《In the World of Downton Abbey》Chapter 21 - Going Home
Well, everyone, this is the last chapter before the epilogue! Yeah, I know, everyone hates goodbyes and endings. I really, really hope you all enjoyed this story! I appreciated all the views!
Something fun: A song that I found that is perfect for Mandy and Thomas is Jordan Sparks ft. Chris Brown - No Air. Since Mandy and Thomas can't live without each other, this song describes them to a tee. Whenever I listen to this song now, I think of them.
So, a bit of history here, this story started out not nearly as long when I first wrote it a few years ago, and I added a few extra chapters and more detail. Honestly, Mandy was a mirror of myself since I have orange-ish hair and my first name is similar to hers, as well as my last name (at least my maiden name was—I wrote this story before I got married XD). I guess I just tried to imagine what it would be like if I was transported into one of my favorite TV shows. I really hope you all were like me and imagined what it would be like to be thrown into the world of Downton Abbey!
Now, without further ado, here is the last chapter ~
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The whole of downstairs and upstairs were a chatter with the new news of Thomas's and Mandy's engagement. Since Thomas worked at Downton for about a decade, the family wanted to do something special for him and have the wedding be in the Downton's gardens, and the reception in the main hall. It reminded Mandy of when Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes get married and the family insists that they get married at Downton.
"I'm so glad that you got everything sorted out," Anna said as she and Mandy were in the village looking at material for dresses four days after Mandy accepted Thomas's proposal. "I knew that you would chose Thomas since I sense all along that you loved him."
Mandy looked up at her as she fingered some white lacy veil material, her eyes wide. "You knew that and didn't say anything? You just let me go off on my own and hurt both Thomas and Matthew as I was trying to decide which to chose?"
She shrugged a shoulder. "I wanted you to figure it out for yourself, but... it seems that Mrs. Crawley gave you a little push. At least you are marrying the man you love and who truly loves you."
"Yeah... I just wish you could do the same. I feel that something will happen between you and Mr. Bates."
Anna handled the same lacy white material Mandy held. "That makes me glad. I really hope you are right."
Mandy smirked, knowing that Mr. Bates and Anna get married and eventually have a baby... but there is a lot of hardship that they have to endure until then. "I feel that I am."
She and Mandy walked out of the material shop after putting in an order for Mandy's wedding dress to be made. She never thought that she would plan her wedding back in the early 1900s, and in a completely different reality.
They passed the main square and started onto the road that led back to the hospital. Anna asked as they walked n the sunlight, "Is it awkward still living with Mr. Crawley at the Crawley House?"
"Yeah, it is, but... Matthew's happy for me. He and Mary seem to be on the road to a relationship, judging from what they were talking about the other day before the luncheon. I heard yesterday as I was eating breakfast that he and Mary are going on a little outing around the estate."
"Is that so? Well, knowing that he still loves Lady Mary, I think they are on their way to romance. Finally, if you ask me."
"Tell me about it." Mandy was so anxious for them to hook up in the show. Now that she was engaged and Matthew was just a friend, she watched their relationship blossom in person. How awesome that was!
They came up to the hospital and Anna followed Mandy inside to the accounting office. When they got there, George stood there, a piece of crumpled paper in hand. Mandy looked at the waste basket near to where he stood, and her heart jolted in fear. He read one of her failed drafts to her truth letter!
The man in a white doctor's jacket looked at the two women, and a smile broke on his face. "Mandy, hello! Having fun planning a wedding?"
Mandy wanted to snatch the paper from his hands. "Yes, we are." She indicated Anna with her arm. "This is my good friend Anna from Downton."
George held out his hand after he put the crumpled letter on the desk. "Anna, it is a pleasure. I heard so much about Mandy's best friend from Downton."
Anna shook his hand. "Yes, it is great to finally meet you. Mandy has told me so much her best friend from the hospital."
He laughed at that. "Well, she told you all good things I hope."
"Yes, she did."
Mandy snatched the failed letter from the desk and folded as many times as the paper would allow. She glanced at her waste basket. Why did she not empty it, or shred those failed letter attempts?!
"So, Mandy, you have a little over a week left until the big day?" George asked her, and she stuffed the folded paper in her purse.
"Yes. And I know it's rather fast, but we just want to get married and move on with our lives."
"Well, when you find the right one, you find the right one. Why wait? Especially when you have such a huge secret to tell."
Mandy's heart jumped. "What?"
He pointed to her purse. "That paper you folded and put in your bag. Was that real, or were you starting to write a novel?"
Heat traveled up her neck and entered her cheeks. "Um... well..."
"The waste basket is full of them," George said and took another wadded up piece of paper from the waste basket by the desk. "It's actually a pretty good idea for a novel. Take a look."
