《The New Girl {A Puella Magi Madoka Magica Reader Insert}》Chapter 3



Things you need to remember

Your last name is Suziki

Female name close to yours F/n/c/t/y

Male name close to yours M/n/c/t/y

Outfit of choice O/o/c

Hair color H/c

Eye color E/c

Favorite color F/c

Your name Y/n

Old school name O/s/n

Favourite accessory F/a

Favorite food F/f

Hair length H/l

Favorite kind of dinner/breakfast F/k/o/d/b

Favourite kind of side for dinner/breakfast F/k/o/s/f/d/b

Favourite tea F/t (if you don't like tea just change it)

Halloween outfit H/o

Hair Style H/s

More will be added


Slight use of language.


Why did I wake up?

That's weird.I check my clock.

3:00 a.m.Well I need to get back to bed, I have school.


Y/n P.O.V

I wake up and get in to my school uniform. I feel real lazy, so I h/s my h/c h/l hair. All of a sudden,

"Ha-chuu!" I sneeze and my nose drips. I hear the pitter patter of two sets of feet. My door then open. Mother and Sakiko stands in in the door way. They both point at me as their faces become serious.

"Your sick! Your staying home!" They both yell.

"It was only a sneeze and a runny nose!" I say reply.

"Too bad, your staying home!" Mom said.

"Fine...Ugh..." I complain. Sakiko leaves, probably to go back to hers.

"Now go back to bed, okay?" Mom smiles.

"Okay..." I walk over to my bed and lay down.

"Now, you'll be home alone until 2:45. And then you'll be here with Sakiko, then me and your father will be back." She smiles.

"Okay..." I say groggily.

"Get better soon, sweetie." Mom leaves my room then the house. Then dad and last but not least, Sakiko leaves. I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling for ten minutes. I smile devilishly. I get out of bed so quickly, I get light headed.


"Whoa, whoa..." I say spinning in a semi-circle. Then I wrote a quick note to Sakiko.


Hey Sakiko, I'm going out, because I'm NOT sick. I might be out late. So don't send a search party for me!

I'm just gonna buy pocky and get grub. Maybe go see my friends. Yeah that's about all.



I put the note by the front door.

I went to my room and sneaked out my window, so my neighbors couldn't see me.

"He He..." I giggled devilishly.

•~•~•~• Time Skip •~•~•~•

I burp from all the pocky and noddles I ate. A take a wrong turn and appear in front of a large hospital. Then again I sneeze.

"Haaaaaa-Chu!" And rub my running nose with the back of my sleeve. I notice Madoka, Sayaka and Kyubey, looking at a wall.

"Hey guys, whatcha' looking at?" I race over and looked at the cracked wall.

"A grief seed...." Madoka said petrified.

"Where?" I ask.

"Right there." Sayaka pointed out the crack in the wall, which in the middle lied a black looking gem. It's beautiful yet deadly. Madoka and Kyubey run to get Mami. I start feeling dizzy, and collapse and my head hits a bike. Everything goes dark.

~•~•~• Time Skip •~•~•~•

I open my eyes seeing a labyrinth, its kinda pretty... I hear crying and wailing. I stand up weakly and run to the crying. I see Madoka and Sayaka crying. I realize where they are looking. I see Mami laying on the ground lifelessly. My eye's widen. I run up to her. I see her head missing and blood on the ground.

"Mami!" I cry over her dead body. I hear a loud swoop noise. I looked up and see a witch.


"No!" I yell. I close my eyes and once I open them I'm sitting beside Madoka and Sayaka. Shocked, I looked up and see Homura finish the witch.

We all sob over Mami's death. The labyrinth dissolves and disappears.

•~•~•~• Time Skip •~•~•~•

I head home and its 5:15. Oh god... Mother and Father going to be pissed off.



Hey guys, I finally finished it. It originally was longer but I didn't know how to place an image in computer format.... and still don't. Then it sent me to the page with the picture on it and deleted half of my work. Anyways, see ya' next time!

Total word count including A/N

769 words in total.



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