《The Puppy Project》23| Sharing a piece of me
I couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan when something soft touched my cheek followed by a poke.
The soft movement trailed from my forehead and cheek going to my ear before it went insid-wait what?
My eyes immediately fluttered open and met familiar brown orbs, taking notice of his shirtless state.
I felt my eyes widen and without even thinking, let out a loud scream despite the pounding of my head.
Not the high girl pitch scream but like the scream where someone tries to murder yo-yep, that kind of scream.
I pushed his arm away and scrambled from my sleeping position, looking down I've realized that I was wearing a black shirt that reached up to my knees leaving me with only my undies.
I gasped, pulling the covers unto me before feeling my face heat up at the fact that I was wearing spongebob prints panties.
Wait, you stop right ther-yep, you're judging me but I didn't exactly expect some action or a one night stand and its not like somebody's gonna bend down and say 'let's see what kind of panties you're wearing'
Tyrone raised an amused brow,"I didn't know you were a screamer," He commented, a smirk on his lips.
He looked devilishly handsome, his hair was a complete definition of bed hair and he only wore calvin klein boxers; damn, he sure is gifted with those hard ridges and smooth pecs and oh wow, six pac-
"I-oh yeah-what the bologna happened? and why the freaking burned biscuits am I only in this shirt? and why are you shirtless? Oh my god, did we do the see-saw action? Wait, that cant happen. You weren't even there on the party last nigh-wait? WHERE AM I?" I rambled, my eyes looking around.
I wasn't familiar with the room but something a blurry memory flashed in my mind making me wince in pain.
I suddenly felt the familiar acid rising from my stomach to my throat. I slapped a hand on my mouth and looked at Tyrone with wide eyes.
I stumbled out of the bed and pushed the door a few meters away from the bed, mentally thanking my guardian angel that it was indeed the bathroom before pouring my stomach contents into the toilet bowl.
I was vomiting so bad, I didn't notice when he took a hold of my hair holding it up in a ponytail and gently rubbed my back.
I weakly flushed the toilet and closed the toilet seat, letting out a pained groan. Tyrone crouched infront of me, looking at me with frown.
I was surprised he wasn't even disgusted by the strong smell of vomit or how I was puking my organs out.
Soft footsteps pattered the room before Chica's voice softly met my ears.
"I heard a scream," Chica's worried voice met my ears, I didn't bother opening my eyes since I was to weak.
"Do you have a hair tye?" Tyrone asked, his hand still rubbing my back.
A few moments later, my hair was pulled up in a bun and I was carefully seated unto the toilet seat.
"I'm gonna cook breakfast. Eliki is still asleep and I made Jax buy some orange for their hangover." Chica explained, before making her way out of the room.
"Can you stand up?" Tyrone softly asked, moving a few hair out of my face.
I shook my head gently, my eyes still closed. The pounding of my head seemed different than the usual hangover and a bad feeling started in my gut.
"I'm gonna brush your teeth okay?
So, you would eat with no weird taste," He simply said, before I heard him move to the sink and open a spare brush.
I wasn't even embarrassed at this point and decided to just agree with him than be a stubborn girl.
This started from 0 to falling to 100 real quick.
"All done," He said, wiping a towel gently on my mouth to get rid of toothpaste foam.
He procedeed to carry me back on the bed, his arm wrapped around my legs and my arm slung around his neck.
I let out a sigh when the familiar comfort of bed greeted me. Tyrone covered my bare legs with blanket not a second after he placed me on the bed.
My happines was cut short when a huge wave of dizziness fell unto me. I opened my eyes and immediately closed them when I was met with a blurry vision.
"T-tyrone, m-my hands a-sh-shaking?" I stuttered, failing to form a sentence.
Tyrone captured my hand gently,"Yes, are you okay? What's happening?" He demanded, his form looming infront of me.
"E-eliki," I snapped, annoyance suddenly swarming in me.
He quickly let go of my hand and went out of the room quickly. A few minutes, the door banged opened and small hands touched my sweaty face.
"L-low," I muttered, earning a curse from her.
"Do you have any sweets or softdrinks? Find her some now," She said, before turning to me.
