《Yugioh GX》Rich Fight! Adrian VS Chazz (Part:2)


"Check out Adrian! He's losin big time!" "True, although he doesn't seem to be losin his cool! As suppose the Chazz, ever had his cool to begin with!"

Adrain than pointed at the sky "what do you see when you look at a cloud Chazz? To some clouds are just particle of moyster in the atmosphere!"

*what is he a teacher..? This is no time to be smart Gecko* "boring!" "Well not to me. Cause when I look at a cloud, I see the worlds most powerful force!"

"And when I look at you, I see the worlds richest dork! Now why don't you take your check book! And got buy a light!"

"Talk is cheep, like you! Now watch as I sacrifice my four sheep cloud tokens! To bring out my 'nimpis man'"

"I know how you love my cloud factors! So here's one for ya!qumilo nimpis clouds, like this on here. Form near the ocean and cause really bad storms"

"Is he going to stand there and talk about clouds all day or is he going to duel!" "Now for each card I sacrifice, nimpis man gets to absorb 500 extra points." (Attack:1000+2000=3000)

"Scared yet!? Just wait cause, here's another tip in and it involves your monster! You see every attack point my monster just got your monster loses!"

VWXYZ ATK: 3000-2000=1000

"Nimbis man! Attack his catapult!" "Activate trap! It's called hyper coat, here's a little tip in for you! My monsters not going anywhere! Because hyper coat reverses all of your monsters effects! Plus it gives my catapult a boost, not like he needs it tho"


"Your storms over marshmallow man!" (ATK:1500+2000=3500)

Chazz Attacked Adrian's monster but it didn't get destroyed "no way!" "Someone needs a lesson in climatology!"

"Okay if he says one more dorky sentence I'm leaving"


He ended his turn with three face downs. "I'd expected more from a spoil rich kid!" Adrian then smiled "I'm serous! While you were lying on your butt staring at clouds! My butt was working, and so was the rest of my body!"

"Huh!?" "Just admit it! You'd had everything handed to yo! I earned my deck! And I'm going to use it to send your little Cotten candy man, back to the carnival! I can't destroy it but I can remove it from play!"

"Chazz is getting pretty worked up, up there" "can you blame him? He found someone who's more spoiled than he is! And he can't stand it" *chazz needs to cool down, he may be winning now but I can tell that Adrian has a plan*

"You think Adrian can actually win! How can he do that with a deck full of wimpy cloud people?" "Easy sy, just because his deck has wimpy cards doesn't mean it is!"

Everyone looked at me confused "what do you mean by that Luna?" "Look at Adrian's face he's smiling! No one smiles if they are losing, I bet once Chazz attacks or it's his turn Adrian will win this duel." They were still confused but didn't question it again.


*how does Luna know what might happen? Can she really tell by an expression on someone face?* Jesse and Jaden said in there minds.

"Ready geek, time to get CHAZZED!" "Hold that thought, before you Chazz me watch this! I reveal two of my face downs!"

"But how!?" "Easy, I just call out there names magically and they pop up." "I feel like Chazz just got stupid right there. And now I think Adrian is just showing off!"

Adrian activated 'rain storm' and 'natural disaster' "am I suppose to be scared!?" "Well you should be! Cause thanks to my rain storm, I can destroy any card on your side of the field! All I have to do is take of my cloudian monsters, and lower it's attack points by 1000, so get ready nimpis man! It's time to rain on his parade!"

Adrain destroyed Chazzs "hyper coat" "it's gets worse bro! Cause natural disasters next, which means every time I destroy one of your cards. You lose 400 points! What sting felling under the weather?"

"Bring it!" "You sure? You seems pretty anxious to be taken my storm, and your monsters not dressed for the weather! Because without hyper coat your catapult is wide open to traps. Which means I can blow him away with my rain storm!"

"Alright! Give me all you've got dweeb!" "If I we're you, I would be running for cover right about now!"

Chazz:2800-400=2400 (sorry I may have left out his LP)

"Now to get rid of your pesky filed spell! By lowing my monsters power, one more time pal" *his puff balls got no attack points now!" Chazz said in his head.


"Hey I still have more points then you Gecko! That means it's my turn!" "You know you have a real nag for stating the obvious Princeton!"

"Your about to lose cloud fer brains! How's that for obvious! Meet my dimensional catapult! Thanks to this spell I can bring a card back like my catapult cannon!"

*chazz got his monster back by that card! Impressive* "catapult cannon whip his cloud off the weather map!"

"We interrupt this attack with s special trap card!" "Cmon!"

"It's called Mirage target, and if I sacrifice my cloud your last attack is canceled out! Plus there's a little bonus, my monsters attack points are added to my life points!"


"No way! Did you realize this was all part of his master plan! Impressive right?" "Bug deal, I'm sure Chazz has a plan to"

"He might but who knows if it's any good?" "Excuse me Chazz if you have a plan this would be the good time to use it!"

