《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 13: Self-defense



This chapter contains vulgar language. Be prepared!


"Checkmate!" Lee, one of the many guards assigned to protect you shouted, stomping the small, black knight several times down on the same spot. You frowned while raising your hands in defeat, nearly yelling of frustration.

"Impossible! Your knight wasn't there before I had to grab my drink from the side table!" Lee only laughed loudly, shaking his head as if saying you were wrong. But you were sure you were right, he cheated, his knight was on a different spot.

"You just can't take the fact that I'm winning! Go on, it is your turn." You crossed your arms out of defiance, signaling that you wouldn't be playing anymore before he would admit he cheated. Which would most likely never happen.

Because of the fact that you had nearly nothing to do since every single electronic device was removed from your chamber, some of the FBI men would play a game of chess with you, one of them was Lee. Even if you had played chess before, it was a long time ago and you had no idea what to do.

After a few games you began to understand the difficult material, but it wasn't as good as most of your opponents. You didn't mind, it was nice to have someone to talk to. Every day the loneliness started to take over, making you wonder why all this happens to you.

You had too much free time with your thoughts. You just wanted to know one single thing: why? The FBI couldn't answer that question, neither would any of those killers... But in your mind thousands of reason started popping up, creating a massive headache.

There was also one thought which constantly kept popping back into your head, preventing you from sleeping. It was the fact that Lola's father was researching those Creepypastas. What did he know about them? Why did he do it?

"Lee?" You asked carefully, watching the man as he was only staring at the board in concentration. He was probably thinking over his next move.

"What does Lola's father knows about the Creepypastas and why?" Lee surely seemed taken aback by this question, because his brown orbs immediately shot back to yours. He then looked away slowly, as if contemplating whether to tell you or not.

"Alright fine, I'll tell you. The father of Lola, Dirk, has been researching these Creepypastas for nearly 3 years. The main reason was to understand their anatomy and their secret to staying alive and not aging. Once they knew that they would continue on to create some kind of medicine out of these results, hoping to use them on humans."

This was a lot of information to process and you had to arrange the steps in your head. So they were researching those Creepypastas in order to create a medicine which will extend a human life? That sounded reasonable...

"However..." Lee continued, his finger tapping on his chin rapidly. "They needed more data about these creatures and they discovered that there are indeed more of them. This is where we come in. We discovered that all those Creepypastas are out to kill humans, thus resulting in their name. We demanded that instead of creating a medicine, the company would create a weapon against those creatures. That is all I know about it."

So... They create weapons for fighting the Creepypastas... If they succeed in time you would be safe, but... When would they succeed?

"Did they succeed in creating a weapon?" You asked Lee, your eyes focused on his as you waited for the answer in anticipation. You actually didn't think so, if they really would then why are you still here? Why are you being protected while they've already created a weapon?


"No. They have some prototypes, I think, but nothing really created." Aha! So they do have prototypes! There was a slight chance that the disappearances of your friends had to do with his company. This thought made you mentally cringe. If this would be true, then why would they even want to take you or your friends? What purpose do you have?

"Did you find it yet?"

"Of course not, I wouldn't ask for your help if I did."

"-The rules have changed, we need to take them instead."

These sentences were immediately flying through your head as you had recalled what these killers had said on the night of the attack. What was it? What in the world were they searching for?!

You began to hate the fact that this whole situation could be the result of someone else's work.

You remembered when your live was just so simple. Going to college, going back home, eat, sleep and sometimes party. It was a great life and you didn't know how much you would miss it until you really didn't have that life anymore.

"You want me to move your tower for you?" He asked and your hands immediately shot back to the board, not wanting to give in and immediately forgetting all your previous thoughts. You quickly scanned the chess pawns and came to the conclusion that you did have a slight chance of winning, if he went along with your plan.

However it meant that the king had to defend himself, no one around to prevent the tower or the horse to strike mercilessly if given the chance. You stopped right in your tracks, the bishop still clenched in your hands as your eyes were fixed on the king.

