《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》18


I run through the corridors with Draco, casting every spell I know at Death Eaters. A Death Eater tried to fire the Killing Curse at me, but Draco pulled me out of the way.

"Thank you Draco," I pant with sweat dripping all over my face. Fighting was exhausting. Harry and Ron run through the fighting people and catch our attention. "Hermione, we need to destroy that Horcrux," Ron yells.

"I'll go with you guys," Draco says quickly, hugging my waist tight. "Okay, come with us," Ron says. Harry runs further and I run away with Ron and Draco.

"Where are we going," Draco asks. "We need to find something to destroy the Horcrux," Ron says. We are thinking while quickly walking further. "Wait," I say and both of them look at me. "What destroys a Horcrux? Basilisk venom.. the Chamber of Secrets," I scream in excitement, because I solved the case.

We run down to the Chamber of Secrets. But then: the sink, which only opens on Parseltongue. "But we can't speak Parseltongue," Ron says. "I can.. a little bit, but still," Draco says. "Really, how," I ask him.

"I lived with You-Know-Who and Nagini in one place, then you sometimes get to hear Parseltongue, I have experienced." He turns his head to the sink and begins to try. On the 4th try the sink opens.

We go through the pipe and our clothes are covered in green slime. With my wand I clean myself and the others, because that stuff stinks. "Come on," Ron says and he runs further. But then, another door with Parseltongue!

"Salazar Slytherin really loved Parseltongue, didn't he," Ron asks Draco. Draco shrugs and he begins to speak Parseltongue again.

"This is beautiful and frightening on the same time," Draco says when he admires the Chamber. Ron and I run over to the Basilisk body and Ron pulls out a fang. "Here Hermione, you haven't got the honour, did you," Ron asks with a grin. I grab the fang and my lower lip quivers.


Then.. I smash the fang into the Hufflepuff Cup. Draco soon joins us and he got to destroy Ravenclaw's diadem. We all walk back, Draco a bit before us. "Hermione, may I do something," Ron asks.

I look confused at him and frown my eyebrows. He leans in and begins to kiss me. I slap him on his chest and try to make noise. It kinda worked, because Draco turns around and his expression turns into anger.

He punches Ron's jaw and his lips separate from mine. Draco sits on Ron's body and punches his face with his fists. "DON'T *punch* EVER *punch* HIT *punch* ON MY *punch* GIRLFRIEND *punch* AGAIN!"

Ron groans in pain. I grab Draco around his waist and pull him off. Draco grabs my hand and pulls me with him, far away from Ron.

After minutes of fighting and trying to kill Nagini we stand before Voldemort's troops. Lucius stands next to Draco and I stand next to Narcissa. Bellatrix looks disgusted at her sister and brother-in-law.

I cry quietly because of Harry's death into Draco's chest. We've warned him to not go after Voldemort, but he didn't listen. Now.. all our hope is gone. Draco hugs my waist and rubs my side.

"Stay strong Hermione," he whispers. I nod and stare back at the enemies. But suddenly Harry jumps out of the arms of Hagrid, hexing Nagini and Voldemort's people. "HARRY'S ALIVE," Lucius yells with excitement.

Never thought he would do that, I think with a smile. Draco and I run away, hand-in-hand, and curse every Death Eater we cross.

Not much time later the fight is over and we just saw Voldemort dieing. Bellatrix was dead, but not only bad people died. Fred was also gone, just as Lupin, Tonks, Sybill Trelawny and Lavender Brown.


Draco and I hug each other. "When are Fleur and Andromeda coming," I ask him quietly. "Tomorrow. Don't worry love, Scorpius will be safe." "I hope so," I whisper in his ear. I close my eyes and try to ignore the cries and sadness around me.

When I open my eyes again I see Lucius hugging Narcissa tightly, comforting her. Even though she was awful and bad, Bellatrix was still her sister. "Hermione, honey, can we speak with you," Molly Weasley asks.

I nod and separate myself from Draco. "Hermione, dear, we have.. a proposal for you," Arthur says. "What for proposal, Mr Weasley?" "Well.. with... with Fre-.. with-" "I know what you mean Mr Weasley," I reply, hoping to lessen his pain about Fred.

"Okay, well, after.. that.. we thought: maybe you want to stay at the Burrow for a while? The Malfoys can come as well if they want." "I will ask them Mr Weasley, thank you for your kindness."

I walk back to the mourning Malfoys. "Draco.. Lucius, Narcissa," I begin. They all turn around to me. "What is it Hermione," Narcissa asks quietly, her eyes red and puffy. "Mr Weasley.. Mr Weasley and his family asked us to stay over at the Burrow for a while."

"Tell them we will accept their kind proposal Hermione, I think it will bring us some good to be away from the Manor for a while, with all those depressing thoughts and memories," Lucius replies to me. Draco pushes me softly to his waist and we stare at Bellatrix's lifeless body.

How could this escalate so greatly? How can we recover?

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