《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Eleven
I felt my heart frantically beat against my rib cage as he stared at me. His blue eyes were filled with disbelief that warred with hope and longing. Their intensity caught me and I couldn't look away. He looked tired, a thick coating of stubble covered his jaw was a testament to that. His dark brown hair was unruly and longer than what may have been fashionable but to me he looked almost wild. He was chillingly handsome, something I hadn't noticed before I had been banished. He made my mouth go dry at my stark need for him. I needed him more than I needed to eat, more than I needed to sleep. I needed him more than I needed to breathe.
Without warning he lifted a hand and pressed it against my cheek, brushing my cheekbone with his thumb. I shivered at how cold it was but his rough skin against my cheek sent fire through my veins, chasing away any coldness his hand had caused. I watched as he brought his face closer before he pressed his lips to mine, his stubble scratched my cheeks lightly. The heat of the small kiss simmered under my skin and I let my eyes slide close before leaning into him. He pulled back slowly and I gave a small whimper at the loss of contact.
Amber had been right. I had left something very important. I could not imagine a life without his kiss. I couldn't imagine a life without his touch. I let my eyes flick back up to his right as all confusion and disbelief disappeared from his gaze. It was as if he had believed me to be an apparition and that small kiss had shown him he was truly in reality.
I felt my breath hitch in my chest as the hand on my cheek slid to the back of my head, his fingers tangling in my hair. Heat flooded his gaze before he brought his face down quickly and claimed my mouth for another kiss. The softness from the first kiss was gone, replaced with a fiery need that had me reaching up and grasping the collar of his shirt in my hands. I went up to my tiptoes to press my lips harder against his. A strong hand grasped my waist, pulling me closer as he slanted his mouth over mine.
I felt a faint growl of triumph rumbling through his chest as I let out a small whimper of need. I felt my need for him so sharply it was almost bordering on painful. My blue eyed man named Bennett was the hero of my story, he was my happily ever after. He had crawled into my chest and made me complete. He had given me the final piece to my puzzle. His stubble scratched at me once more as he shifted his mouth over mine again. I let myself lean against him with a sigh before he broke the kiss abruptly. My eyes snapped open and I felt myself breathing heavily. I swayed slightly, my knees felt weak.
"I'm sorry." The words were slightly pained and I let his collar go as he yanked his hand back from my waist and hair. I pressed the tips of my fingers to my lips, still feeling his pressed against mine. They tingled slightly and I looked from his chest up to his face. My face flushed heavily and I wondered for a brief moment if steam curled off of them they were so warm.
"Why?" I was confused. He kissed me like I was the only person in his world and then he apologized for it. Mates did not have to apologize for a mere kiss. I had quite enjoyed the ones he gave me, both of them.
"I shouldn't have done that. You don't need me to force myself on you. Not like that, I mean you just got back and-" He looked at a loss for words as he ran a hand through his hair in agitation. He looked lost and confused and I let my hand drop from my mouth. I shrugged. I was flattered he wanted to protect my virtue but his kiss had made me forget where were currently were and that was something I had needed greatly.
"That is what mates do, is it not?" I tried not to roll my shoulders forward, the house behind me felt like a lurking monster that wanted nothing more than to eat me alive. The others had gone inside and I refused to join them. My wolf had felt wary and restless just like I had at the thought of entering the place of all those memories.
"Well, yes but you just got back and we barely know each other. It doesn't seem right to just take a kiss from you, no matter how much I would like to do just that." His gaze dropped to my mouth. I could feel his want to kiss me again and I resisted the urge to bite at my lip. I darted my eyes back of forth slightly, the habit was one I couldn't break. I was trying to find the right words to say something, anything to put him at ease but his kiss still had my brain slightly muddled.
"I did not mind. It helped me forget where we are, even if it was just for a moment." I watched as his eyes went suddenly steely and hard and I shivered at the change as he looked over my shoulder to the house behind me. I focussed on my breathing, the ever familiar trick Amber had taught me to help keep the panic at bay. I backed up several steps and sat down in my previous position. I tapped the step two below mine with a barefoot. "Sit." I lifted my feet to the step above that and I was surprised that he listened. He leaned his back against the railing and sat lengthwise on the step, letting one of his legs lay straight and the other to rest on the snow covered ground.