He handed the paper to Anna, and Mandy tried to grab it, but Anna resisted her and read the words on the crumpled paper. All amusement aside, after reading that one paragraph, Anna looked up at her with a confused expression on her face. She held out the paper. "Mandy, what is this?"
Mandy looked between her two friends and frantically thought of anything to say. "Um, that's... well..."
"Wait, you have the expression like that's an actual letter," George said, his eyes turning serious.
Mandy's heat hammered. This time would inevitably come, but she imagined that she would be gone when someone read that letter. "That's because it is," Mandy confessed. "It's all the truth."
The looks George and Anna gave her would make people think that she somehow grew a third arm. Anna asked, taken aback, "Mandy... this is all true? Are you being serious? What you are saying in this letter..."
"I know, I know it's unreal. But that's what I thought when I first got here. I woke up here, having no idea of how I did. Honestly, for most of the time I have been here, I've thought this all to be some crazy realistic dream, and... oh, gosh... you guys think I'm crazy, don't you? That's why I never wanted to tell anyone—they all would think that a nutjob came into their lives. Honestly, I sound like a nutjob just talking about it."
The two studied her for a moment, and Anna looked over the letter again. "So... you lied all this time about where you really came from?"
"Yes, I'm sorry, I..." She stopped. "Wait. You believe me?"
Anna let out a breath and handed the letter to George, who read it over again. "Honestly, I do not know what to think. Things like time travel have never been proven so who is to say that it isn't real? But... changing realities... seeing this world as something from a novel..."
Novel... TV show... Mandy thought it best to just go with what they knew. "Yes, it's crazy, but that's what I think this world is."
Her friends were silent for a moment, then George said, "Well, I think it's fascinating, you being from a different time and reality. I mean, that would explain the way you talk, and you saying how you had gadgets where you're from that could easily compute massive numbers in a second."
Mandy's mouth dropped open. "You both believe me, then."
"In a matter of speaking," Anna said.
"Yes," George agreed. "And I think you should tell everyone else."
"Oh, no, I can't do that, not with the wedding next week," Mandy said and leaned against her desk.
"I think it's a perfect time to tell people, especially your fiancée."
Thomas was the one person that she didn't want to tell. She figured that it would be best for him to live in ignorance. "I don't know..."
"Of all people, he should know that you've been lying about where you're from," Anna said.
"You know what happened the last time I lied to him."
"All you did was break a promise, and eventually, things turned out alright. Now, Thomas needs to know this. He will be your husband soon—the person to whom you will confide everything."
Mandy looked between the two, knowing that they were right. She couldn't continue lying to the man who will become her husband. Thomas didn't deserve to be lied to or deceived any more than he already had. He deserved to know.
"Alright," Mandy finally said. "I'll tell him. Now as for everyone else, you two—please promise me that you won't say anything. Leave that for me to do in my own time, alright?"
"Alright," George said.
"Agreed," Anna complied. "Maybe you can tell him tonight when he takes you out for a stroll this evening. He was talking about it earlier today at lunch."
"I suppose you guys won't let me hear the end of it f I don't." Mandy leaned off her desk and took a breath of courage. "Alright, tonight it is."
George had to go back to his doctor duties, but Anna stayed in the office a little longer as Mandy finished up her work for the day. Anna walked Mandy back to Crawley House, but stopped at the front door. "Good luck tonight, Mandy."
"Thanks. I'm going to need it." She eyed Anna's pretty face. "Anna... you know, you can say that this is all a bunch of nonsense. You can be honest. You usually are, anyway."
Anna nodded. "Well, I admit that it is a bit nonsensical to think that you are from a different time and reality, but... if this is something that you have struggled to hide the whole time that you have been here, then it must be true."
Mandy embraced Anna. "Anna, thank you. And really—you can think I'm crazy."
"You just go on and have a wonderful evening with your fiancée, alright?" She patted her back, and the two women looked back at each other. "You've been a dear friend, Mandy. I truly wish the best for you and Thomas, and I am so incredibly happy for the both of you."
"Thanks, Anna. I couldn't have asked for a better friend."
The two women separated, said their goodbyes, and Mandy went on in and up the stairs to her room. She lay on her bed and started at the ceiling for a moment. How would she even begin to tell Thomas the truth? Maybe it didn't matter—it had to be said.
Mandy got up and took a warm bath, then got ready for dinner. As she sat with Mrs. Crawley and Matthew, her heart pounded with nervousness. Thomas would be there around seven, only a half-hour from then.
"You seem awfully anxious about something, Mandy," Mrs. Crawley commented.
"Why wouldn't she be anxious?" Matthew asked across from Mandy at the table. "She is getting married next week. Any woman would be anxious and nervous."
"He's right," Mandy said. "I just can't believe it's happening."
"Well, I'm sure that you and Thomas will be very happy," Mrs. Crawley said.