Chazz ended his turn with no face downs "that was some plan, now! I play 'Ghost fog' in attack mode" (ATK:0) "zéro points! That's lame!"

"So quick to judge, he hasn't even attacked yet" "attack!" I just realized Adrian's plan *he's going to destroy chazzes monster with his fogs effect than play his Hurricane to get rid of his monster!*


"Before I forget you lose another 800 points!"


"And the fun continues I play! My quick summon spell card! Now a monster from my hand is automatically summoned! I chose my cloudian poison cloud!" DEF:1000

"As it's name suggests my cloud is filled with a deadly poison! If you attack and it's destroyed you lose 800 life points! So if I were you Chazz! I'd give it some serious thought before you open fire!"

"Let me guess than natural disaster activated and I lose the rest of my points!" "It looks like you catch on quickly Chazz! You can't win!"

"With the natural disaster on the Horizon and a poison cloud over head, a 90% grim and a taste of defeat!"

*Chazz better know what's he's doing, cause one wrong move and this duels over and those bio bands will activate* "seems like Princeton is having weather trouble"

"Please no more puns..." did Chazz just take credit or is he just trying to make him look better? I didn't want to say it out loud cause Chazz might hear me.

"I activate graceful charity! I can pick up three cards and send two to the grave!" Chazz then activates " d'espéranto manager" "this card activates if I'm holding one or more cards! And I start by drawing two cards and then, I chose three cards and move them to the top of my deck!"

He then activates "enchanting room" "all I have to do is pay 800 lp and look at the four cards in my deck and if any of them are monsters that are level 3 or below I can summon them!"


He summons his ojamas to the field. "So that's his ojamas, he did play it well but what can he do with three cards in defence?"

Jaden, Syrus and Alexis looked over at me and said something at the same time "use them to defeat his cards!" I got so confused but didn't bother asking.

"I play ojamas delta thunder! This card makes your storm look like a nice summer breeze! For every card in your hand it field you take 500 points of damage!"


"And check this! Since I sent ojama thunder to the grave yard every card on your side of the field is destroyed!"

"Well we'll! I guess being the spoiled rich kid dosent pay of does it! Especially when daddy's not here to bail you out!" "Haha you think I had it easy huh Chazz! And you, your life been nothing but hardship right!"

"Sort of..." "don't you think when your pointing you finger at me when you are actually pointing it at yourself? Isn't it possible your the spoiled one? I know all about your family, the Princeton Corp does that ring a bell?"

"Umm...Lex What is he Implying?" She didn't answer "well at least you have a family...I was all alone...you knows what that feels like? I doubt it! You don't know the first thing about hardship Chazz!"

*adrian...he was alone all of his life...until he was found and was brought into a family...* "oh please!"

"It's true Chazz! But I digress, were here to duel not compare soft stories! Wth that my move!"

"I activate my wonder cloud spell card! So first, I eliminate all of my cards that includes my field and hand! Next I draw one for every card on your side of the field. Then every card from my deck is removed from play!"

"Do you wanna know why, I'm doing this!? Simple, thanks to the effect of my wonder cloud spell, any card you play this turn is automatically negated!"

"I don't get it" said a confused Syrus "well he's sorta bet in the farm, cause if he's able to draw the right cards he wins, since his decks gone and he doesn't he loses"

"That's insane! By the end of this round we're going to have a winner." "Thanks to your ojamas I draw three cards! And the rest are gone!"

"Let's see if he has the cards to win now since he only has three!" "I activate the spell card 'big summon cloud' The draw back is, to keep this card I need to pay a price like my entire hand goes to the grave! But if I pay half my life points I get to summon a cloudian monster first!"

He summon "cloudian eye of the typhoon" ATK:3000 "Now Attack!"

"Whenever my monster attacks every monster is force to change battle modes! So there goes your defence"


I headed towards the water to help Chazz out "seems like Luna's a kind girl huh Jess" Jesse didn't know what Alexis was implying but he didn't ask. Just then there bio bands lit up sucking there energy.

"Urgh... I need a nap..."

~time skip~

"How's Luna?" "She's doing okay...same goes with Chazz. But Luna's states don't look to good, when was the last time she duelled?"

"Well she duelled one of the shadow riders one the first year then on of the SOL students 2nd year. Why?"

"Her duel energy is very low and now I don't think she'll wake up any time soon, those bio bands sucked almost all of her duel energy..." "well is there anything we can do?"

"I need one of you to watch over her if she wakes up she can't duel until her energy and this whole mess is taken care of!" Everyone looked over and Jess and Jaden "what us! But she can't trust someone like us"

"You two are the only ones she trusts dorks and I'm not going to sit around and just see her hurt like this!" I started to open my eyes slowly.

"Hmm...wh...What happened?" They all looked over at me seeing I was awake "you feeling alright there gem?" I looked over seeing Jesse beside me.

"Ya....wait gem?" Jesse started blushing when he realized what he said "Jess, cmon let's give Luna some time to rest k" he nodded his head and left

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