"It's going to be okay boo, deep breaths." She comforted, wiping some of my sweat away from my face.
Tyrone came back a few minutes with a worried Chica. He carried a few stuff before hurriedly dumping in unto the bed.
"We have a soda, chocolates, cookies, brownies, candies, a few-" Eliki took a hold of Tyrone's arm.
"She's gonna be fine bad boy, stop panicking. Now, bring that chocolate and soda here so that she could eat," She said, before moving away slightly.
They both made me sit up and I opened my eyes despite being blurry and tried to give a weak smile to assure their worried gazes.
I managed to eat a few pieces of brownies. Tyrone opened the soda before gently pressing it to my lips, Chica held my head up and I took large gulps.
I made sure to drink it all up before pulling away from the can. My hands were still shaking but the dizziness was now replaced by the gentle pound of my hang over.
I felt the familiar aftermath of my episode and I felt frustrated that this happened where Chica and Tyrone are present.
"Leave," I mumbled weakly with my eyes closed.
I didn't bother opening my eyes even when Eliki sighed and gave me a kiss on the cheek nor when Chica gave me a comforting squeeze on my hand.
I could feel my demons at bay and at the sound of door gently closing only did I let the tears slide down my face.
I cried silently, my hands fisted tightly in anger. Familiar words ringing in my head that made the tears fall harder.
I bit my lip to stop a sob, my demons taunting, saying things, and bringing memories I do not wish to remember.
I felt it getting darker and darker, my emotions on haywire and my mind a complete chaos.
When suddenly it went quiet, the dark cloud backing away, my demons disappeared, and only did I notice the soft caress of someone wiping my tears away.
I opened my teary eyes and was met with the gorgeous brown orbs of Tyrone Adler.
Not wasting a second, I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face unto his chest as I cried softly.
He wrapped his arms around me, the comforting warmth seeping into me and pulling myself into the dark abyss of my mind.
"But you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn," He sang softly, rubbing his arms softly unto my back.
"I'll hold you when things go wrong. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn. Baby, I'm right here," He continued singing, his voice calming my nerves.
I don't know how long we've stayed in that position but all I remember was trying to open my tired eyes until a soft pressure rested unto it and the words saying 'i'll be here radish' were whispered before I finally let sleep sweep me off.
The second time I woke up, it was because of a heavenly aroma invading my senses.
I pried my eyes open amd was met with Tyrone standing infront of me holding a tray of food.
I felt much more like myself despite being completely drained and tired from earlier.
"That smells amazing, that food better be for me or else I'd steal it from you with no hesitation," I teased sleepily, grimacing slighty at how dry my throat felt.
A grin settled on Tyrone's lip upon hearing my words. I moved myself in a sitting position so that he could settle the tray down infront of me.
The sight of Blueberry waffles, a pack of my favorite maltesers, a cheesy omlette, a sandwhich, and an orange juice had my taste buds water in anticipation.
"I'm sorry if I woke you. It's almost 2 pm and it didn't settle well with me that you'd sleep the whole day with no food in your system." Tyrone said, his ears seeming to turn red.
I couldn't help the genuine smile that spread my lips at his sweet actions.
"I thought chivalry is dead?" I smiled, the elephant in my stomach stomping wildly.
He rolled his eyes,"Apparently, there are some who still lives up to it." He retorted, his eyes gleaming with an emotion I couldn't decipher.
I smiled before patting the space on my side, he didn't waste a second and sat himself comfortably at my side.
Our shoulders brushing softly, my cheeks tainting red at the fact that he was still shirtless.
We proceeded to eat with the occasional talk and despite I was smiling, the nerves were building up inside of me at the fact that I have to talk about the rhino in the room.
"Thank you for this, for earlier and Tyrone I-" I didn't finish the sentence since he rested his finger gently on my lips.
"You don't need to thank me, I did it because I wanted to and you don't have to explain what happened radish. You don't own me any explanation." He softly said.
I felt a sting in my eyes and I knew right there that it was my turn to share a piece of me, willingly of course.
"When I was young, I was known as the fat kid who had no friends. Fat Zoe who had burning pigtails as what they've call me," I started, chuckling slightly at the nickname.
