《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Eleven: Part Three
The hair on the back of my neck stood up as Ingrid's boot steps made their way across the cement floor. I felt my breath hitch in my chest as they grew faster. Memories that lingered int eh back of my mind grew hot and oppressive at my back, looming over me with what they held within them. So much pain and suffering accompanied the sound of her boots on the floor. I felt immobile, unable to move, once again the timid little Omega as she approached.
Ingrid appeared in my peripheral vision and I flinched as she struck out. There was a sound of a hand connecting with skin but it was Bailey and not me that hit the ground from the force of the blow. I watched, unable to move, as the small black haired woman whimpered on the floor, her entire body trembling as Ingrid lorded over her. "You were supposed to be back ten minutes ago, you little cow! What were you doing?" Her voice was still that piercing screech, like metal on metal. It grated on my ears and made my wolf flash her teeth in pain. "Alpha Lawrence should banish you. Leave you to the wolves that will tear you to shreds. You are ungrateful little wretch." She was shaking, her body was vibrating with her anger. It was such a familiar anger, one I had experienced again and again. Her verbally abusive tirades causing spit to fly out as her face turned red from the exertion.
I blinked, looking at Bailey as she touched her hand to the bright red mark on her face, the slap had been so harsh I could see finger marks on her pale skin. Empathy washed over me, breaking the spell that had been on me, pulling me towards her. I found myself landing on my knees in front of her to grasp her face so I could see the damage. I trailed my fingertips over the hot mark and I almost whimpered as she did. Her timid eyes met my own before they widened as she looked above me. I shifted in my spot, looking over my shoulder. I inhaled quickly in shock as Ingrid raised that familiar strap up over her head.
I didn't have time to react other than to raise my arm. The strap struck my forearm and I yelped at the searing pain as I jerked my arm back from it. It had been a very long time since I had felt that hot and burning brand that was unique to Ingrid. There was a dark rumble in the air as she brought her hand up once more. I went up to my knees as she brought it down again.
I was so tired of her haunting my dreams, so tired of her hurting people. I didn't understand why she did it, how she could.
I grabbed the strap as it came down. It slapped against my palm hard but I pushed the pain away as I yanked on it. "Stop!" Her eyes went wide with shock or realization, I didn't know which. I yanked the strap free from her grasp and stood up. "Stop hurting people, stop hurting me!" I didn't want her to play a part in my nightmares anymore. I wanted to be better and I couldn't while she lorded over me with the stupid strap. I tossed it away in disgust. "What is wrong with you? Why do you like hurting people?" There was something wrong with her, something seriously wrong with her mental state that allowed her to enjoy all the misery and torment she subjected others too.
"You!" The word was hissed out and I lifted my chin. I refused to be cowed by her anymore. I was a shaky and trembling mess on the inside but I needed to push through. I knew I could, I just needed to try. Her face twisted into a dark expression of pure hate as she looked at me. "I don't hurt people. I train miserable little beasts like you." Her face started turning that familiar red I knew and my heart lurched in my chest and the memories threatened to have my head bowing but I did my best to hold firm under the tidal wave I knew was coming.
She moved closer, looming over me once more. "I should kill you for trespassing you little bitch." There was a gleam in her eye, a gleeful look from her feral, blood crazed wolf, that let me know she wanted to do just that and I felt my face whiten. I wasn't a trained warrior, I barely knew how to protect myself. "You should have stayed dead." She spat the words out as she raised her hand, dark claws extended but as much as I wanted to flinch, to bow out and hunker away and wait for the nightmare to be over, I knew I couldn't. Not this time.
I lifted my chin and stared at her and I tried my hardest to tell her, to tell myself, that I wasn't going to bow down to her anymore. I had a family. One that loved me and protected me. I wasn't a ten year old girl anymore and I had to stand up to Ingrid for her just as much as I needed to do it to protect Bailey. So I set my chin the same way I had seen Davin do in his defiance of anything he didn't like. I would stand strong, even if it meant I was scared the entire time. Uncle Jace had told, his chest rumbling as he had me wrapped up tight in a blanket and tucked close to his side, fear was natural, there would always be things that scared us but having courage and being strong didn't mean not being scared. It meant being scared but doing it anyway.
Her hand slashed towards me and I flinched but her hand never reached me. The dark rumbling in the room had deepened to an almost oppressive tone and I realized Bennett had grabbed her wrist. I blinked in slight shock. I had forgotten he had was there. His eyes had darkened to a rather alarming degree and he yanked Ingrid around. "I could snap your neck like a fucking twig and no one would say a goddamned word." His words were low and dangerous and it had my stomach rolling at the images it inspired. I turned away quickly, trying to drown out whatever he would do to her as I helped Bailey.
