《Red Ribbons (Forgotten Series #1)》Chapter Five: Part Two
"Please excuse my bluntness but I am very tired." I wanted to curl up and sleep. I was lucky that the empty aching in my chest had almost lessened as if the distance had helped alleviate some of it.
"Of course you are. Let me take you to your room." With that I was once again cradled to his chest as he carried me down the hall and pushed open a door. The room was warm and he set me on a soft bed before turning on a bedside lamp. A cheery glow filled the space. The bed looked more comfortable than the ones the regular pack members had, even softer than Alpha Lawrence's. I felt almost hesitant to stay on it. "Is it alright?" Davin looked uncertain and I nodded, looking at the hardwood floor.
"It is very nice, thank you. You have been very kind to me." I held my hands in my lap and Davin picked one up, feeling the rough skin with his fingers. I couldn't remember the last time they had been soft. There was a large scar on my palm from the glass vase I had slashed it on.
He brushed his thumb over the angry looking mark, looking like he wanted to ask about it before he set my hand back down. "Wait right here, alright?" He looked at me as if expecting a response but I said nothing, lowering my head as he left the room.
I smoothed my hand over the blanket, hating how my chapped skin caught on the soft fabric slightly. The door crept open and a blonde head peeked in. Collin's mischievous brown eyes twinkled as he came fully into the room. He jumped on the bed, nearly bouncing me off. He wrapped an arm around me waist to prevent me from falling off the bed. I stiffened before he removed his arm. I could feel him moving around and I quickly glanced behind me to see him staring at me with the familiar cheeky smile on his face.
"Hey, sugar. Mind sharing?" He wiggled his eyebrows before I quickly turned my face to hide my flushed face.
"Collin, get off of the bed and how many times do I have to tell you to stop flirting with Maricella?" Davin was back, holding a small tin in his hand as he sat on the bed beside me. He let out a little grunt as Collin kicked him in the side. I flinched at the action but they didn't seem to notice.
"Probably a lot more and I don't want to." His voice was muffled as if he had buried his face into the pillows, The screaming voice in my head kept me from looking over to see if he had.
"Sadly, you aren't going to be able to get rid of him. He's sunk his over-bearing teeth into you and he won't let go for anything." Davin said the words carefully as he opened the tin and swiped his finger through the sweet smelling paste inside of it. I felt an arm go around my waist before I was tugged to the middle of a bed. I gave a short cry of surprise at the action, my eyes wide. Collin chuckled as he sat up beside me and reached over my lap to grab the tin.
"No one likes this one because it smells too flowery." Collin took some of the paste and grabbed my hand before slowly rubbing it into my skin. "It will work perfectly for you." He sat cross legged as he rubbed the paste into my thin fingers. Davin picked up my other hand and started rubbing the paste into the back of it. "Don't be so stiff, sugar. We aren't going to bite. We are just making your hands as soft as they should be." Collin grabbed more paste and I watched as he spread it across my palm.
"I could do it." I resisted the urge to pull my hands from their grips. It made me uncomfortable. If I believed Bennett had made me uncomfortable, this was far words than that. He never jad prolonged contact with me like they were doing.
Davin gave a small chuckle. "Even if you wanted to, Collin prides himself on being a gentleman so he would do it regardless. Probably tie you to the bed to accomplish his task." There was a faint smile on his face and despite the feeling of being uncomfortable, I liked how his hands massaged mine. My hands had been hard at work for years, they had never really been pampered before. It was a very strange feeling but a nice one.
"Are you two going to paint her nails afterwards as well?" The voice came from the door way and I glanced upwards. It was the same dark haired man from the kitchen, my gaze immediately left him as the voice started screaming again.
"Shut up, Seamus." Collin and Davin said it at the same time, not looking up from their task. I glanced at the dark haired man once more. His face was a scowl and I looked at his well-structured jaw, it had some stubble growing on it. I let my gaze skitter away from his face, not wanting to be punished.
He moved into the room and sat at the foot of the bed. "Hey, my name is Seamus, as these assholes said before." He looked at me and I felt a bit self-conscious under his gaze. "I'm not mad at you. The scowling is for the cow fucker that rejected you." His words were confusing as he flopped backwards onto the bed, placing his arm over his eyes.
"Seamus was rejected by his mate too. He couldn't find her to accept it and ended up in a similar position as you. Except he ran away from his pack before he couldn't move. Dad found him shortly after and here he is." Davin said it calmly and I felt a pang of empathy for the man lying across the bed. Without thinking I pulled my hands away from the other two and crawled slowly across the bed on shaking arms.
I looked down at Seamus' face, even hidden under his arm he was scowling and I pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'm sorry you got rejected." I sat on my knees and Davin wrapped an arm around my waist before putting me back in the same position I had been in before. My face flared bright red when I realized my actions. I tensed at the feeling of an imminent punishment as the voice screamed at me again and again.