I looked down, clasping my hands together,"It really isn't a surprise that I was bullied because of it. Around middle school, I had this crush on a guy who was a year older than me and he asked me on a date. We started dating and he didn't care about what people said, atleast that was what I thought. I later found out that there was a stupid bet about how I would give him my virginity and he was cheating on me with one of the popular girls who bullied me." I smiled sadly, the familiar ache crawling in my heart.
"I broke up with him and when school ended I spent the whole summer going to gym and started to eat less. It was bad you know? I was so determined to lose weight that I rarely eat and that was where I had an attack like earlier but it was so much worse, it felt like death was knocking on my doorstep. I was rushed to the hospital and the doctors found out that I was suffering with bulimia and was diagnosed with non-active hypoglycemia." I trailed off, my voice wavering with a hint of embarrassment.
Tyrone took a hold of my hand,"I think they had eye problems and that boy sure had it worst." He said, a hint of anger at his tone.
I couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped my lips which earned a wide grin from him.
"If you don't mind me asking, do you still . ." He trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence.
"No, I don't starve myself anymore and I wouldn't because of my low sugar. I have to eat my fair share of sweets in a day to meet my supposed glucose level and once I don't eat enough, I would have one of those attacks like earlier." I replied, the heavy feeling in me vanishing.
He nodded to himself before turning to meet my eyes,"I'm sorry you had gone through that alone. Nobody deserves that shit eapecially someone who has a genuine heart like yours."
The elephants on my stomach stomped wildly at his words. My cheeks felt hot and a shy smile graced my lips.
His brows furrowed gently,"The day you tried to talk to me but ended up slurring and with shaking fists. Was that one of your attacks?" He wondered, seeming to connect the dots.
I nodded,"Yeah, I forgot to eat my sweets because I was too busy thinking ideas on how to apologize to you," Looking down at our joined hands.
Who knew holding someone's hand could be so comforting?
"I'm honestly gutted at the way I treated you," He grimaced, a guilty expression on his face.
"You didn't know anything about me at that time but yep, you were an assh*le, still are, but you're making progress," I giggled when he frowned at my words.
He looked so adorable that I couldn't help but lean in and kiss him right on cheek.
It took him a minute to register what I did and one second for me. My wide eyes mirrored his bewildered expression.
I felt my subconscious cheering wildly at my actions and the elephants stomped wildly that it almost felt like someone was punching me in the gut.
The girl who goes for it without even thinking?
Yep, thats me.
"What happened to my feet?"
Sooooo, you had a glimpse of Zoe's past and yes, it was just a glimpse. There's more to it and you'd know more as we go along the chapters.
You've also seen the sweet side of Tyrone and I totally agree with Zoe that he's improving hehe
Every character that I create has a piece of me, it can be one of the trait or flaws that I have and this is one of those.
I experienced bullying alot in my childhood and I was really insecure about my physical appearance. I hated my butt because, not to brag, but I kinda have a big butt and boys would call me names like 'chubby duckling' bcs of my butt moving like a duck's tail when I walk and my chubby figure.
I moved schools and met new friends who taught me how to love myself and from that I started improving, I learned to accept my flaws and I honestly love my butt now, infact I try to flaunt it as much as I could hehe
People may bully you but its up to you if you'd let them get into your head. ALWAYS REMEMBER that the your opinion about yourself is what truly matters and your flaws are what makes us unique from one another so DONT LET ANYONE'S OPINION CHANGE UR OWN OPINIONS ABOUT URSELF.
fuck them.
Zoe's sickness is another piece that she got from me unlike her, I was diagnosed with RHD last year and it was and still a struggle for me. I would get tired easily, have chest pains, and panic attacks because of not being able to breathe properly.
I wanted you guys to see or become aware that sometimes even the happiest people are the ones struggling the most and as a human person, it is our responsibility to take care and remind others that they are not alone and that someone is there for them.
Question of the day: Who's your bestfriend and how many years is your friendship?
PUBLISHED: February 5, 2019
WORDS: 2,456
Thank you for reading and voting!
You are YOU, you are BEAUTIFUL, you are LOVED❤️
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