I carefully set my cold feet in his lap before leaning over and grabbing his hand, placing it on them. The warmth was nice and I felt a small smile cross my face as I grabbed his other arm and dragged it across my knees, placing it so I could lay my arm across it. I leaned my head against the railing and closed my eyes. I could feel his eyes on me and I tried my hardest to ignore him as I slowly began to draw a swirl pattern on his forearm with my fingertip. The habit was one I had gotten from Collin. He slowly started to rub my feet with his other hand and I let out a sigh of contentment.
"Where are your shoes?" His voice was rough and sinuous and I resisted the urge to shudder as the sound of it skittered across my skin almost indecently. It should have been a crime to sound that rugged and masculine. It suited him though. When I had taken my walk of banishment, he had looked like a young man just barely out of his teens. Now he was a strong, rugged, almost wild looking man that made my heart beat fast in my chest and my knees grow weak.
"I didn't wear any." I cracked my eyes open and blushed when I realized he was staring at me. His blue eyes made my heart thump nearly painfully in my chest. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, it was just strange.
"You walked through the snow barefoot to come back here?" He sounded upset at the thought and I felt a slow smile cross my face at his hidden worry and slight anger. I shook my head, the smile growing wider. Collin would have teased me mercilessly about my dimples if he would have seen it.
"No." I glanced over my shoulder, I couldn't really feel Uncle Jace through the pack link and it worried me slightly. "I just smiled and Uncle Jace carried me." I turned back to look at my mate and he was staring at my feet. He looked incredibly pensive as he stroked my instep with his thumb. He seemed to be a sombre type of person and I wasn't sure about how to feel about it.
"I'm afraid that if I blink I will wake up and you will be gone." He turned his gaze to mine and I was hit with the sheer longing and pain in his eyes. I let out a small sound of protest before I leaned forward and touched his cheek. I liked the feeling of his stubble scratching against my palm. I brushed my thumb over his lips, my heart pounding before I leaned forward and kissed him gently. His hand left my feet to immediately cup my jaw. It was a soft kiss, just like the first one he had given me.
I wanted him to realize that I was truly with him before I reluctantly pulled back, staring into his vivid eyes. "Please do not think like that." I leaned into his palm, my eyes going half lidded with pleasure at his touch as I let my hand drop from his cheek. "Not having you beside me would cause some severe panic." I let out a heavy sigh and could feel him stiffen slightly. I opened my eyes as his hand dropped from my face. He was mind-linking someone.
Mari, please come inside where it is warm. Uncle Jace's voice brought me relief that he was okay. The others had gone on a hunt for Beta John, who apparently did not want to be found, if my father was to be believed. I had no reason to doubt him but I knew Uncle Jace still had reservations about him.
Okay, Uncle. I removed my feet from Bennett's. He watched me silently, his expression slightly closed off. I stood on the step above where he was sitting and held out my hands for him to take. "Its Bennett right?" I waved my hands slightly and he gave a small smile before enveloping my small hands in his larger ones, letting me help him to his feet. He didn't need the help but I was happy that he let me pretend.
"Bennett Aldridge." He was close to me, his chest brushing mine and I swallowed before looking up at him. His gaze was soft and slightly sad, I felt a feeling of empathy spike through me. "You have haunted me for a very long time., over seven hundred days. You have no idea what it means to have you here. I thought you were lost forever." The words were softer than his gaze and I bit my lips tears blurring my eyes before I slowly wrapped my arms around him and burying my face into his neck. His large arms wrapped around me in a tender embrace.
I didn't want to sob, I didn't want to cry but he had said it so sweetly. He had counted the days since I had been banished. I had meant that much to him and I hadn't even realized it. I could feel his heart beating in his chest and I grasped the back of his shirt in my hands, trying to get closer to him. He was my hero, my knight in shining armour and I was terribly sorry that he had to suffer with me gone.
"I am sorry, Bennett." I whispered the word and he shushed me gently, his arms tightening around me slightly. I didn't know what it was about his embrace but I found myself relaxing against him completely.
"Never be sorry. I would rather suffer without you for a hundred thousand days than to have had you suffering in this pack next to me for even one." He kissed my head, even though the cloak was in the way I could feel the heat of it. I shivered slightly before I pulled back to look up at him. His eyes were painted with a stark truth and I inhaled sharply at it. I started shivering and his hand rubbed at my back slightly, as if trying to warm me up.