My muscles felt tense and tight as I hummed rather aggressively to myself, trying to drown out any noises I would hear. I helped Bailey to sitting, looking over the mark on her cheek. It was looking a little less vibrant than it had when I had first saw it but it wasn't entirely too bad. She gave a chest rattling coughing fit that had me rubbing her back, murmuring words to her in an attempt to soothe her through her coughing. She more than likely had pneumonia and it worried me.
I hunched my shoulder forward as I heard a cry of pain that sounded like Ingrid's. Bailey was looking rather blankly at the skirt of her dress. I swallowed hard and started humming once more. I felt my muscles tighten more and my wolf paced nervously, wary of everything around us. A hand touched my shoulder and my wolf snapped her teeth together, lunging toward the person. Her action caused my body to automatically whirl around and throw a punch that I knew was poor the moment before it collided with Bennett's chin. His face turned to the side as if to absorb the blow but I was still acutely aware of the sickening pop of my ring finger dislocating as the punch connected.
My stomach lurched as I blinked in shock at my hurt hand and then Bennett who was still looking away. "I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't m-mean to!" Nausea filled me at the thought I had actually hit him, that I had hurt the male who had done so much for me I felt my breathing start to increase as tears filled my eyes. I wasn't sure if it was from the pain or the thought I had hurt someone I cared about.
"I both heard and felt that pop, sweet one. Let me see." Bennett's voice was tense and he immediately grasped my wrist, cradling my hand in his gently. He slowly moved it and I winced. I watched as dark bruises started to appear around the knuckle and I swallowed convulsively. The pain was sharp and aching and looking at it made it seem to be that much worse. "Don't look at it." He grasped my chin in his hand and lifted it so I was forced to look at him. "Don't look at it, sweet one." It was a sharp order that showed his worry and I turned my head, refusing to look at what was causing me so much pain. With how my stomach felt, I wasn't entirely sure I wouldn't throw up.
"Bailey, are you able to go to your room?" He asked it and I turned my attention to the smaller Omega. I knew it could help distract me. She glanced between me and him, her gaze never going above our mouths before her eyes landed on my hand and they widened just a fraction.
"Can you pack up your things?" I asked it as calmly as I could and she gave a slow nod before she glanced at me once more. I gave her a quick smile that I hoped didn't come out like a grimace. She gave one more glance to Bennett before she slowly got to her feet and left as silently as a shadow. Once I was sure she was gone I allowed myself to whimper at the pain I felt.
Bennett gently shushed me as he helped me to my feet. "Its okay. Its fine, just look at me. Don't look at your hand." He held my wrist rather tightly but it was held in such a way that my hand felt supported. I looked up at him and his dark blue eyes were filled with a rather tense worry. "We will get you fixed up." He lead me up the stairs and out onto the first floor rather quickly. Before I knew it he had me in the kitchen and grasped me around the waist and sat me on the counter. I instinctively cradled my hand to my chest, unable to help myself.
"Let me see." He reached for my hand and I shrunk away. My hand was throbbing hotly and I didn't want him prodding it. His hand went to my face, lifting up my chin gently. "Maricella, I need to make sure it is okay. Please do not fight me. Not on this." His words were pained and pleading and I scrunched my eyes closed before holding my hand out. He took it gently and I winced as it flared with pain. "I know, sweet one, I know it hurts." His voice was soothing and I let my eyes open as he gently ran his fingertips over the most swollen knuckle. It looked too large and the faint touch was enough to make me whimper in pain. It was dislocated and I knew it would have to be set properly. I watched as Bennett's face twisted with pain and regret at the fact he was causing me pain.
"I am so sorry, Mary Mary. I am so sorry." He looked up at me, his blue eyes wide before he used his other hand to touch my cheek. I leaned into the rough palm, taking the comfort it was giving me. Without warning his hand slid to the base of my neck before his lips were pressed against mine.
Heat flooded me and I felt another whimper build in my throat, not from pain but from need as his lips moved on mine gently. I felt a rightness with him as the kiss grew more and more needy. I leaned forward, pressing closer to him as his hand bunched my hair slightly. I shivered as his stubble scratched at my skin and I went to pull my hand from my grip when he made a sharp movement with it. There was a sickening click and I felt my knuckle shift in my hand before it flared brightly with a burning pain.
I tore back from the kiss and cradled my hand to my chest. "Mother fucker!" The curse exploded out of my mouth without warning and tears prickled my eyes. "That fucking hurt! Jesus Christ on a stripper pole! Why does that need to hurt so badly? Goddamned, mother fucking hell and everything in between!" I whimpered, tears pooling in my eyes as I held my wrist tightly but even as I cursed the pain was starting to fade, my accelerated healing soothing the injury and mending what was needed.