You realized...

You were the king.

You were completely helpless, only relying on the FBI to take care of this problem, whilst you could do nothing about it. And after all, it was you who they were after. Lee somehow sensed your unease and he cleared his throat, pulling you back to the real world before asking:

"What's the matter?" You didn't even place the chess piece on the board anymore as your hands went to your head.

"I need to defend myself." You whispered, not loud enough for Lee to hear. He moved forward a little, turning him head so that his ear was closer to you, as if that would help.

"What was that?" He asked but you only shook your head roughly.

"I need to protect myself, Lee! I don't want to stand at the sideline while everyone around me is fighting!" You shot up from your chair, nearly knocking over the board as your fists slammed themselves onto the table. The unfortunate pieces flying through the room.

Lee however didn't seem to be even the slightest bit faced by your actions, as if he knew this outburst was coming.

"We purposely didn't learn you anything regarding self defense, just because we wanted you hide from those killers, not seeking for trouble yourself." You nearly groaned in anger, how could they think that? You aren't stupid! Yeah, sure you did things which were against the rules like writing back emails and stuff like that. But that didn't mean you did everything wrong!

"That doesn't make any sense! I need to protect myself, whether it is by hand to hand combat or with a gun." You still watched this guy while standing straight, showing him that you were more than ready to learn the arts of defending yourself.


"Most people gain so much confidence when learning to defend themselves, so much that they become deluded. But, I guess we can teach you how to use a gun. It is fair towards you." You only smiled at him, a feeling of joy and victory overwhelmed you as you sat down again.

"Where were we?"


"The left target, (Y/N)! Shoot the left target!" You clutched the gun tighter in between your strong hands, scared that the shot will make him fly out of your grip. You pulled the trigger, the bullet instantly shooting out of its holster and right into the abdomen of the cardboard target.

It wasn't what you had aimed for but hey, at least you had hit him this time. You made a small jump of joy, looking at your instructor who only nodded.

"You did good today, (Y/N)." He spoke while smiling at you. You had been practicing for days, getting better and better at handling a gun. This good that you were allowed to have a gun placed in the drawer in your room, for emergency use only of course.

You smiled back at your instructor, getting ready to clean this stuff up and go back to your room. Man, you were tired!

Once you had yourself prepared for bed you quickly jumped in, covering yourself from the radiating cold in the room with your warm blankets. You turned, laying in the position you liked the most before you slowly fell asleep.

"All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel...

The monkey thought it was all in fun...

POP goes the weasel!"

What in the world was that? You were suddenly back at that damned carnival from before. But this time you were sitting in a tent, on one of those chairs seated in front of the enormous stage. Before you could even think of what was going on, someone right next to you spoke:

"You are really giving me a headache here, (Y/N)." You immediately turned your head towards the familiar voice, only to see Laughing Jack lying next to you on several chairs, his head rested on his pointy claws as he looked at you with a sinister smile.

You, on the other hand, immediately jumped up, shrieking loudly as you tried to create some distance between you and the monochrome clown. But again you were glued to the floor, his icy eyes staring deep into yours, hypnotizing you.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast sugartits. I just want to have a nice talk with you. Come sit down next to me." You wanted to shake your head, scream at him that he was nuts... But instead you walked over to the chair you were previously sitting on, but this time you sat down a little closer to him.

Your body seemed to act on its own, completely out of your will. What was this power he had over you? It scared you to the bone. He had total control.

"It is just sad... I did my best to impress you and all, giving you a fairly good choice, and I even granted you some extra time! But no, o'l Jack kept waiting and waiting for you, but you never came to me. I'm not that bad of a person you know." He nearly whined, one of his pointy claws playing with one of your (H/C) locks, twisting it skillfully around the claw.

"Jeffrey, however, is a bad person. He is getting more and more impatient each day, creating a rampage in the house and telling all of us to 'fuck off' because somehow you are his property. I don't see how that works, considering he never marked you or anything." You only listened to this rambling with one ear, hoping to find some way to escape this hellhole.

