《The Steele Brothers (Completed)》14. Ash


"A Bio tracker" she repeats, laughing at our expressions.

"Where... How?" I stutter out, not quite believing her.

"Its in my lower back" she laughs again at our horrified looks.

Seeing her sat there so comfortably among us, I decided for myself I wasn't going to let this girl slip though our fingers, she was perfect, for me, for us. I didn't care who her family was, she would be ours.

The phone issue however, remained an issue "Please would you carry a phone, I know you think there is security around you, but we never see anyone, what if something happens and you need to reach us" I ask her and feel a little relief that she looks like she is considering it.

"Please" Jett adds fluttering his eyelashes at her and she looks at him for a second before bursting out laughing.

"We can give you one of our phones, I've just upgraded so have a spare... if you want to avoid your parents" Raven adds.

"Ahh, all of you, stop giving me those eyes" she growls but the smile on her face shows she doesn't mean it.

"Please?" I ask again and she groans, leaning into Grey and muffling a scream into his side.

"Okay" she mutters out, keeping her head buried in his side. I look at him and he is frozen staring down at her in wonder. I swing my glance to my other brothers and they are all watching her nestled into Grey's side. I know we all wish we were in his spot.

Raven grins and gets up, disappearing up the stairs in a rush and I know he is grabbing his phone for her. It takes him longer than I expect and Viri has surfaced from hiding in Grey's side as they play 20 questions about food and drink likes and dislikes.


"Here you go, I even had a spare sim so its all set up" he hands her the phone, "And i've put our numbers in for you, any problems you call us"

She takes the phone and looks it over, biting her lip and I wonder what she is thinking.

"Is it okay?" I ask as she looks at it in silence.

"Yes, thank you, all of you" her gaze lifts and she looks at each of us in turn before narrowing on Raven, she wriggles away from Grey and stands up moving across till she is in front of him, his gaze locked on hers as she stare up. I hadn't realised just how tiny she was compared to us, not till I saw her stood in front of him.

"Thank you Raven" she says quietly and going up on tiptoe and kissing the bottom of his jaw. That was as high as she could reach.

Raven growled and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up, so her face was level with his. "You are playing with fire, baby girl, now thank me properly" he pushed out his lips and we all watched as with a little giggle Viri pecked his lips with hers.

"Thank you Raven" she adds and he grins down at her, as she wiggles in his arms. I know by the flush of colour across his cheekbones, just how much she is affecting him and he groans before putting her down and stepping back from her, grabbing a cushion and holding it in front of him as he sits back down.

"Oh!" Viri whispered her eyes still locked on Raven, and as she realises what's going on. "Ohh" her face flames and she hurries back to Grey's side, he lifts an arm and she sits and allows him to wrap it round her and pull her close.


Again I feel, not jealousy, but a feeling that she is where she belongs... with us. Yes I would rather it was me she was snuggling with, but as long as its only me or my brothers I don't mind. Would she go for it though, we had agreed to be friends, could we show her we can be more.

"I need to get back to my dorm" she said quietly watching us all. "I have to get ready for classes tomorrow"

"I will run you back" I offer but Raven is already getting up.

"I will, people will talk otherwise" he says and I nod, knowing he is right.

Viri looks at me, biting her lip and as we all get up to see her off, she comes closer, her hand coming up to touch me "Thank you for offering, maybe next time" she says with a smile and I nod, happy to agree with her, especially as it confirms there will be a next time.

I pull her into a hug and drop a kiss on the top of her head "Stay safe" I tell her before releasing her to Jett, who pulls her into his hold, his arms wrapping round her as she almost disappears into him, "Bro, let her breathe" I laugh at him, as he pulls back worriedly checking her over, before he kisses her cheek.

"Be good, any problems you call us" he tells her before letting her turn to Grey.

He opens his arms and we hold our breath, wondering if she will take that step and she does, a grin on her face as she leans into his embrace. he too kisses the top of her head "Keep the phone charged and stay in touch, we will see you in class, but if you need us for anything at all, call" he tells her and she nods.

Her gaze jumping between us all as Raven jangles his keys in the doorway. "Ready?" he asks her and she nods and with a final smile at us she leaves with Raven.

Grey walks to the sideboard and pulls out a bottle and some glasses, coming back and pouring us each a shot, raising his glass "To Viri, wow" he toasts and we join him in drinking.

"She's something else isn't she?" he muses and I hum in response.

"Can you imagine what it was like growing up with those families around you, Money aside, she has some seriously bad connections. I almost hope Sigma Beta do try something just to see her protection respond, but only if she is out of the way" Jett says.

"Its not normal though is it, to have a tracker in you, shit it must have hurt, what size needle would you need to put something like that in place, do you think she did it willingly?" I mutter and both Grey and Jett look at me.

"Didn't think of that" Jett says with a shudder, we all know how much he hates needles.

"That aside, I think this evening went well" I said pouring myself another drink."The message should be out there about her and Raven, hopefully that will make the betting pool stop"

"And if it doesn't?" Grey asks us.

"Then we may need to be a little more proactive in dealing with the stupid fuckers" Jett growls.

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