《Yugioh GX》Rainbow Tablet Part:1


We were all waiting for Jaden Blair and bonapart to come back, I was sleeping on Jesses lap he was braiding my hair while I was sleeping.

"Guys the students are getting more and more reckless" Jesse said "Jesses right! We gotta think of some kind of plan!" Hassleberry Said

"Does anyone know where Jaden is? He umm...usually saves us" Said Crowler "hey look it's Blair and bonapart!" Said Alexis.

"Do either of you know where Jaden is?" Asked crowler "we sure do, he went after Marcel" answered Blair "Urgh...p...please stop...don't duel him sister..." I said in a sleepy voice, Jesse was worried for me and Jaden "he did what!?" Said hassleberry as him and Alexis headed towards them.

"Down some cavern" Said Blair "he did?" Said hassleberry "then what happen?" Asked Alexis "well he decided to stop him from getting the sacred beast cards" Said Blair

"We know lu told us he was" Said Jim as he pointed to me, "it'll only get worse! We must go help Jaden" crowler suggested Jesse picked me up from his lap so then he wouldn't have to wake me up.

"Hey what about that food!" Said one of the students "the food...well it looks like we were all mislead..." said crowler "I'm done following! Guys let's get the grub!" Said another student.

"Don't do it come back!" Jesse yelled "duel ghouls can't be beat you got no chance against them!" Said hassleberry "you better listen! It's to dangerous!" Said Jim.

But they didn't listen, three of the students headed inside "Hey Alexis hold lu for a sec, don't go in there!" Yelled Jesse as him, Jim and hassleberry ran towards them.

"Hmm...don't leave sister..." Alexis looked down at me wondering why I was saying sister "it's to late!" Yelled Jesse "poor fellas!" Said Jim "there's just to many to duel!" Said hassleberry

All three of the of the students turned into duel ghouls Jesse and the other two headed back to the others "thanks lex, so what now?" Asked Jesse

"We help Jaden!" Said Alexis they all nodded there heads and headed towards the power generator "hey you guys! You gotta check this out!" Said one of axels soldiers.

~time skip~

"What do you make of it bastion?" Asked Axel "What do I make of it, it's my old mentor dr.esenstean is that you!?" Asked bastion

"It's is bastion now that you can see or hear me you must....."

"We need more power!" Said bastion "but the power generators broken!" Said Jesse "I can work around that we just gotta pry these doors lose!" Said bastion


"Uhh Jesse...mind putting me down?" I Said "oh your wake...and uh sure here ya go" Jesse said as he put me down I activated my duel disk and inserted one of my decks.

"I summon 'baby dragon'! Baby dragon help us open these door" I Said "Ra Ra!" Baby dragon got the doors to open "nice going kid!" Said axel

Bastion then got the connection to work

"Bastion were working on a way to get to


"Thank goodness professor, things here weren't going so well" Bastion Said "where are we?" Bastion Asked

"Well something extraordinary happened! Now don't be alarmed but it appears you've all be transported to an alternate dimension"

I then saw aster behind the professor

"Bastion are you all safe?"

"Well I'll be aster Phoenix" Said hassleberry, Jesse saw I was a bit uneasy when I saw aster "well it's hard to say, some of the students have become these sorta duel ghouls" Said bastion

"If we can use there signal as a beacon bastion..." I suggested

"I'm way ahead of you, this signal is being sent by a small portal that connects out two worlds! We might be able to use this portal to bring you home, however for this to work we need to get you one very special card!"

My eyes widened I could feel a something in the air "you feel it to Luna, you don't think it's..." my spirit asked "there's no mistaken draz... This energy we senses is from..."

"The crystal beast rainbow dragon!"

I looked over at Jesse seeing how widened his eyes were "well that's bad news cause that cards never been made! See only the stone tablet can turn rainbow dragon into a real card, and no one even knows were it is!" Said Jesse

"No one until today! Pegasus and Shepard have found the stone tablet location and on there way there!"

I could see that Jesse was happy he gets to complete his crystal beast deck "so what power does this rainbow dragon have?" Asked bastion

"Well you see, because of your power generator failure...you will need a new power source to make this portal strong enough to get you back home safely"

"But how will you get the card to us?" Asked bastion "that's simple bastion...he mentioned about a portal that connects both worlds that portal opened when that arm had enough duel energy! So they can get the rainbow dragon to us by opening the very same portal with enough duel energy!" I Said

"Correct miss heart!"

"Professor, for there to be enough duel energy we'll be needing two duelist who will give it There all in a duel!" I Said


"Yes but we must do it at the right time at the right place or else..."