"Uncle Jace has requested I go inside." I hated to hear the nervous quiver in my voice and Bennett let his arms drop from around me before he grabbed my hand. I looked at how he linked his fingers through mine. I shivered slightly at the action, his hand felt right against mine as heat curled through my veins once more.
"I will be right beside you. I won't let anything hurt you, Maricella. I promise." There was a protective edge to his voice and it lingered in his eyes. They showed a swift need for retribution for anyone who would dare to hurt me. The thought of having him beside me as I made the daunting trip inside of the house that held such terrible and black memories was highly comforting.
"Okay, Bennett." I looked up at him and I watched as the corners of his mouth twitched upward slightly. It looked almost strange despite how it made my heart jump. He didn't smile often, I could tell. He took the lead and walked up the porch stairs. I followed him slowly as he led me across the familiar wooden porch and to the large front door. He pushed it open and I felt my breathing increase slightly as he stepped inside. I froze in the doorway.
Bennett squeezed my hand and looked over his shoulder. "I am right here." His low words and his blue eyes gave me the courage I needed to step into the slightly dark interior of the front hallway. I stepped closer to him, hovering behind him. I didn't want to be scared but the past lingered in these halls. This was a big step for my progress. Going back to the place where it all started would help me heal from the memories. It was just a house. It was just a pack, it wasn't something to be scared of.
"Mari, you really need to-" Angie's voice stopped abruptly and I slowly stepped around Bennett's wide back to stand at his side. I stayed close to him, my side touching his but he didn't seem to mind. Angie was staring at him in surprise and when she saw me her mouth dropped open. "Oh." There was a long pause as she looked between the two of us. I could see her mind working and I could feel Bennett's sudden tension. "Ohhh?" She looked at me carefully and I felt a shy smile cross my face before I looked up at him with a nod.
"Oh, well. This is surprising. He's... big." She looked him up and down with wide eyes and I bite my lip to keep from laughing.
I leaned my head against his arm. "Bennett, this is Angie, a member of Uncle Jace's pack and a friend." I looked up at him as he shifted his gaze to me before looking back at Angie, he relaxed slightly. He made no move to greet her but he no longer held a quiet and watchful hostility.
"Well are you going to say hello?" She frowned slightly before her face brightened. "Are you mute? Is he mute? Oh god that would be fucking awesome. You would never have to listen to him nag you all the time. Be like a permanent off switch. God I wished Seamus had one of those. He just nags me all the time. Just nag, nag, nag, nag, nag. All the fucking time. Anyway, I'm jealous of your big mute mate." She winked at me and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.
"You don't know me nor do you trust me. I can tell from how you are looking at me but if we don't get Mari up to the office, I just know Jace is going to flip a fucking cog. He's a little restless." She looked almost worried and I winced before moving forward, away from Bennett slightly. His hand tightened on mine a fraction, as if he were wary of letting me go.
"Is it bad?" I watched as she grimaced before looking over her shoulder towards the stairs.
"This is worse than when Jay accidentally tripped you down the stairs." She looked at me with worried eyes and I felt my face fall. That had been brutal. Jay had to hide in the woods with Victor for nearly three weeks before Uncle Jace had cooled down enough that he could come inside. If it was worse than that then I wasn't sure if I even wanted to walk in on it.
"Oh." I worried my bottom lip and Bennett squeezed my hand in reassurance. He was with me, he promised to be with me every step of the way. I felt comforted just by his presence and Angie looked tense.
"Yah, they are getting ready to murder each other. The office is going to look like a gory murder scene if you don't hurry. Neither of them are really talking and neither are really listening. Stupid pricks, the both of them. Too similar for their own good." She muttered the last three sentences out under her breath before she scowled. "We still haven't found that fucking Beta. I need to go. Seamus is asking me where I am. You need to get up there." She gave me a meaningful look before she moved into the room just off the hallway. I let Bennett's hand go and slowly pushed back my hood and unclasped the cloak. I could see the table where the other had placed theirs and I moved over to it, my feet moving silently over the wooden floor. I set it down on the others gently.
I couldn't feel Bennett behind me and I looked over my shoulder in alarm. He was staring at me with an unreadable expression but it held a fair amount of heat that made me blush. I slowly turned around, biting my lip as I fisted my hand in the fabric of my dress's skirt. It was a simple blue, it was one of my more plain ones but he was looking at me like I was the most precious thing he had ever seen. I felt my cheeks tinge pink slightly as he moved closer to me. His bulk should have been intimidating but all it brought was heat and comfort.
