《Eternal Love ✔》||1 Two different lives ||



“Ladies and gentlemen we express our gratitude towards all of you for attending our award function. May I inform you that this award function is for business world...we are extremely privileged to have the biggest businessmen of our country present here.”

“So here we begin the night...”

The host gave the introductory speech and the whole audience broke into thunders of applause. The award ceremony was celebrating the success of many hardworking and deserving business persons. Each time one was awarded the audience would clap in appreciation and respect.

“Our next award is 'Lifetime achievement award' for the company and the person who has contributed in the progress of our nation from long time .....and the award goes to... The Siddiqui Group...and I request Mr Ahmed Siddiqui the owner of this great company to come on the stage and receive the honor.”

As soon as the winner was announced the whole audience area was filled with claps, cheering and hooting. After all it was The Siddiqui...one of the biggest company of the country. The Siddiqui Group was famous for their charitable act.

Apart from this the company was getting larger and larger day by day....being in the construction field or clothing lines. Being in industrial sector or educational one. The Siddiqui's name was at top.

An elderly man of around fifty stood up and walked towards the stage. His every step screamed grace and dominance. With a wonderful shine and a charming smile he collected the honor.

“Assalamoalaikum...hello…namaste and good evening everyone. First I would like to thank the committee for giving me the award and it's my privilege to serve the soil where I was born.

Secondly I would like to thank my dear employees and workers without whom I cannot walk even one step...so I would like to dedicate this award to them.

Lastly I would like to thank my dear family for supporting me in every step of my life...at the beginning I didn't have anything...then also and now when I have everything my wife...my children and my family supported me. Thank you all for supporting me.

Once again thank you all.”

This was Ahmed Siddiqui the humble and graceful. His tone, his words everything was prim and perfect just the way he was...but every perfection costs suffering and sacrifice. He had done enough sacrifice, and he had suffered enough but now it was time to shine, which he was doing.


“Thank you, Mr Siddiqui...ladies and gentlemen here is the most awaited award of the year...the youngest and best businessman of the year. So hold your breath...and the award goes to...”

The host kept silence for sometime creating the suspense everyone hated but then suspense always resulted in something exciting.

“The award goes to Mr Shereyar Siddiqui.”

The announcement was enough for the audience to break into hooting and clapping. Why not, the person proceeding towards the stage was truly the best businessman...the young 26-year-old handsome hunk and heart throbbed. Like father like son. Hardworking person with no nonsense attitude. He was Shereyar Siddiqui, a tycoon.

“Thank you everyone.” He spoke, his voice deep and manly. A sense of seriousness and calmness in it. His face holding a professional smile.

“I think I deserved this isn't it…” he said and the whole public shouted yes...here came his cocky self.

“I am not going to bore you...just thanks all of you for giving the award to its real owner.” Arrogance was dripping from his voice and his smirk was prominent.

“Dad...thanks I dedicate this to you...love you.” He said and Mr Ahmed could be seen with contentment and appreciation in his eyes. The son whom he once had taught to speak was now giving a speech of acceptance of the most honorable award. It was a moment of pride for him and his family.

“Have a nice evening.” He said.

Descending the stairs he was showered with congratulations from businessmen. Nodding at them he walked towards his parent and knelt in front of them without caring where he was.

“I love you dad.love you mom.” He said and hugged both of them.

“Congratulations bhai”... a shrill voice of his sister echoed in his ears make him smile at her.

“Thank you.” he said and hugged her.

He was living his life to the fullest...with every thing at his feet and his family at his support.

He was a man of wonder...in just a young age of 26 he was able to prove himself. His parents were proudest one while his sister couldn't stop smiling. He had everything he wanted.


“Woah mom…it was so exhausting.” Shifa his sister said slumping down on the couch.

“Get up you lazy panda go sleep in your room…” he said teasing her.

“Mom see bhai is teasing me.” Whining like a child she pouted making her mother smile.


“Sherey stop it...go lazy panda sleep in your room.” Saba Siddiqui also joined her son's teasing game earning a glare from her daughter.

“Moooommm...” Shifa yelled and went towards her room stomping her foot.

“Mom I am going to sleep, you and dad also sleep it was a tiring day.” He said and kissed her forehead.

He entered his room and the first thing he did was get freshened up and prayed nafil Salah to thank his lord who has given him this life and everything.He had everything, but he never forgot to thank the one who gave him all the things. He was closest to his god.

He was the one with perfect life.


The loud sound of broken cup ended her trance. Her eyes went down and horror filled her eyes. This would earn her a well deserved scolding.

“What's this sound Irfa?” She heard her aunt's voice and shuddered at her place. A few seconds later she saw her aunt entering the kitchen.

“You stupid idiot girl you broke my favorite cup. You are really useless just a burden to us. I don't understand why that old lady left you to us.” Her aunt's anger was visible. Her aunt never liked Irfa after the death of her grandmother Irfa's responsibility was one given to her uncle and this was something her aunt didn't like.

“Sorry.sorry aunty I w…will clean i...it”her soft stuttering voice echoed as she bent down to pick up the broken cup.

“You idiot your sorry would not do anything. You bad omen.” These words just hit her heart and it ached remembering her past. Tears started flowing down her cheeks.

“Get lost you stupid...”

She came out of the kitchen and ran upstairs. She closed her room's gate and started crying.She was badly missing her grandma. When her tears dried up she got up and bowed down in front of her god...her only support in this world.

It was the same time, two different people had bowed to their god...one was thanking him for his wonderful fate and the other was crying for her dreadful fate.

One had everything while the other had nothing.

He was full while she was hollow.

Two different personalities bowing their head to one god.


Her mamu had seen her crying, but he couldn't do anything. He felt very guilty. He always saw his sister in Irfa. He had always wanted to give best to her but then things weren't in his hands.

“Asma she is also a human why do you torture her this much...don't you fear Allah? How can you do this to her?” He said to his wife.

“You just shut up...who told you to carry this burden on your shoulder...you should have sent her away.” Asma said almost yelling at her husband.

He sighed, it was time he did so. It was time Irfa should go away or else his guilt won't let him live.

The morning that had approached was gloomy just like every other one. Her fate had played well with her, crushing her every hope. She had prayed the morning obligatory prayer and was sitting idly when she heard her mamu's voice as he knocked the door.

Opening the door she hurriedly apologized for breaking the cup.

“Mamu I… I am sor…sorry I broke the cup.” Her teary eyes pained the old man. Cupping her face he spoke,

“It's okay…you don't have to apologize.”

“Beta if I ask you something will you do that.?” He asked her making her look up at him quizzically.

“Yes mamu I will.”

“Child please listen to me carefully I lied that you don't have anyone from your father's side. You have your family there. I request you to go to them. Please don't think low of me.” This news was like a blast on her. The revelation was too much and additional to it was her mamu's request.

“What?...how, this is so-” she couldn't find words.

“Beta it's for you only, I have discussed everything with him. Plese beta just for yourself.”

OK... I will go. You have decided for me it will be the best.” Lowering her head she spoke. Another game played by her fate and this time again she was ready to face the cruelty free

“Pack your things you are going

today.” she kept quiet and nodded.

She got up and started packing her things. Not that she had loads of them. She waited for her uncle to come and kept staring her family's picture...wiping her tears.

“Irfa beta your uncle has come.” She heard aunt Asma shouting. Descending she saw a man of almost fifties. After all the fake goodbyes from her aunt and cousin she hugged her mamu and sat in the car.

“Ya Allah what have you written in my fate I don't know…just give me strength”


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