Mandy smiled at that, and she looked between mother and son. She said after she finished her beef stew, "Thank you both for being so supportive and hospitable since I arrived here."
"Oh, you are very welcome, my dear. We were very happy to have you. It was a joy to have you here."
"Yes, indeed," agreed Matthew.
Mandy smiled in gratitude, and when the dinner was over, she paced around in the drawing room, waiting anxiously for Thomas to show up. He would be there any minute. Someone entered the drawing room as she paced, and as the evening sun shined through the windows. It was Matthew.
"I think you are going to walk a hole through the floor if you pace any longer," he commented with a chuckle.
"I'm just... well, nevermind. It's a long story." It was best that Matthew didn't know the truth about her.
He put his hands in his pockets. "Mandy... I wanted to tell you something." She stopped pacing and turned to face him. "I just wanted to congratulate you again on your up-coming marriage. I am indeed happy for you, and wish the best for you and Thomas."
She gazed at his blue eyes and handsome face, and she was reminded of all that they had been through. It probably wasn't easy for him to say this, even if he and Mary were an item. "Thank you, Matthew. That means a lot. I wish the best for you, too."
"Thank you, Mandy. Thomas is a lucky man, you know."
She nodded. "And I am a lucky woman."
A knock came to the door, and Mandy's heart jumped to her throat. "Seems like Thomas is here," Matthew said.
"It seems so." She walked passed him, and said as she stood at the drawing room door, "Goodbye, Matthew."
"Goodbye. Enjoy your evening."
She gave him one last smile and left to open the front door for Thomas. After she opened it, he stood there in a dark-gray suit, a stunned look on his face. He blinked several times. "Hi," she said, trying to coax him a bit.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you. You do, too."
He smiled, which she loved. He held out his arm for her. "M'Lady."
They walked out, and Thomas took her down into the east village to a park with green trees, green grass, and bushes with white flowers. The evening light was low as the orange in the sky almost disappeared. They found a bench under a tree that was a ways away from the path. They sat down as they viewed the park.
He looked at her, and she could smell his sweet cologne in the wind. "Are you sure 'bout me? Considerin' my past?"
She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Of course I am, but... I'm just wondering if you'll be sure about me after I tell you about my past."
He looked at her face, his brows creased in confusion. "What do you mean? You're from Washington, and you grew up there, right? What is there to not be sure about?"
She leaned back and took in his handsome face. Could she really tell him the truth? Her heart pounded with the fear that she would hurt him again, and he would want to call their wedding off. "Thomas... gosh, I don't know how to tell you this."
He put and arm around her shoulders and held her close. "What is it, Mandy? What's wrong?"
"I need to tell you something. It's something that I kept hidden from you and from everyone." She stared at his blue eyes. Here I go... "Thomas... I didn't tell you or anyone the truth about where I'm really from. I'm from Washington state in America, but... I'm from a different time. That's why I spoke differently, and that's why knew about things that happened in the future, and..."
"Hold on," he said, stopping her. "You're saying that you're from the future? Are you serious?"
He had that look in his eyes, the look that said that she was completely crazy. "I know it's hard to believe, Thomas. I've been dying to tell you and everyone about it, but given what has happened with us, I figured it best to keep my mouth shut."
He sat there silent for a moment as he started off at the grass, and few people walked by on the path a ways from them. "After all this time..." he muttered.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry to say that that's not everything. Along with being from the past, I'm also from a whole different reality than this. To me, this world if fictional, like a novel. Where I'm from, Downton Abbey is a made up story, and I somehow got thrown into it against my will. When I met you and O'Brien in the back courtyard my very first day here, I had literally just woken up in this world. Before, I was asleep on my sofa in my family room in the year 2017."
There, she said it. All of it. Thomas simply sat there silent for a minute, staring off at the grass, a crease in his brow. Her chest tightened with the realization that their wedding could be called off.
"I can't believe this..." he said quietly, and with a choke on the last word. Mandy's heart plummeted.
"I'm sorry, Thomas. I ached to tell you and everyone the truth this whole time, but... I was just scared that you all would think that I'm crazy."
"You're right, we would have." Mandy nodded, the emotion rising in her throat. "I just wish you would have told me sooner, like before I fell in love with you."
Startled, she looked at him, shock starting to fill her system. "What?"
He turned his whole body to face her and looked her in the eye. "Mandy, from the very beginning, I thought you were crazy. You showed up out of the clear blue looking for work at Downton, and you knew things that no one else did, like my desire to join the army if I ever had the opportunity to do so. If you would have told me you ludicrous story before, then I would just think of you as more crazy than I already thought, but I would still have fallen in love with you."
She stared at him, mouth open. "Thomas... you believe me?"
"I suppose if you have kept this all to yourself the whole time, then it could be true. I mean, no one has ever tested to see if time travel is possible, or hopping realities, so who's to say that you're lying? At this point, I just want to marry you, no matter how crazy you are."