However when you heard yourself being referred to as: 'property' you began to grow angry. Who the fuck does he think he is? Calling you his property. You are your own property! Certainly not that of a demented serial killer who stops at nothing to make you suffer.

"Anyway darling, let me give you one last chance of proving that you are as cute as you look. Give in. Let us take you to the mansion and no one gets hurt. If you still refuse... Let's just say it won't end well." You swallowed loudly, your gaze fixed on his icy eyes, his demented aura surrounding him like a blanket.

His grin only seemed to widen as he saw your feared expression, as he sensed the knot that was slowly forming inside the pit of your stomach. His claw which was busy molesting a lock of your (H/C) hair soon found its way over to your face, where he suddenly gripped your chin tightly.

"Do we have a deal, (Y/N)?" Only saying your name made him positively giggly, as his eyes continued to stare into yours, demanding an answer. You on the other hand opened your mouth to say something, but there were no words coming out.

You wanted to say never, not making a deal with this monstrous creature for it could tie you to him. He had this power to enter your dreams, to control you like a puppet. Why not have the power to make someone fulfill their promise?

But you couldn't talk.

His gaze traveled down to your still moving lips, as if you were trying to catch words by sucking in portions of air. You felt his grip on your chin tightening, his sharp claws almost creating a cut in your delicate skin. The only sound which could escape your throat was a high pitched groan from the pinch felt at your cheek.

"Well?" He asked, his tone a lot less gentle than before as his gaze was still locked on your mouth. Suddenly a feeling of dizziness overwhelmed you as the tent, along with Laughing Jack, seemed to twist slowly. You tried to shake your head, but it only made the feeling of nausea even worse.

Not to mention Laughing Jack still had you in his deadly grip.

You felt your body beginning the get weak, the muscles slowly relaxing. Your eyesight only consisted of several blurry colors.. Along with a black spot in the middle. You heard him growl lowly, as if he knew something was wrong.

"Pity, I was enjoying our moment together. Seems that yet again we're going to get separated. I'll give you one day to decide, (Y/N). Otherwise we'll be coming to get you."

"NOOO!" A loud scream started to come up while your eyes were still closed. It became louder and louder until you realized you were the one screaming. You shot up, covered in cold sweat as your head hastily searched around for any kind of threat.

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" Your gaze turned towards the sound, seeing one of the guards sitting next to your bed on a chair. It took you a moment to realize that again what had happened was just a dream. No, not a dream.

A nightmare.

"What did I do?" You asked, your mind still foggy as you looked at your own hands. Everything seemed so real... The tent, his claws touching you, your own body...

"You were screaming loudly and trashing around in bed, we thought you had yet another of those dreams. I observed you for a while, trying somehow to form an idea of what was happening but you began to trash around more and more so I woke you."

You only stared at this guy as you recalled what had happened. This clown had again found his way inside your head, creating a nightmare for you to live in. There was one sentence you remembered the best:

"I'll give you one day to decide, or we'll be coming to get you."

What did he mean with: 'coming to get you'? If they could get you like this then why ask for your co-operation? You swallowed the lump which was slowly forming inside your throat, trying to tell this man what you saw and what occurred inside your nightmare.

"It was horrible."


First of all I want to thank every single one of you who have left a comment or heart! You guys are amazing. I'll try to reply to every comment or question. There is one person I'd like to thank in particular for commenting everytime I update: SparksOfLife. I thank you.

Anyway the next part is again a decision chapter, so it might take me longer to update (3 to 7 days) Then again, you'll get 3 updates at a time, so no complaining can be done :D

Also we're close to a climax so here's a little preview:

It was then you suddenly heard that familiar screeching noise, filling your ears and bouncing off of your eardrums roughly. You jumped out of fright, nearly flying in the air as the room began to glow red. The noise became louder with the seconds, but that wasn't what caught your attention.

The alarms were going off.

Hope you enjoyed and do not hesitate to leave a comment or feedback! Ideas are also welcome! I'd appreciate it.

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