Bennett kissed my face murmuring apologies, his hand on the back of my head holding me still. If I hadn't been in pain the heat the actions gave me probably would have caused me to burst into flames. "I am so sorry, sweet one. It was dislocated. I had to set it for it to heal. I am so sorry." The words were filled with pain and I was breathing heavily, fighting back the pain. I knew what a dislocation was, I had it happen before although last time it had been my shoulder and the finger didn't hurt nearly as badly. Besides, Amber hadn't distracted me like Bennett had. She said she was going to count to three and on one she had done it. That had been brutal but I appreciated it later, after I had finished cursing her halfway to hell and back.
"I know. I know." I muttered the words, ignoring the tears before I kissed him gently. He froze as soon as my lips touched his and I pulled back after a brief moment, missing his lips on mine almost immediately. "Thank you for distracting me." I stretched out my hand, pleased to find the sharp pain was slowly turning into a dull ache. I felt myself go pale as I remember he had a hold of Ingrid. "You didn't... you didn't kill her did you?" I didn't want to think about the implications of his threat and his anger, my stomach was uneasy enough as it was.
"No, I didn't kill her. I wanted too but I wouldn't, not with you there." His eyes darkened slightly before he cupped my face, brushing his lips across mine. "You are all that is good in my world. Please do not place yourself in such a position again. I do not think I could control myself or my wolf from killing that person a second time." He said it thickly and I gave a slow nod before I gave him a quick peck on the lips, my face flaring slightly red as I did so.
He backed away quickly, looking suddenly nervous. "Let me get some ice for that." He left before I could protest and I sighed. The bruising and swelling were already going down and I flexed it again. I contemplated getting off of the counter but I decided against it. It felt nice to have Bennett taking care of me like he used to.
I leaned my shoulders against the cupboards as my feet dangled. "You are going to get hurt, you know." At the new voice my gaze snapped to the door way. A beautiful red haired woman looked at me with a grimace. "I saw you kiss him." Her green eyes were filled with hurt and I frowned as she swallowed. "Something in him is broken. Missing." She gestured to her chest. "He will only hurt you. He will make you love him and then cast you off to break into pieces alone." There was an incredible amount of pain to her words, as if something had happened that had devastated her.
"He will tear you down with his words." Tears filled her eyes and I tilted my head as she moved into the kitchen a bit more. Her arms wrapped around her stomach and she looked so hurt. "What is more is he speaks the truth so you cannot deny what he says. He finds every little thing that could tear you down and uses them against you. Please, stay away from him." There was pleading in her voice and my heart turned over in my chest for her.
"Linnette." Bennett's voice was colder than a glacier and it made me shiver. I watched as she trembled and her green eyes went wide as they landed on my mate. There was a tense silence and I looked between the two. Revulsion filled his gaze as he looked at her and it made my heart hurt to see it in his eyes. He had told me he was only soft for me but I hadn't thought as to what that meant for everyone else.
I looked between the two of them, I saw how hurt she was by him. "Bennett, apologize to her." I don't know why the words came out of my mouth but they did. I couldn't stand to see her so hurt. So broken. Bennett had hurt her and I wanted him to fix it because I couldn't let him be so kind to me knowing how much he had hurt her. He had to make it better.
"Maricel-" He sounded slightly irritated and I turned to him, a calmness filling me as I locked my gaze with his. I would not abide by such cruel behaviour. Not from him, not now, not ever.
"Please do not argue with me. Apologize to her." I was surprised at how firm my voice was and at the low command it held as I gestured to the scared looking red haired woman. I wanted him to fix what he did with her because I could not abide by him leaving her wounds so fresh and painful.
He looked like he wanted to argue but the look I must have given him must have made it die in his throat because he turned to the woman he called Linnette. "What I said remains true, Linnette, but I apologize for how I said it and how it must have hurt you. I admit, hurting you was my intention but I just wished for you to leave me alone. I was not your mate and how you tried to hang off of me was growing tiresome." He shifted on his feet, his entire demeanor cold as he delivered the words.
"I apologize but you must stop feeling hurt about this. I made my intentions known to you from the start." His words were emotionless as he said them and I watched as the tears fell from her eyes. I hated how broken she seemed. I could see the pain his words caused her and I wanted to hold her tight. I wanted to let her unleash all of her hurt tears. I wanted to comfort the female who I knew had an intimate relationship with my mate. The thought did not bring me pain or hurt. I had been bonded to another, I doubted their relationship was after I had broken the bond.
"I loved you." Her voice was straggled and my breath caught in my throat. Oh the tangled webs our hearts may weave. I ached for her because I understood how much it hurt to love someone. I understood the punishment it could bring and the pain it could cause.
"That is your mistake, Linnette." His voice was back to being cold and I felt a flash of outrage as a sob escaped Linnette.