"Look at that. Seamus is blushing." Collin chuckled and I glanced up as Seamus sat up and ran his hand over his face. He looked at me and I focused my gaze on the neckline of his black shirt. I didn't want to look into his dark eyes, I didn't want to be caught looking at all.
An Omega's gaze belongs on the floor.
"Coming from any one of these fuckers those words mean nothing but coming from you they mean quite a bit. I'm sorry that jack rabbit molester rejected you. But I'm fairly certain he didn't deserve you anyway." He reached over and patted my foot almost awkwardly and I resisted the urge to retreat from his touch as well. I just wanted to be left alone for a bit. Left alone so I could process everything that had happened. "Just like that bitch didn't deserve me. Which I why I now have Angie." A goofy look appeared on his face for a brief moment before it was gone.
He rolled off the bed before leaving the room and I felt my heart beat frantically in my chest. "You can have more than one mate?" I looked at Davin and he jerked his head up in confusion, as if he hadn't expected me to ask him anything.
"Yah. It's based on who is the best genetic match to create good offspring. That whole 'only one mate' is bullshit. Our species would go extinct if that were true." He stared at me in confusion before he slowly turned back to my hand. I watched him rub the paste into my hands as I rolled the words over in my mind.
I blinked, hope filled me for the first time in two months. "I could have another mate?" I knew I sounded excited and the voice screamed at me but the thought of not having to deal with Lucas' rejection and the thought of having another mate was overwhelmingly exciting.
Collin gently rubbed at my palm, his fingers tracing the scar on my palm. The motion tickled and I wanted to yank my hand away. "Yes, sugar, you can have another mate. Just as soon as the rejection is complete." Collin's husky voice was soft and I jerked my gaze to his face, unable to help myself. I felt a smile spread across my face and crinkle the corner of my eyes as he looked at me. "Jesus Christ. I would steal a whole bushel of mates for you if it meant I could see you smile like that again." His eyes were wide and the smile was instantly gone. He looked almost crestfallen as I dropped my gaze from his. They were making me forget my place. I froze at the thought. I couldn't forget the place I no longer had. The thought almost made me panic a bit.
"You have dimples. That was the most adorably gorgeous thing I have ever seen. You should have seen it, Davin. Fucking dimples on her cheeks." He went back to massaging the sweet smelling paste on my hand, muttering about dimples and me being too gorgeous for my own good. I flushed at his words. I knew I looked terrible with my tangled hair, pale skin and nearly skeletal frame.
"I'm going to get a brush for your hair." Davin got off the bed and I frowned at the hand he had released. My hand had never felt that soft before. I stared at it in amazement as Collin let my other hand drop.
I rubbed them together. "They are so soft." Without thinking I ran my hands up Collin's bare arm to his neck, trying to show him how soft my hands were. "See?" I reached his jaw and I looked at him with amazement. My hands had always been rough. The hot water and heavy chemicals I used to clean with never let me have soft skin.
"I can feel that but next time you don't need an excuse to feel me up, sugar. Just go right ahead." He winked at me and I yanked my hands back quickly, my face flushed red and he chuckled.
"Sorry, sir." It was a little chirp and I tensed instinctively but he merely lay down beside me with another chuckle.
"Don't be, sugar." He reached over and placed his hand on my bare calf. His hand looked overly large on it and I stared at it for a few seconds as his thumb drew swirls on my skin. I wasn't sure if he was hitting on me or if he was just a touchy person. I wasn't used to touchy people. No Omega was. We were isolated from others, from affection. I didn't like the contact but I couldn't tell him to not touch. I wasn't allowed to say no. "Did you know what when you blush your ears turn red first? It's cute." He smirked and I looked at my hands, running them over my arms. I couldn't get over how soft they were.
"Hands off, Collin." Davin's voice held a warning and Collin patted my calf gently but removed it as Davin requested. I appreciated the removal, it had been making me increasingly uncomfortable.
"You should have seen her a moment ago. Feeling me up like a pro." He winked at me and I felt another blush cross my face. I tensed once more, I didn't want to be punished. I had never been in such a position before. I wasn't sure if I liked it. At least as an Omega I had rules. I had a certain schedule and everything was organized. I wasn't allowed out of a certain box and I felt safer like that. These situations never happened inside of the box.hair.
Davin let out a small growl as he sat behind me. "Easy guard dog, she was just trying to show me how soft her hands were. She seemed quite astonished about it really." He sounded flippant and I felt Davin start to run a brush through the ends of my hair, removing the tangles. I was surprised he knew how to brush long hair. Everyone always started at the top but to get the tangles out without hurting the hair you had to start at the bottom.
