《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》20



"Mum, please, stop that," Scorpius mumbles while Hermione is fixing his hair. I smile at them. "Dad, when am I going to Hogwarts," a blonde boy by my side asks. He was 7 years old and I have my hand on his shoulder.

"When you're eleven too Braxas," I answer him. "Scorpius, don't walk away from me, I'm just making sure you look presentable," Hermione says sternly. Now I couldn't handle it anymore and begin to laugh.

"Hermione, he doesn't want to have his hair fixed. Leave him please," I say to her. She sighs and moves over to me. "I will miss him," she whispers to me. "Don't worry about him Hermione, he will be fine."

"I was not planning on worrying Draco," she replies, a stubborn expression on her face. "Yes you were," I say with a smirk on my face. She sighs and rolls her eyes. I wrap my arm around my wife's shoulder.

"The train's leaving dad," Braxas says. If he was of the same length as Scorpius, he could have been his twin. "They're just like you," Hermione whispers in my ear.

"Are you sure about that? I didn't have brains like Scorpius on that age, that's definately your genes there," I whisper back. Scorpius quickly walks over to us for a last goodbye. "Will you be writing me," he asks in a whispering tone, almost unsure if to ask this. My wife smiles widely at our son.

"As much as you want love," Hermione replies and she presses him into her body. The blue robes she wears look good on her, but yeah, everything looks good on her in my opinion.

I look up and see Harry and Ginny Potter. They were bringing their godson Teddy Lupin for the first time to school. Not far behind them are Bill and Fleur Weasley, bringing Victoire. Harry and Ginny had three children by now, with Albus Severus being of the same age as Braxas.


I tap Hermione on her shoulder and point at the Potters and Weasleys. She presses a last kiss on Scorpius's blonde head and smiles and them, waving. The Potters and Weasleys wave back and mouth 'we will talk later' to us.

Now it was my turn to say Scorpius goodbye. "I wish you good luck on Hogwarts, son." "But dad.. what about the rumors?" "You know better than anyone else that you're not the son of Voldemort, okay?"

"But what if I don't get sorted in Slytherin? I will be a disaster for the Malfoy name," he whispers with sadness lacing his grey eyes. "You're not a disaster for the Malfoy name if you're not a Slytherin. Look at me: I married a Muggle-born Gryffindor, imagine how much of a disaster that had to be for the Malfoy name. Did I ever regret it though? No, as I love every single moment I think about, hear or see your mother."

Scorpius smiles and I rub through his hair. "DAD," he yells angrily, trying to fix his hair with his pale hands. I smile and he leaves with a fake-angry face. Hermione kisses my cheek and we watch Scorpius leaving.

"Dad, mum, can I go to Albus right now? He has a Chocolate Frog-card I need," Braxas whines, pulling softly on Hermione's dress to catch our attention. "Go on you boy," I say to him.

We walk over to our friends and Fleur just kissed Victoire goodbye. "Hello everyone," Hermione says happily. "Hi Hermione, it's been long since we last saw each other. James' birthday, I guess," Ginny says, hugging her best female friend.

"I think it was. Have you seen Luna lately?" "Yes, but lately she's a lot at the hospital." "Yes, we've been there for Luvia, she's pretty sick," I reply to her.


Luvia was our goddaughter and Luna's daughter with Rolf Scamander. She also had twin boys, Lorcan and Lysander. Luvia was an.. extraordinairy child. She had a strange bloodcurse which causes her to be a lot in St. Mungo's.

Teddy Lupin says goodbye to Harry and Ginny and the train was ready to depart. I hug Hermione at her side and the other couplings do the same. We stare through the windows and I see that Scorpius sits there with Victoire and Teddy.

I hope rumors won't hurt him this year. Because.. rumors. People thought he was Voldemort's child instead of mine and that Voldemort had.. used Hermione while she was held at Malfoy Manor around that time I had to kill Dumbledore. But that wasn't true, Scorpius was really my child! The mere thought made my blood boil.

"Don't think about it Draco. If they hurt our little Scorpi we will know it soon enough. Neville will protect him. After all, he's the Headmaster now."

Braxas pulls on his mother's dress again and whines. "When are we going home?" "Soon, darling," Hermione replies to his question. I look at my perfect wife and perfect son. Yes, life is perfect. I once thought it was not, but everything turned out to be fine.

Completely fine, I think when I kiss my Hermione, my wife and mother of my children, on the lips.


This was the end of The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves! As nobody seemed to guess the quiz I put here earlier on(question: what reference to the Malfoy family is made in this chapter?), this is the answer:

Braxas, the second son of Hermione and Draco, is named after Draco's grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy.

I finished re-updating this story on 19th of May, 2018.

Bye bye, maybe I'll see you back on another story of mine. Check my profile for new stories, information about me and other things!

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