Tears of happiness gathered in Mandy's eyes. "Thomas, are you serious?"
"As serious as I can be. I'm not gonna to lie..." His arm tightened around her shoulder, and he brought her face closer to his. "I want you, Mandy, and that includes your wild ideas."
Those tears fell, and she embraced Thomas. He believed her to a degree, but that was as good as she was going to get. He was willing to take her as she was, unbelievable story and all. He pulled her back and looked at her face for a moment. He put a hand up to her cheek.
"Mandy... I want to do this right. For you."
"Do what right?"
He pulled a glimmering gold something out of his jacket pocket. Mandy gasped when she saw that it was a glittering blue sapphire ring.
He stood up, but then got down on one knee and looked up at her, holding out the ring. "I want to do this the proper way. I've been different all my life, and suddenly, a crazy woman shows up, and I, against my will, fell in love with 'er. I didn't want to accept it, but when I did, I found myself becoming a better person because of 'er. She changed me completely. This woman is obviously you, if you haven't figured that out. I want to be with you Mandy, for the rest of my life." He extended the ring closer to her. "Mandy DeMont, will you marry me?"
Emotion constricted her throat and she nodded. "Yes, of course I will, Thomas Barrow. I already agreed a few days ago, remember?"
A wide grin appeared on his face. He took Mandy's left hand and slid the ring on her ring finger. She looked at it for a moment. "It's beautiful..."
"It was my grandmother's. She gave it to me when I was ten years old, and told me to give it to the woman I wanted to spend my life with. I didn't think it would happen because of the way that I was, but... low and behold... here we are."
- In Serial51 Chapters
Both of them were just looking for sex until feelings got involved, secrets unfolded, and unconditional love was thrown into their whirlwind of violence, trust issues, and revenge. No matter the circumstances, the two were drawn together like magnets; the attraction between them was undeniable. There's just two problems: he has a fiancé and she's the type to hit it and quit it. Dallas Jacobs goes through hell and back to keep Milani Ross in his life. Every time, shit gets sweet there's always someone lurking in the shadows, waiting to get their revenge. His friendships and relationships are put to the test when he's threatened by having his deepest, darkest secrets exposed. Just when he has it all, he loses it within the blink of an eye. He quickly learns a valuable life lesson: "An eye for an eye mentality doesn't solve anything. It just makes the whole world blind." ****-Urban Romance❤️-18+DISCLAIMER: The images used in this book are not mine. They are used for the sole purpose of portraying characters and will not be used by me, outside of wattpad. The information in this book is fictional and is not affiliated with any of the face claims in this book. In other words, the information is about the fictional characters in the book, NOT about the face claims that are portraying the characters.
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Rana Jai Singh, the chief minister of Rajasthan and the only son of one of the most respected and powerful family of Rajasthan, very closely tied to the Royal house of Jodhpur was a man to beware of. The proud politician commanding immense power and money was respected and loved by all....A true gentleman.Sweet.Kind.Beautiful.Bubbly.Clumsy.Innocent.The adjectives that best describe Siya Rajput. a true ray of sunshine,full of life and innocence.This angelic beauty lives in her own little world amidst the beautiful hills of Shimla with her two very loving parents.Being the only child she is the the diamond of her father's eyes.But unforeseen circumstances pushes Mr Rajput to tie her angel's destiny with the big bad lion of the jungle.New chapter will release every Monday:)
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Hey guys, I'm back with another story. The title says it all. But if you want a little sneak peek then here: ~~~~~Please, Give me till December to find a match! I'm begging you! I'm tired of you choosing my future and trying to control my life! If you don't then I will run away again! Fine. But if you don't find one then we will choose your suitor! Understood? Yes, thank you. And to help you with that, we will be holding a ball every other Saturday night for all of the wealthiest people and our closest workers and associates. Don't mess this up. Yes mother, father. ~~~~~As I previously stated in my announcement this has: - Daminette- Jason x Marin- Rich Mari- Arranged Marriage- League of Assassins- Adrien saltPlease also check out: 1. Daminette Fanfic: My Story 2. Daminette/ Marin Fanfic: My Story 3. Daminette/ Teen Titans Fanfic: My Story 4. A Vampire and A Werewolf (Daminette) Fanfic: My Story 5. A Vampire and A Werewolf (Daminette) Fanfic 2: My Story 6. Daminette Spies Fanfic: My Story7. Miraculous One Shots Fanfic: My Story8. Daminette Mermaids Fanfic: My Story 9. Daminette Soulmates Fanfic: My Story11. Daminette Fanfic - His Luna, Her Alpha: My Story*Remember, the images and pics you see here aren't mine neither are the characters. Obviously. The credit goes to dc and miraculous ladybug and the original artists of the pics*Well that's all, Bug Out!!~EssyMLBDC~
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