《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》9.


The rain was continuously pouring, Vikranth came out of the house and placed his hand above his head to cover himself from the rain and walked down.

At that time Renu came out of her house, she was confused to see a man and added to this he's coming out from Meera's house. She looked at his face and shocked to see Vikranth here... She knew him cause he's a very famous businesses man.

Vikranth didn't notice her and he Hurriedly walked to his car. Renu was looked up and thought of going up but she refrained from doing that cause she doesn't want to involve in other people's business but still a small part of her heart nudging her to know about this...

Vikranth walked to his car, his expression was cold and little tensed. He drove the car at a high speed to his house. Due to the heavy rain, the roads were free and within ten minutes he reached his house. The security was not there so he got down and opened the gate. He parked the car among his other cars.

He opened the door and went straight into his room. He started searching for something, he opened his cupboard and found a dairy. The dairy contains full of contacts and addresses. When he found a particular contact he dialed the number on his phone.

"Hello I am Vikranth speaking", he said.

"Oh sir how are you", the other person asked.

"I am fine", you have to do something for me, he said.

"What is it sir", the other person asked.

"I have to know the details of the person particularly her current life, her name is Meera and she is working in blue valley hotel".

"OK sir I will provide the details within a week cause there are some other cases that I currently working on sir so it will take time", he said.

"Its OK but do it as fast as you could".

Sir I wanted a favor from you there's a problem with my previous case will say to your dad to help me", he asked.

"OK I will think about that", Vikranth said.

"And one more thing don't say this to my dad, keep this case as a secret", Vikranth said and ended the call.


He wants to know everything about Meera that's why he called Murthy, he is his dad's private detective, he has several connections with rowdies and thugs. He is top on that business, and he's especially working for the politicians.

Vikranth threw his phone in the bed and removed his shirt since he is all wet. Today what he did and said to Meera was out his control. But this is what his mind thought to say at that time. Even though he doesn't want to involve in her life, his heart pushing him towards her. An unknown feeling that wanting her happiness, maybe its the guilt of what he did to her?

But he doesn't know. Closing the dairy Vikranth placed that in the cupboard and proceeded to close it but he stopped when he saw that teddy bear...

He took that in his hands and it reminds his first meeting with Meera.

Three years before

It was a rainy day in the month of December, time is about 7.00 pm. A magnificent Audi car halted at a high speed in front of a shopping complex.

Vikranth stepped down from that, he looked so handsome in that blue shirt and gray pant, people in that place were amazed by his gesture. He walked straight into that complex and his father's PA followed him.

"Where he is?" He asked the PA.

"Third floor."

He reached the third floor via the elevator. They were going to meet the manager of this mall. And the third floor contains full of kids accessories.

"Sir you wait here I will go and ask that manager to come here," the PA said and went.

"Hmm," Vikranth nodded and seated in the waiting area. He took his phone and started checking his Instagram. He returned to India a week before. Because of his father's compulsion, he came here to visit this shopping mall since his dad wanted to buy this and his dad also wanted him to take over the business. Vikranth was not even interested in this but there's no other option for him. He's the only son and soon everything is going to come to his hands and his contribution to his family is very much needed now since his father was in politics.


When he was busy checking the mobile phone, he heard the crying sound of a small kid. He gazed at the direction where it is coming from, at a ten-foot distance a small boy was standing and crying hard. Whenever he heard crying sounds of children he gets irritated a lot and it will remind his lonely past when he lost his mom.

The child was not stopping its crying and no one came to console that little kid, so he decided to call someone to look after that child. He stood up and before he could step forward.

"," a girl with a sweet voice came there, she's having a long curly hair with a lean body and wearing a pink saree. He couldn't see her face. She took the child in her hands and consoled that child with her soothing words, but she was showing her back to him.

He wanted to see her face but she isn't turning to his side. After sometime the child stopped crying and started smiling because of that girl. He watched all these things, But he badly wanted to see her face.

At that time a lady in her mid-twenties came near the two and bought the baby from that girl. He understood that she is the mother of that child.

"Thank you so much", I was searching everywhere to find him," the lady said worriedly.

"It's OK", the girl said with a smile.

"Say bye to aunty," the lady asked her child.

That child lightly waved her hand and the girl kissed the cheeks of that baby. After that, the lady and her baby left the place.

Vikranth was watching this entire scene, something in him urging to see her face.

Look at me girl, look at me, he changed mentally.

"Hey Meera," someone shouted from his side.

Hearing that Meera turned and showed her beautiful face to Vikranth.

Finally, he saw that girl's face, She smiled looking at his direction, he doesn't know why his heart just started to beat fastly, he never felt a thing like this.

She walked towards him and he was mesmerized by her beauty, for his eyes she's looking so beautiful. And his eyes roamed over her body.

Fuck, why she's perfect, he thought and his eyes were fixed on Meera.

"Meera you have to arrange that row", the girl standing next to Vikranth said and Meera nodded her head agreeing.

"So your name is Meera", he thought and chuckled mentally, then only he noticed that she is working here. She went to that row and started arranging the misplaced items.

He don't why his legs were pushing him to her side. He followed her eventually and stood near her and looked at her closely. Realizing the closeness Meera moved a little and gazed at Vikranth, but he shifted his gaze to the other side.

When she was about to leave that place, he called her.

"Excuse me",

"What sir," she asked in a sweet tone, Even her voice is so beautiful, he thought.

He took the Teddy Bear doll in that row, "how much is this?" I asked her stupidly.

She bought that from my hands and after checking the price, "its 200 sir and you can pay the bill on that counter," she said and crossed me. Her saree softly caressed his hands and her fragrance is kind of tempted him.

When he was in his thoughts, his dad's PA came,

"Sir I have talked with the manager everything is perfect with this building, so we can buy it sir and there is no need for you to talk with him because your dad has already done that," he said.

"Will you bill this?" Vikranth said and handed the teddy bear to him without giving a proper response to his words.

He looked at Vikranth like he is a fool, and went to bill that.

Even if my dad doesn't want to buy this building I will definitely do it, he thought and left with that teddy bear.

He cleared his thoughts and kept that teddy bear in the cupboard. He went to his wardrobe and changed into his T-shirt and shorts.

He laid in his bed and noticed that the rain was still pouring.

Meera again you started doing something in me.

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