simply stunning really! You are one of my favorite authors and Wattpad and I am so glad I stumbled upon Aethernea because it is worth all of my time reading!" - Adriana_V_Blade from Wattpad "I absolutely am loving Aethernea so far. I am certain you belong in the ranks among J.K. Rowling, Rick Riordan, Suzane Collinings, and many more great and wonderful authors. You opened up a whole new world for me, which only a few great authors have accomplished. While it's true I am pulled into each and every book, few are able to capture me to the point of inescapability. Though, somehow, you have managed this feat. I thank you for this and more! You are a wonderful author and can't wait for more to come!" - daughterofpercabeth7 from Wattpad "WOW! just caught Aethernea in gravity tales! Just when I was getting tired of most xianxia novels this appears and completely blows my mind! I really like the depth and the humorous touch you give the characters and it seems you have the storyline well thought out since you are always hinting about things in the past and the future. It has been such an enjoyable experience that I couldn't stop reading, finishing it in just one day and laughing my way through most of the episodes. But what keeps me so excited for what's coming is the magic system and the professions of the world you are creating.The magic mechanics have such a huge potential! They are simple but at the same time they open so many possibilities. Even though we still only understand the basics of transmutation and augmentation, I expect them to enable fights where there is need of quick thinking and skill, and not just brainless overpower of every opponent. In a way this makes me reminiscent about The Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson, which are one of my favorite series ever. The thing that sets Mistborn apart from any other series is that the mechanics are so well thought out that they could be used to create a super cool triple A video game and I cannot help but hope Aethernea reaches the same level or even surpass it. I really think it has that potential. Really hope this series gets the attention it deserves. As for me, Thursdays and Sundays just got a whole more exciting! =)" - AlexMLion "Your writing is fantastic and riveting, the chapters and character flow so smooth, and it captivates the reader with the many twist and turns that tricks one mind into thinking this is about to happen, when suddenly the exact opposite happens. You truly are in inspirational writer with a brilliant mind that can see and put words into chapters and into this one truly awesome book. Thank you!" - AshleyStaar from Wattpad "I loved this story, such detailed description and accurate words, both Kiel and Elaru completely caught my attention, your writing style is just beautiful and the plot is astounding and it's just the first episode! This kind of fantasy stories are my favourite, it has a lot of magic in it, rivalry and sense of humour." - BlackWhiteD from Wattpad
8 73The Dragon & The Demon
Orenda Nochdifache-Firefist has sucessfully overthrown the Empress Xandra and broken the empire to allow the individual colonies to return to self-rule, as well as abolished the chattle slavery that had plagued the land- earning her the title of "Orenda the Reign Ender". The Knights of Order have officially won the war in a bloody revolution, putting an end to the three centuries of warfare under Xandra's leadership. No longer must people live in fear of Xandra's puppet, The Emerald Knight. But now Orenda must face the realities of her dream- the imaginary princess has become queen. And, she has a deadly secret she must keep in the form of a teenage Urillian boy who is not what he seems. Anilla is still on a never ending quest to find her dragon; her people beleive that every memeber of their tribe is born with a soul bonded dragon that exists somewhere in the world- and Orenda's little secret claims to have seen Anilla's soul before. Could he be the key to ending her quest? This work is a direct sequel to The Crimson Mage, and will obviously contain major spoilers for that work, so it might be a better place to start (though I will warn you that the first chapter of that story may be the worst thing I've ever written. Just power through it or encorage me to put up a second draft). It can be found here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21654/the-crimson-mage/chapter/307763/chapter-1
8 95The Magical Girl Substituting me is...my Uncle?!
Amidst all of the issues that any teenager girl usually has, Aika Tsunaboshi also secretly an Magical Girl. Much likes the ones you would typically see in anime and manga. Except these ones also hunts demons on the side. One day, while fighting against her nemesis, she is forced to make a decision and temporarily transfer her powers to someone in her family. Which according to her partner (AKA Sacred Beast) Nyamo, the Nekomata, was intended to go to her older brother, Akira Tsunaboshi. Who is always mistaken for a girl and barely able to form a full sentence towards strangers, which leaves him prone to many misunderstandings. Akira is already in his third year and everyone in the school still recognizes him as one of the most popular "girls" on the school. Making him quite unapproachable for most students, who thinks Akira lives in a higher place than the rest, rendering him to be quite a loner. However, during the transferring process, Aika got cold feet at the last second and her partner, alongside her magical powers were sent somewhere else. About to be stricken down by her assailant, Aika is saved by a strange fat man. Her savior... just happened to be one of her teachers, Shinjirou Tsunaboshi... and her uncle, who just happened to be passed out drunk in the gym storage nearby. Which she so utterly despises due to his being drunk more often than not, near perpetual state of hangover, his carefree nature, unrensponsible and perverted tendencies that earned him the title "Ero-Sensei" which caused many antics and headaches for Aika to deal with most of her life. The shock of seeing her uncle wearing her uniform, a frilly dress, alongside a set of cat ears, tail and everything made her pass out on the spot. By the time Aika woke up, not only he was casually partying with both her partner Nekomata and the demon, became best friends with them, as well but also convinced the two to form a strange alliance between himself, her demonic nemesis and through Nyamo, sent his unprecedented proposal to Arcadia, the group behind managing and recruiting all Magical Girls. Would Arcadia even consider Shinji's suggestion and his abnormal circumstance? Will Aika be able to handle yet another stress placed on top of her social life? Will Aika's powers ever return to her? Even if it does, will she be able to manage to put up with her troublesome uncle for the sake of justice until then? Only one way to find out!
8 126Hadar #Watty2014
Fina is a Enforcers Daughter, she's been harshly trained by her father all her life. On the night of the change, to which you could find your soul mate- Fina finds hers. He's of course the soon to be Alpha, however he doesn't want her. Its not sweat off Fina's back, she's more worried about her Family finding out then being rejected. Her feet carry her to a deeper part of the forest, one she shouldn't of gone into. When things twist and stories become a reality Fina will have to pick what side she wants to be part of.
8 363Total drama cody x Noah
Thanks for 3k reads💗Btw this book is rlly bad and confusing so sorry if u don't like it
8 114