《The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves》9


We grab our wands and Apparate to the Shell Cottage. I couldn't wait to meet with Hermione. How is she handling this all?

It was morning, so they probably still will be there. Mother walks over to the door and pulls the cap of her long black travelling cloak down. She knocks on the door with her slender, pale hand and steps backwards to stand with us before the small platform by their door.

The door opens not much later and reveals, a slightly older than I remember, Fleur. "Dr.. Draco? Lucius, Narcissa, what are you all doing here," she asks, wiping her hands off at her apron. It looks like she was baking as she had flour spilled on her clothes.

"We are here for Hermione," father replies calmly. "She has just woken up.. shall I get her for you?"

"Just woken up? It is 11 a.m," I tell her. "She was really tired.. with everything that happened. I heard about you.. Sorry for my rudeness, come in please," Fleur replies and she takes a step away so we can enter.

Seamus Finnegan, Harry, Ron, Bill Weasley and Remus Lupin already sit in the living room. Lupin seems very excited over something.

"Sorry, are we interrupting something," mother asks, smiling a little. "You certainly aren't, Mrs Malfoy," Bill Weasley replies, leaning back in his chair. We all take place on a couch and Fleur goes upstairs to find Hermione.

They come down and Hermione's eyes stand wide open when she sees us. "Dr.. Dra.. Draco," Hermione stutters, completely bewildered at our appearance. I stand up, only to fall back on the couch again by her weight.

"I missed you so much," she whispers in my ear and she begins to cry. "Shh, it's alright honey," I whisper and I rub her back. She sits up and wipes her tears away.


"Sorry I'm so emotional.. I have that lately." She swallows and she looks me into my eyes. "I have to say something important Draco.. it is about our child.." "I know it was a miscar-" "That was a lie. I didn't want the Snatchers to find him."

I was too confused to be angry that she lied or to be happy that our child lived. "I.. wha.. huh?" "He is alive, do you want to meet him?" "Wait, he?"

"Yes, he. Our son. Scorpius. Come with me, I'll show him," Hermione says and she grabs my hand. We walk up the stairs and I hear some familiar footsteps, the ones of my father and mother, following us.

Hermione opens a door and walks into a small bedroom. Luna Lovegood sits on one of the two beds and holds a small baby boy in her arms. He was pale, had his eyes closed and wears a white cotton hat, a light blue sweater, white pants and white socks.

"He.. looks like me," I mumble while I slowly walk over to Luna. Hermione smiles at me and lifts the baby out of Lovegood's arms. "Come sit down on the bed, I will give him to you."

I do as she says and plump down on the bed. Hermione sits down next to me and lays the boy in my arms.

"He's so tiny, so small," I whisper to her and I look deep into her eyes. Hermione holds her ring up and shows us the stone. Bright pink. Yes, deep love.

"I already thought that Draco had given you that ring," mother says to Hermione. We talk quietly for a while when Scorpius makes noises. "He's hungry," Hermione whispers. Luna stands up and leaves the room.


I softly rock Scorpius in my arms. "You are a natural Draco," mother says while she stares at her grandson. The door opens again and Luna walks in with a bottle. "Here, you can feed him now," she says with a smile, handing me the bottle.

I press the bottle softly between Scorpius' tiny lips and Scorpius opens his eyes. "They're grey," I say, looking at Hermione. "He really looks similar. A mini-you." I hand Scorpius over to my mother who begins to cuddle with him.

"Look Lucius, it's just like baby-Draco. They seriously could be twins," Narcissa remarks enthusiastically to Lucius. I put my arm around Hermione's shoulder and push her close to me.

"I missed you so much, my love." "I missed you as well Draco. I couldn't bear lying to you about a miscarriage, but I wanted to protect him from Bellatrix, You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters."

"When was he born?" "Two days after Christmas." "How did it go? The birth.. I mean." "Pretty good, I believe. It was just not really nice to have two dumbasses around you in that period." "Two dumbasses?" "Harry and Ron."

For some reason, that shattered my heart a bit.

Those two could be with her when my son was born, and I couldn't.

"It's okay Draco.. I know it isn't all sunshine and rainbows, we all know that." Mother hands Scorpius over to Hermione, who holds him like it is isn't such a big deal. I press a kiss on her lips and on Scorpius' little head.

The boy sneezes and Hermione grabs a napkin to wipe his nose. "Why did you name him Scorpius," I ask her. She smiles up to me. "I knew you liked that name.. and I liked it as well. Now I think of it, I haven't thought about his middle name.. maybe you want to pick one?"

"What do you think of Hyperion?" "Hyperion? Yes, I like that! Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Yes, that has to be it." I kiss Hermione and feel the happiest man ever. I had my fiancée back, my son was alive and healthy and I couldn't love my little family more. But now..

"Hermione, can we hide for the Dark Lord with you and the Order of the Phoenix?"

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