《The Other Swan (Twilight Fanfic)》Savior


i wake up to someone shaking me, making me groan loudly. i open my eyes and frown, Matt looks down at me, amused.

"morning sunshine, hangover?" Matt asked smiling.

"no, i don't get hangovers" i said sighing.

i sat up and rub my head, yawning loudly. i grab my phone and turn it on. i see it's already seven and i groan, only twenty minutes to be ready, yay.

"hey, where's that box you were talking about last night?" i asked.

"oh, in the storage closet" Matt said, pointing to a closet.

i walk over to it and open the box, opening it and going through some stuff. i picked a tight purple shirt and black skinny jeans. i slip on my converses and put my hair in a messy half up. i walk out of the bathroom and grabbed my book bag.

"how old are you?" Matt asked.

"seventeen" i said.

"...and you won't tell anyone i let you drink, right?" Matt asked.

"sure, mind driving me to school?" i asked.

"sure, what high school?" Matt asked grabbing his keys.

"doesn't Forks just have one high school?" i asked.

"oh, you go to forks, there's a high school in La Pushe, so thought I'd ask" Matt said shrugging.

he opened the door and i get in. he get's in the drivers seat and starts the car, the warm air filling in.

"aren't you cold?" Matt asked.

"nah, oddly I'm not cold" i said shrugging.

"weirdo" Matt mumbled.

i roll my eyes and mess with the radio, turning on some classic rock and lean back, closing my eyes.

"did you finish your homework?" Matt asked.

"but dad, i was hanging out all night with you" i said pouting.


Matt groans and rolls his eyes at me, looking really annoyed that i called him dad, making me smirk evilly.

"awww, poor wittle Matty doesn't like being called daddy" i said in a baby voice.

"shut up before i fire you and kick you to the side of the road" Matt said.

"oh stop being in your feelings, grow a pair" i said rolling my eyes.

"i did but I'm pretty sure you crushed them when i tried waking you up" Matt said.

he pulled into the parking lot and smile cheekily at him. i see people looking at Matt's car and i just look at him smirking.

"what kind of image are you trying to set for yourself?" Matt asked chuckling.

"the kind to prove that my sister and i are two different types of swans" i said shrugging,

so i grab his face, putting my fingers over his lips and kissing my hand, making it look like i was kissing him. i pull away after a second Matt looks amused.

"what? want a real kiss?" i asked teasingly.

"nah, maybe on a rainy day, better get going" Matt said.

"bye, see you at work" i said.

"sure" Matt said nodding.

i jump out of the car, grabbing my back and start walking. i hear people whispering, making me smirk at that.

"are you serious right now?" Bella hissed.

she pulled me to the side of her truck and i sigh, rolling my eyes at her. why did she want to ruin my day this early in the morning.

"what ever are you talking about, sister dearest?" i asked sweetly.

"about bringing some guy, a stranger, to school, is that where you were last night? hooking up with some douche?" Bella demanded.


"it's none of your business what i do in my spare time" i said.

"yeah, well, what if he had raped you or killed you? Charlie would be a wreck" Bella said.

"but not you or Rene, right?" i asked.

"...it doesn't matter, okay, just stop being so destructive" Bella said frowning.

"I'll stop when you stop being such a bitch" i hissed.

i push her away and start walking to school, going straight to the bench i was at yesterday. i lean down, breathing hard, closing my eyes tightly. i felt bile rise into my throat and grip the bench tightly.

Bella would never care for me. Rene would never care for me...no one would ever care for me...maybe it would be better if i would go away, it's not like a lot of people would notice. i felt a tear go down my cheek and my bottom lip trembled.

i leaning against the wall in the dining room, mom and dad were both fighting in the next room. Bella was upstairs, sound asleep. i had mom's birthday card reading and the clay heart i had made her.

"she's out of control!" mom shouted.

"she's just going through a faze!" dad snapped.

"no, Charlie, the little girl in there is a wreck, she will never learn when enough is enough!" Phil snapped.

"we can't just send her away, do you think that will really help?" dad snapped.

"it will do something! i don't want our daughter to be hurt because of her!" mom snapped.

"she's our daughter too!" dad snapped.

"no, she isn't, she's a stranger, and I'm sending her to that, i don't care if you like or not!" mom snapped.

"the doctor thinks it will help too" Phil said.

i let the card fall silently and the clay heart shattering on the ground...just like my heart, it will never be fixed. they went silent and i ran out of the house and into the woods that was next door.

i kept running and running. going farther and farther into the forest. i trip and landed on my face, groaning. i look up and see a figure. i whimpered and scoot back, but the figure just knelt down. i see his face and i nervously stare at him. he give me a warm smile and looks at my knee.

"you have a nasty cut, let me help you" the man said.

he wiped the blood away and put a band-aid on it. i look at him with big eyes and he just pets me head.

"why are you out here a lone?" the man asked.

"my parents are sending me away" i whispered.

"...why?" the man asked.

"because I'm a bad person" i whispered.

"no one is truly dark, you can always change" the man said.

"no i can't...what's your name?" i asked curiously.

"Edward" Edward said.

"no last name?" i asked.

"secret...what's yours?" Edward asked.

"Kassidy-Anne" i said shyly.

"no last name?" Edward asked.

"secret" i said smiling.

Edward just laughs, nodding his head and petted my hair back. he looks up and sighs.

"your dad is coming, just scream for him" Edward said.

"okay...dad!" i screamed.

Edward smiles and he's gone in a blink of an eye. i hear foot steps and i see dad running towards me. he picks me up, gripping tightly onto me.

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