《Down (Sequel to Thug Love)》Epilogue


Authors Pov

It has been a month since Miracle and Roc parted from the rest of the group. Miracle and Roc have been continuing on with the mission almost approaching the Finish Line. As for the rest of the group, See for yourself.

Prince Pov

"Spasimira we can't possibly still be having this conversation" I said while closing the Dish washer

"Well since you Wanna blurt out real names. Yes we are Jacob" She said while following me up the stairs

"I'm not abandoning my best friends. They've been with me since I was an orphan. I'm not leaving them" I said while taking my shirt off

" I should be your best friend. The Boys are grown men now. With kids and real shit to deal with." She said while standing in the doorway

"So what are you saying. This shit isn't real" I said semi yelling

"Drug Dealing, No. This is immature bullshit" She yelled back

"You didn't seem to complain when I had your ass sitting up in Hermes" I yelled while pushing her out of the way

"You know what ,Fuck You and all this shit" She said while speed walking into the closet

I followed her to see her grabbing up all her clothes and throwing them into the bathtub.

"What the Fuck are you doing" I yelled at her

"Obviously that's all you care about. I need you to be with me. Not them." She yelled while pushing past me

"God Stop being so fucking selfish. Your soo weak. What happened to being in the trenches with me." I yelled back while she threw her Chanel heels in the tub

Just hearing her yell and complain about nothing, was building up anger and Rage inside of me. Everytime we have this conversation it doesn't end well.

"I can't always be a fucking soldier for you. I have a breaking point too" She said while walking up to me

"If your not gonna be here a hundred percent then just get the hell out of here" I said while pushing her onto the floor

She got back up and started punching me. I curled up to block but then I grabbed her and threw her up against the wall

"You fucking crazy. You feeling crazy" I screamed in her face while I started to see tears build up in her eyes

"Shut the Fuck up" She screamed back while slapping me in the face

I turned around while covered my cheek. She started to punch and hit me on my back, Screaming and cursing.

"I'm tired of you not supporting me. You never think about me you asshole" She screamed


The anger took control of my body and I didn't mean to. I turned around and slapped her onto the floor. She craddled herself up and silently cried. Tears started to build in my eyes

"I'm leaving. I can't do this anymore" I said while turning and walking out of the room

"I'm Pregnant" She whimpered from the floor

The tear fell from my eyes. I turned around to see her still crying . I ran and kneeled down and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm Sorry. I'm out. Don't every have to worry about me not being here. You have my full attention" I said before kissing her.

Aija Po

"Wait Prod, you can't do that. I'm barely getting by. You have to pay child support" I said on the phone while Ray was rubbing my feet

"Listen, My Stock Broker shit is taking off and I don't have time for them. You or the kids" He yelled through the Phone

"Are you serious" I said before Ray snatched the phone away.

"Aye Listen Bruh, This women gotta take care of two kids and is about to be three. That's Two and one that's not even hers. So you need to come out those pockets for at least grocery money or we could call up the Lawyers and shut your little Stock Brocker Shit all the way down." He semi Yelled in the phone

"Alright what the Fuck ever. The shit is in the fucking mail." Prod said before hanging up the phone.

"See you should just let Big Daddy Ray handle situations" Ray said while leaning over me

"You know you need to stop talking in third person" I said before meeting his lips

"You know sex can induce child labor. Quicker you can drop that load" He said inbetween the kisses

"Well the kids are upstairs watching Lion King." I said before letting out a slow moan

"Mhmm" Ray said while kissing my neck

"The Laundry should be on the rinse cycle and the Dino Nuggets are still in the oven" I said while moaning

He met my lips again while inserting his long fingers inside of me. I started to moan lowly when I heard something take me out of my thoughts.

"Mommyyy Desmond won't let me see the Simba toy" Kayla said while walking in the living room.

Kayla has been calling me Mommy lately, I guess because her mom isn't here.