"We'll be stuck here forever!" Said bastion

"We must get enough duel energy at exactly the time and place and you might ask how?"

"You read my mind!" Said bastion

"Behold an inter dimensional duel system!"

"Wait a minute...that looks like it from kiba korp!" I Said

"Yes...anyways, you all need to head to the tennis court it is the ideal environment to link both duel energy's"

"There's no time to waist lees move!" Said bastion "but what about the duel ghouls? They've probably run over the tennis court by now!" Said Alexis "maybe...oh well that's a risk we're going to have to take!" Said Jesse

"One more thing Bastion Luna,where's Jaden? Not running around causing trouble?"

"He's uh..."

"Is he okay?"

"You know it! There's nothing he can't over come! After all, this is Jaden he always knows what to do!" Jesse said as everyone nodded in agreement

~time skip~ (heading towards the tennis court)

"How are you holding Aurora?" I asked "fine I guess...its good to be out by your side miss heart!" Said my spirit

"Hey lu, cmon stop talking to your friend there and hurry!" Said Alexis I started running "weather painter snow, I summon you in defence mode!" (DEF:2200) I Said

"Nice lu! We have some cover now to get to the tennis court!" Said Alexis, I then felt the sacred beasts again making me fall to my knees.

"Luna! You alright love!?" Asked Jesse "ya...it's just the sacred beasts..." I Said, Jesse got worried for me so he picked me up and started running "this is awesome I'm finally going to meet rainbow dragon!" Said Jesse

"Not if we don't get past the duel ghouls!" Said bastion, then duel ghouls were in our way again "Aurora! Give us a hand here!" I Said

"Right mistress! I'll hold them off for as a long as I can once you get through we'll be done here mistress!" My spirit said

"We have to hurry! We gotta reach the court or we'll all be duel ghouls!" Said crowler "Cmon! Pick up the pace!" Said hassleberry

"I don't think I can run any faster!" Said Alexis, then we saw to many duel ghouls blocking our way "there's to many..." Said Alexis, I looked at everyone of them I then brought myself down and ready my duel disk.

"Miss heart what do you think your doing!?" Crowler Said "making sure you guys get to the tennis court! I'll hold them off then I'll run after you guys got it!" I Said, everyone looked worried "wait I'll help you miss heart!" Said crowler

I nodded my head "I think it's time to bring out rainbow right aurora!" I Said "yes! All you need to do is sacrifice three of us then she'll be summoned mistress!" Said my spirit

"Alright then 'weather painter sun' give us a hand in summoning weather painter rainbow!" A rainbow canvas appeared revealing the rainbow painter (ATK:2400)

"Miss heart...you go with them alright, and let me create a path" Said Crowler, I nodded my head then stepped aside

"Cmon lu! That rainbow girl will help us on the way, let's leave crowler to deal with them!" Said Alexis.

~Time Skip~

We were all at the tennis court getting ready, everyone decided that Jesse should duel I got kinda worried "something wrong love?" Asked Jesse

"I'm just worried that's all..." I answered, he saw how worried I was he then pulled me into a hug "don't worry I'll make sure we get back I promise" Said Jesse

I smiled I could feel everyone looking at us I then felt a sudden pain "Luna what's wrong?!" Alexis asked

"I felt him...I felt ezodia and now...the sacred beasts...he has them!" I Said "professor we made it to the tennis court!" Said bastion

"Good! Remember, these machines will enable us to transform or harness duel energy into a powerful power source! We must synchronize our systems in order to connect our dimensions!"

"You really think this will work?" Asked Blair "it better!" Said Alexis "it will" answered Bastion "good luck!" Said both Alexis and Blair.

"She's good to go!" Said hassleberry "Alright Jesse get ready to duel!" Said bastion, before I went to the others I kissed him on the cheek for good luck.

"Blair engage duel synchronization!" Said bastion "engaged" Said Blair as she pushed the button

It showed us the other world when she activated it "professor we have visual contact!were prepared to move forward!" Said bastion

"Good then, so make sure your duelist is in place let be quick!"

"Ready?" Asked bastion "good luck Jess..." I whispered "Jesses duelling on our end and who is going to be his opponent?" Asked bastion

"We chose someone who would generate enough duel energy to make this portal big enough"

I only knew one person who fit that description "Zane..." I said, when I saw him I couldn't help but cry "oh no...Luna if you want you can..." "no...I'll be fine..." I said

"Anderson we can't hold anything back! The only way to create enough energy is to duel like we're mortal enemies and that's just what I plan on doing!"

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