《Squid Game Preferences》002: Birthday Date


BTW It's the reader's birthday.

He forgot your birthday and only remembered it the last minute, or he did remember it but didn't care enough to actually plan out something. He arrived at your place late at night with chocolates. He looks tired like he always do. It's hard to live knowing you have 6 billion debt and not being able to pay it off even if you work for a thousand years, give him some slack!

You two went to an amusement park with her brother. It was a little pricey but she says she can earn it back quickly once she roams around that shopping mall wealthy people frequents to. You reminded her not to pickpocket people, but really, what else can you do about it? She says it's fine because those people are rich anyway.

You ate at a tteokbokki place. How romantic, it's his favorite spot to celebrate birthdays. You two were supposed to go at a much more elegant restaurant but he lost his money after gambling it away. He won't admit it though and just claims that he "loves" tteokbokki and that you love it, too.

The classic movie date. It's a good thing you two have the same taste in movies. Thrilling crime movies. After the movie, the two of you went to a posh restaurant. The date was cut short when he received an assignment at the middle of your date, just when he got to the juicy part of the work gossip he was telling you. He made up for the lost time over the weekend though, with the two of you glued together just hanging out.

He sent you a birthday message. Turns out you have the same birthday as his wife, so he was busy bonding with his family instead of the friendly date you've planned out.

He doesn't even remember his name. Let alone your birthday. Yeah, you're on your own on this one. Good thing he's rich and gave you money to spend the day after when you told him you were upset he didn't greet you or anything.

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