I glowered slightly at the side of Bennett's head as I rubbed at my bruised hand. "Love is never a mistake, Bennett. She loved you when you didn't love her back but that does not make it her mistake." I would never once believe that love, honest and true love, was a mistake. "The heart wants what the heart wants." I watched as his muscles tensed along his shoulders and I slowly looked towards Linnette. "You may have put your love in the wrong male this time but that does not mean your pain is any less real." I gave a small gesture to Bennett and she looked at me, blinking in what seemed to be surprise.
"You grieve for him because you know he can't be yours." That was the crux of it, she loved him and she knew she could never have him. It was a sad tale. "Its okay, you will find yourself another male and he will love you with a great intensity and he will erase your hurt. His touch will remove it from your memory and he will only bring you happiness." I let my gaze flick to Bennett and he was staring at me with an unreadable expression. I did not hate him for the hurt he had caused others. I understood his need to punish those he believed had done wrong, I didn't like it but I understood it.
"No male will ever want me. Not now." Her jaw tensed and her face paled as if the meaning of her words had suddeny sunk into her. She looked suddenly sick before she bolted from the room. I blinked at her rapid departure before looking at Bennett.
He looked once again nervous. "I am-"
I looked down at my hand. "I don't need the ice. My hand feels normal now." I looked up and gave him a small smile as I stretched it, as if proving my point.
He grimaced before he walked over and set a bag of frozen peas on the counter. "Linnette and I- I never meant- She-" He ran his hand through his hair and he looked lost.
I blinked slowly. "You and Linnette had a physical relationship. You didn't want anything more than that and she did." I shrugged slightly. I did not bother me. I was surprised at how much it did not bother me. I should have been jealous but the knowledge that he was mine and only mine managed to squash any jealousy that wanted to emerge. "You a worrying over nothing. I do not care about what you did with her. I cared about the fact you deliberately hurt her. That is not right, Bennett, no matter your feelings on the pack. I thank you for apologizing. I know you didn't want to." I picked up the bag of peas and held them over my knuckles needlessly.
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Love. Something he never believed in until he met her. Trust. Something she never believed in until she met him. Mia's looking for an escape. Something to escape her harsh home life. She never expected to fall for Alessandro, the most dangerous man in the business. However you can't help how you feel after all? Alessandro never expected to fall in love. After all he's just used to one night stands. But when he sets his eyes upon Mia, he can't help but feel things he's never felt before. Can love fight evil? Or does the devil always win ?
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The Step-Daughter
The beginning of a taboo relationship that will evolve and ultimately change...(Thank you to everyone who has been reading this, I really appreciate it! It's actually one of my older pieces of writing and I personally don't think it's my best work but it is my most read on here. If people would like me to return to this and write the ideas I have for the two years and how the switch comes around, along with all the other deviant potentials. Let me know and I will happily focus on this.).Now available on Kindle: https://amzn.to/37eqRVF
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Round in circles, and right back to square one. They were, to each other, but a memory lost of remembrance. The mind forgot... will the heart remember? • very slow updates • slow plot development • Note that this work is also hosted on WP by me. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. All Rights Reserved © 2018 by Wynne W.Y.W. All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without express permission in writing.
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Since I Met You (Sun x Lillie)
Sun is a Pokemon trainer that has just moved into the Alola region, and is ready to meet many new people and Pokemon! But, just as his adventure is about to start he is saved by Tapu Koko and meets... Her. For some reason Sun just can't stop thinking about her after their first encounter. There's just something about her that make Sun want to... Get closer to her.Lillie strives to protect her Cosmog, Nebby, but isn't even a trainer. She dislikes battles and isn't very trusting of new people. Despite that, a trainer she meets changes her whole perspective on trainers and battles. Lillie wants to be like him, she wants to be just as confident and outgoing as he is, she wants to... Get closer to him... Underlined words will be actual dialogue from the gamescover art by pomarrillo on tumblrAll characters owned by Pokemon/NintendoThe story will consist of highlights of Lillie and Sun's point of views and their interactions. This story will be taking story aspects from both SM and USUM aswell as the anime with some modifications to fit the narrative. I hope you enjoy!
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✍ Home Sweet Home: A homely place for Author Interviews, reviews &Write up'✍
Welcome to my humble abode.Ever wondered about what went on behind the scenes of your favorite wattpad book? Why did that -insert author name- did this to such a sweet, charming , funny character ?Or do authors really have tea with the devil when they kill off that *gasps* character?Well, you are at the right place to find out everything you need to know , including unheard secrets of our pretty little liars *coughs* I mean wattpad authors . *plays PLL Intro vid*This is a place where I'll be sharing author interviews, book reviews and articles on everything and anything(mainly bookish related stuff).(Previously called Wattpad Author Interviews)hope you enjoy your stay and the sweet tea I've to offer.Do message me recommends, questions you want to ask ! cover by the amazing and [email protected] (believe me when I say this, she is an amazing graphic artist )
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