《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》20.


Days passed it's been two weeks since her mother died. Meera's life has become shattered and blank without her mom's presence. She cried day and night. She didn't eat, she didn't sleep, and the only thing that she did was regretting and crying looking at the blank ceiling. Whenever she closed her eyes, the memories of her mom and Vikranth were flashing, her guilt is killing her each second.

She didn't know why she's living in this world when there is no one for her. But she's also not having that guts to end her life.

She started to study for her tomorrow exam cause her mom's last words still ringing in her ears that to study hard and live happily. She can't do the second thing but she decided to attend her semester exams that are on tomorrow she didn't study anything but she knows that she can get at least a pass mark.

She cried and studied for the whole night, the next day she went to her college to write her exam. Her friends encouraged her to do her best level and she somewhat wrote her exam and came back to her house.




It was her last exam, Meera wrote the exam better than her first one. She took her bus and seated in a window side seat. The sky has turned dark and she silently looked at the passing buildings and people. At a particular bus stop, she unexpectedly saw Vikranth, he's standing before a jewelry shop and talking with another girl with full of smile on his face. At that minute she came to know how cruel he is... She was totally dead after seeing that. She felt like someone stabbed her heart terribly again and again. She walked to her house like a lifeless body, no emotions, no feeling about the surrounding. When she reached her house she locked her door and collapsed in the floor.

I thought my world is so beautiful, even though I had some difficulties. But now I understood that I am the biggest fool in this entire world. I am hating myself for being true, kind and nice to the people around me.

I loved him truly, he's my first love and I even said that to him, but he not even considered that before his lust. He got what he wanted but I lost myself, my love and everything. I am not going to blame him for anything, he's one of the reasons to understand my stupidity about life. I am the one who did all the mistake and I am feeling disgusting for being selfish to make him mine. But at the last, he makes me understand that I am an idiot to think like that. What a great Stupid I am!!


My mom also betrayed me and I am feeling guilty for not caring about her. If I stayed with her most of the times then I would have come to know about her illness. I did a mistake in that also.

Why I am still living in this world, what is the reason I am living? I think God made my life like this to show that I am not worthy to live....yes I am worthless and I can't live in this world with this guilt!! I can't even breathe with this thoughts.

Mom, I am coming to you and that is the best way I can escape from everything, Meera reached her extreme stage of life after the incidents that happened in this one and a half months.

She went into the kitchen and searched for something that will help her to kill herself.

First, she took the knife but she's very afraid to stab herself. She searched again and at last her eyes landed on the rat killing poison. She took that in her hands and tears rolled down to her cheeks.

She's now in the middle, whether she's going to continue living this hell life or to end this life that going to give her the peace that she wanted.

She closed her eyes a second and decided to end her life. She knows this decision is wrong but right now this the only way she can get out of this guilt filled life. Without a second delay, she poured the poison into her mouth and gulped fully. Her eyes flooded with tears because her life is going to end in very few minutes and inside she felt an unknown happiness.

Her throat and stomach started to burn, she started to cough and her eyes started to blur. She can't stand and immediately fell to the floor.

She clutched her stomach and started to cry. She felt like someone stabbing her stomach with a knife. A few minutes later she started to vomit and she can feel her death has come, but she didn't regret and happily accepted it.

At that last moment, she reminded of Vikranth and the beautiful moments with him. She doesn't know why she reminded about him, but at that very last moment, she realized that she's having too much love him that's she even gave herself to him. His smiling face stayed fix on her eyes.

I love you Vikranth and I will always do. Live happily and don't remind me, I don't know whether you will feel sorry for me or not but please don't remind about me at any moment of your life because that will hurt my soul, Meera thought and smiled.


Amma I am coming to you and I can't live in this world ma because I am not strong enough to live without you by my side, Meera thought and she eventually closed her eyes because she loosed her consciousness.


"Vikranth visit our industry this evening," his dad said to him when he was in the cotton mill.

"Sorry dad I can't go anywhere in the evening, I am having some other work and stop ordering me," he said coldly.

"Why you're talking like this with me, I am your dad Vikranth," he said like he is so worried.

"It's enough I am ending the call I don't want to hear your blabbering," Vikranth ended the call without wasting any time.

After overlooking the work and giving some instructions he drove his car to the famous jewelry shop. He is going to buy a gift for Meera and he decided to apologize for what he did.

It's going to be more than a month, he knows it's too late to apologize, but in this one month, he understood one thing that he likes her in a different way, unconditionally. He wants her and his soul needs her comfort. It's only four months that they were in a relationship, but he felt so happy with her at every moment he spends with her and she gave an unknown happiness that he never felt in his life. She's mine, only mine, he truly realized it in her absence.

And on that day they broke up he was really frustrated because he fought with his dad, it's a big fight, his dad came to know about Meera and he asked him to end the relationship with her. Vikranth just shouted at him for involving in his personal life and he doesn't know how his dad aware about his every move. He asked her to come to his house to ease his soul with her love, but she pushed him away. He felt even more frustrated and said about the things that he never wanted to.

I am a stupid!! And I can't control my short temper, he cursed himself after she left.

He didn't realize her importance, days passed and he slowly started missing her voice that calls his name full of love, joy, and smile. He missed her texts that make him smile on his tiring day, he missed her warmth whenever he hugs her and he misses her small hand that caresses his hair.

He thought he wants her more than physically. He initially attracted with her body but he is obsessed with her love because she made him feel different. He doesn't believe in love but whether this is love,

He doesn't know but the feelings that he developed were not just an attraction, he identified there is something more than that. He doesn't want to involve in love that will destroy him, but he wants her no matter what!

He bought a platinum chain and ring. He is going to convenience her and he badly wants everything that he is missing now. When he went to buy this he happened to see his childhood friend Swathi in the same shop.

"Hey Vikranth, how are you?" she asked him with a surprise.

"I am fine when you came from London", she and Vikranth studied in the same university in London, she said that she's going to settle there but he was surprised to see here so he enquired that.

"You know my dad blackmailed me again to come here, so I am here", she said with a small smile.

"Oh, I hope you will marry your boyfriend without your dad's objection," Vikranth know she's in love with an American and he's their classmate too.

"No that won't happen I hope," she said and asked him why he is here and he said something to avoid her suspicion.

Then after saying bye, Vikranth drove his car to his house. After finishing some work, he refreshed himself and wore a black shirt and grey pant, because Meera said that he looks good in that. He was a little excited to meet her.

He again drove the car to Meera's home, he didn't mind about whether her mom is in the house or not, he wants Meera back and he wanted to see her. From now on he doesn't want to hide this relationship anymore.

He parked the car and walked to her house and the rain started to pour. When he reached her entrance he excitedly pressed the calling bell. But there's no response. He pressed again and again and he also noticed that the door was locked inside. He stopped and opened the nearby window door, thankfully it is in open. His eyes searched for Meera, but there's no one in the house. He looked again then he saw Meera's motionless body in the kitchen. Why she is sleeping in the kitchen he thought. Oh shit!

He went to the other side and tried opening her kitchen window. He was shocked to see Meera in that state, she's is unconsciously laying on the floor.

He quickly ran to the entrance and started hitting the door with his body weight to break it.

Finally, after some few hits, the door was broken and he went in.

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