"You are incredibly beautiful, Maricella." He brushed some curls away from my face and I felt my mouth go dry at the sound of my name coming from his mouth. "I never thought in a million years that you could stand in front of me and be mine." His hand brushed my cheek and a loud crashing sound rattled the walls and the ceiling slightly.
I snapped my gaze to the stairs and with my heart in my throat I bolted. "Uncle Jace!" I couldn't help the worry that thickly coated my voice as I ran to the second floor. Another hard sounding bang happened that caused my heart to race wildly in my chest. "Dad!" I threw open the office door and felt my breath hitch in my throat as the man who raised me straddled Uncle Jace and pulled his arm back and slammed his fist into my uncle's face. I froze completely at the amount of anger and violence that they were both exhibiting.
I couldn't move as memories of similar violence entered my head. Older pack members punching my stomach and chest, anger and disgust in their eyes as I cried from the pain and begged them to stop. I felt my chest tighten and I grasped the fabric of my dress in my hands and started to tremble. I could feel Bennett behind me in the doorway right as Uncle Jace swung at my father.
"Hey!" Bennett's shout was a harsh sound as he moved around me and jumped into the fray. I felt my heart jump into my throat as he grabbed the back of my father's shirt and yanked him off of Uncle Jace. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" His voice was practically a growl and I wondered for a brief moment about the blatant disrespect he had just shown his Alpha before I watched Uncle Jace quickly get to his feet. I took a small step backwards. He was so angry.
"This bastard! This bastard has the audacity to stand there and give me shit after what he did?" The comforting timbre of my father's voice held violence and I tried to force myself from panicking but it was hard. I was stuck with the memories and I felt my bottom lip tremble. Amber had said I would be okay but watching the two men that I cared deeply for try and kill each other was almost more than I could bear. Bennett shoved my father away before holding his arm out as if trying to stop Uncle Jace from moving forward.
"After what I did? What about what you did, you son of a bitch?" Uncle Jace's green eyes were murderous as he wiped at his bloody nose. I felt my hands start to shake violently as I stared at the red liquid. There was so much hate flying through the air and I couldn't stop the fearful trembling of my limbs. I saw black spots swirling in my vision as it seemed to narrow in on the blood. I had bled too. Blood out of my nose, out of the wounds on my back and legs, and blood that I coughed up. So much red.
"Fucking stop it! Maricella, sweet one, breathe." Bennett's voice cut through the dark haze surrounding me and I sucked in a deep, rasping gasp of air. The darkness instantly vanished from my vision as I started to hyperventilate. I had forgotten how to breathe in my panic.
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Romance - plus Judgemental Powers? Completed
Blue was a red headed boy who desperately wanted a girlfriend. So he asked the class beauty to walk home with him. She very nicely refused him. So he asked another girl in the same class, one with an average rating in the social status ranking. She also refused him. So, still desperate, he thinks – “I’m probably at the bottom of the ranking for boys in this class, so how about I ask the girl who is also at the lowest ranking?” The girl’s name was Pink. She said yes. Gulp. “What do I do now?” was his reaction. Well, obviously, have a romance. And, along the way, they get one hell of a lot more than they bargained for. Like, for example, supernatural Judgemental Powers. How did they get those? And that was only the start. The two most insignificant students in their class become famous. Not just in their class or even in their school, but to the population at large. They end up breaking and making the top politicians and rulers of their country. But finally, of course, they get what they wanted. A committed relationship. This is an Esmeralda the Angel of Death story. It follows on from my previous novel “Maybe it would have been a good idea not to wish for a harem?”, however it is a totally separate story with only a minimal overlap in the characters. There is no need to read the first story to enjoy this one. Although you just might enjoy the first story also… This story has multiple characters and multiple Points of View. Every POV change is clearly marked with a new header. Inside each POV section, the POV character’s thoughts are in italics. This story has about 105,000 words (about 380 RoyalRoad pages). It is fully written and proof read (the poor man’s proof read using Word). It has 25 chapters, and will be published at the rate of roughly one chapter per day. The front-page photo is by Valentin Antonucci from Pexels
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