"Please don't be mad. I didn't mean to." I didn't want him to hit me, I knew there were rules. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and I was gently pulled to a hard chest. I couldn't help how I tensed at the action.
He pressed a kiss to the back of my head with a faint chuckle. "I don't think I could ever be mad at you, Maricella, and I know you didn't mean to. You are too innocent to deliberately feel up Collin." He let me go and resumed brushing my hair. Collin reached over and grabbed my hand. I wanted to yank it back but he simply started to massage the appendage again and I couldn't complain. I had to accept that he wanted to touch me.
An Omega must never say no.
I tried not to hiss when Davin yanked on the knots but it was hard. I was used to doing it by myself with my fingers but having him brush my hair was soothing and my eyes started to droop.
"Look at this little picture perfect moment. Maricella, I'll have you know Davin spent close to an hour looking at how to brush and braid hair on youtube on his phone when he learned we were coming to pick you up." Uncle Jace's voice was gruff but had a softer edge to it and I glanced up at him. His green eyes were soft and Davin grunted from behind me.
"She deserves to be pampered." Collin lifted my hand up before kissing the back of it. It felt strange and I scrunched up my nose at it.
Uncle Jace laughed, the comforting and rolling sound surrounding me, before he came into the room. "Can I see your wrist, little one?" He pointed to the wrist with the ribbon and I nodded, holding it out for him. If it were possible his hands were larger than Alpha Lawrence's and my hand looked positively tiny in comparison. He fiddled with the small knot, loosening it up so he could take the ribbon off.
"Are you going to tell him she is okay?" Davin sounded so calm, I wondered if he was naturally calm or if he worked hard at sounding like the world was okay. I wished that I knew how to act like that, the anxiety was horrible.
"No." Uncle Jace's reply was gruff and I winced as Davin yanked on a knot.
He let out an apologetic noise. "Sorry, sweety. He has a right to know, dad, despite how pissed off we are." His voice was soothing as was the brushing and I wanted to lean backwards into him but I forced myself to sit straight. That voice wouldn't leave me be.
"He had no rights when it comes to Maricella. Not anymore." The ribbon slipped off my wrist gently and a large hand rubbed a thumb against where my pulse fluttered under my skin. The movement made me shiver slightly.
"Send him the ribbon." Collin's voice seemed extra husky with tiredness and I opened my eyes to glance at him as he continued to massage my hand slightly. "It will smell like her. Either he will know it was you or think someone else kidnapped her. Either way you are sending him word and being petty at the same time."
"Don't give him ideas." Davin muttered it under his breath and was finally able to move the brush through my hair without running into tangles. I could hear him set the brush somewhere but I wasn't sure where as he ran his fingers through my hair. I resisted the urge to shuffle away from him. I had to get used to them touching. I wasn't allowed to say no.
"Actually that is the smartest thing I have ever heard Collin say." Uncle Jace sounded impressed and I made a small noise as I felt Davin start to braid my hair.
"I will take the back-handed compliment because I am weak and need constant reassurance that I am useful." Collin sounded amused as he shifted on the bed. I closed my eyes, feeling the events of the day weigh heavily on my eye lids.
"You do what you need to be happy, Collin." The thread of amusement was back in Uncle Jace's voice. I preferred him amused, when he was amused he wasn't that terrifying angry male.
"Alpha Lawrence saved me life." I felt the sudden silence fill the air. Davin stalled in braiding my hair and Collin paused in massaging my fingers. I didn't know what Uncle Jace was doing but I could hear him breathing and could practically feel him frowning. "You may think he was punishing me but putting that ribbon around my wrist was the only great kindness he had ever given me. It was the greatest because it saved my life and gave me my freedom. He deserves to know I am safe because that act showed me he cared." I let the silence linger, feeling too tired to deal with the panicky thought of saying something wrong. Slowly Davin started to braid my hair again.
"This is getting a bit heavy for me, sugar. Night." Collin dropped my hand and without warning gave me a quick kiss on the cheek that both Davin and Uncle Jace growled at. "You two need to take some chill pills. It wasn't like I had my tongue shoved down her throat. Unless she would like that. Sugar?" I didn't say anything but faintly leaned away I could hear him chuckle as he moved out the room.
"Amber should be done tomorrow. Maricella, you should get some sleep, you look ready to fall on your face." Uncle Jace kissed my forehead and I hummed at him slightly in thanks as Davin tied off the braid. I was too tired to think about the voice that had continued to scream at me. I felt ready to close my eyes and fall into unconsciousness. Davin slowly slid out from behind me, gently helping me to lay down before. My eyes closed, my eyelids feeling so overwhelmingly heavy. I was only faintly aware of him tucking me under the covers before he shut the light off, sending my world into complete darkness.
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