《Thug Love》Chapter 5



Note to self. Never be pregnant around Miracle again *starts laughing*.

Me and her had our babies on the same Damn day. Davina, Spazi, Ray and Prince all came to see me.

Prod was outside the room. He came and spent the night with me. I woke up this morning and Prod was gone. I found a note that said he had to leave for work.

Me and Desmond just stayed here. I ate lunch and watched Tv. My Cousin Aminah came to see me and Desmond. I was surprised to see her, I haven't seen her in so long.

Last I heard she was in Atlanta with her dog Rose. We talk on Facebook but we haven't seen each other. I'm surprised that she flyed all the way to California just to see me and my Baby.

"Aminah what are you doing here" I said hugging her

"I came to see how you and Desmond were doing" She said while looking at him in the crib thing.

"Girl we been sitting here cuz our daddy had to go to work" I said

"Me and Rose actually moved out here" She said while sitting on the bed

"You and Rose, Hmm what happened to you and that guy" I said tapping her

"Please I don't need no Man as long as I got rose that's all I need" She said standing up

"Go ahead on Soul Sister" I said snapping my fingers

"You are crazy you know that, Let me go say hey to Miracle over there" She said while leaving

"Ok girl" I said as she left.


This hospital is boring. I had my IPod touch so I started to listen to music. I see the door open and it's my Bestie Aminah, from Atlanta. We used to hang out all the time when I lived there. I still text her.



"That is not my name, Miracle" She said while hugging me

"I want to see little Desmond soo bad, but we have to stay in bed" I said while pouting

"Me and Rose actually moved out here" She said while sitting on the bed

"Go head FACEGREASE" I said while laughing

"You always call me that" She says pushing me

"This baby look just like her daddy" She said looking in the crib thing

"Well I gotta go and finish unpacking" She said pecking my cheek

"Bye Facegrease" I said while giggling

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