I sighed and Ray sucked his teeth. He pulled his fingers out and walked into the kitchen to wash his hands. I got up off of the couch and straightened out my sundress.


"Babe can you please go do that while I go Check on the Laundry" I said while waddling past Ray and into the Laundry room

Ray picked up Kayla and headed up the stairs. I Walked into the laundry room and grabbed a basket to take the clothes out of the dryer. I was folding a towel when I felt a hush of water hit my feet. I looked down and it wasn't water.

It was Blood

"Raaaaayyyyy" I screamed before walking into the kitchen. I was panicking and I tripped over the chair leg and fell down on the floor. I was hyperventilating and clenching onto my stomach

Ray came and picked me off of the floor. He carried me bridal style into the front seat. He put me down before grabbing the kids and putting them in the backseat. As we pulled off, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it as hard as I can

Miracle Po

"So is she eating Properly" I said on FaceTime cleaning my Beretta in my hotel bed

"Yes as a matter of fact. She won't stop eating" Aminah said through the screen

"Well we should be home pretty soon. Todays the last day of this shit" I said while loading up my clip

"Aww well at least after all of this it'll be all over" Aminah said

"Well I'll talk to you later. About to commit some more crimes" I said while putting in my clip in my gun

"Byeee" She said before hanging up the call.

I got off of the bed and put my clothes on and loaded up all my weapons. I put me and Rocs guns in a duffle bag and I got in my prostitute clothes.

The plan was for me to go in as a Decoy Prostitute and slowly kill off security. After the security is gone , Roc will come in after me and follow me.

We left the hotel and began to pull up to the spot. I was passing the blunt to Roc when I grabbed my wig to put on. I hid my Beretta in the back of my bra on the clasp. I put my little crop top back on and put on my little Kimono.

Roc pulled up in the front and put the car in Park

"It's almost over Babe. After this we can finally relax" He said while grabbing my chin

"You Promise, Just us" I said while looking at him

"Just us" He said before kissing me

I hoped out off the car and walked up to the little face Id door

"What you want" The dude said

"I'm one of Capones little treats" I said while biting my lip

"What's the password" He said while looking down

I rolled my eyes and lifted my bra to show my boobs. The big metal door slide open and the dude who was behind the Camera stopped me before dragging me into his office.

"How do I know you're really one of his appointments" He says while sitting back in his chair

"Your just going to have to find that out for yourself, I know exactly how this works " I said while squating down to his crotch

I unbuckled his pants then when he laid his head back, I quickly stabbed him in his stomach. I stabbed him at least five times before getting up and whipping the blood splatter off of my face and hands with his shirt

I stood up and looked at the Surveillance screens to see Roc standing there. I opened the door for him then came out of the office

"OK so from the Surveillance screen. We'll be going through the West hallway and down the stairs to his office. There's four on each side. When we get to the office. Let me go in then you come in twenty minutes after I go in" I said while throwing my knif in the duffle bag and getting another clean one. I tucked it in my underwear

After Quickly running through the hallways and clearing out the building we finally got to the office, Me and Roc kissed once again before I walked in his office

"Oooh So you must be my treat from Eddie" He said while taking condoms out of his desk drawer

"Yep so let's get down to business" I said while walking over to the desk and grabbing his neck and pulling him into a kiss

He grabbed me by my thighs and put me on top of the desk. I pulled away from the kiss and unbuckled his pants and grabbed his part and began to stroke it. He started to moan and grunt. As he was about to cum, Roc came from around the corner and shot him right in the head. I heard the last breath leave his lips.

"Good shot Babe" I said while hopping off of the desk and running to the safe. I attached one of the bombs to it and blew it up. I started grabbing up as much money as I could and put it in the bag.

After I turned around I saw Roc setting the timer on a bigger bomb. We quickly ran out of the garage and ran back to the car. It was finally over

We pulled over to a beach and Laid in the sand. I was finally able to relax and be at Peace.

The End..


Thank you guys soo much for following this story all the way to the end. I really appreciate it and I sincerely thank you


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