《The Other Swan (Twilight Fanfic)》Bus Drive


i stare out at the raining streets of Washington, still very annoyed. it was a two hour bus drive to stupid Forks, Charlie said he'll pick me up...bullcrap. i roll my eyes and and i lean against my hand, staring at the cars passing by.

i rub my eyes, feeling very annoyed. the bus was mostly empty, there was a mom with a crying baby, two guys who had football jerseys, a few old people, yay. The two guys kept on making flirty faces at me and i roll my eyes, annoyed.

i honestly haven't been by any guys my age before i got sent away, and in all honesty, so far, they're all idiots. i mean come on, is that what all guys think about? if so, it's disappointing. i like to think the guys still have some chivalry....then again...i can't really complain, it's not like I'm a southern belle.

i smirk to myself, playing with the idea in my head that I'm a southern belle.

i hear someone clear their throat and i look up and see the couple of guys, and i roll my eyes, they look so annoying right now. i mean, why do you stare at me? do i have something in my hair or are you just being rude?

my phone vibrated and i see it's Ray, making me smile slightly. i like how he cared, he was my only friend while i was in that...place. i unlock my phone and hum.

'hey, just making sure you're doing okay-RayRay'

'I'm doing just fine, stop worrying old man :P-Kass'

'I am not that old-RayRay'

i didn't respond, which made him keep texting me, but i didn't feel like answering him. i lean back and close my eyes, maybe i could get a little sleep. i hear the guys giggling, yes, giggling, so i guess no rest for the wicked. i open my eyes annoyed and huff. i look at the sign that said "welcome to Washington" i roll my eyes and lean back, at least I'm almost home....can i even call it that? i shook my head and look out the window, touch the window as the rain poured.


"home, sweet home" i whispered.

i was on laying on my stomach on the bed i share with Bella, we were up late, reading our little hearts out. i flip another page and sigh, slightly bored. i roll over until i was on my back, staring at the boring ceiling.

"Bellybean?" i asked.

"yeah Kassibear?" Bella asked.

"I'm bored" i said.

"then why don't you find something to do then?" Bella asked.

"because...we're twins, we're supposed to do the same thing at the same time" i said.

"who told you that?" Bella asked.

"...no one, but it makes sense" i said.

"how?" Bella asked.

"Belly, we have a connection, no one can ever replace" i said.

"you do know we won't always been like that...right? we can't marry the same guy or live together forever...we'll have separate lives" Bella said.

i look at the ceiling, feeling slightly rejected, she didn't want to spend her future with me? i felt really upset about that. i look away and blink back tears.

"okay, I'm tired, Belly, night" i whispered.

"Kass..." Bella said sighing.

"I'm fine" i said.

i went under the covers and turn my lap off, shutting my eyes tightly and let the tears flow, it hurt me that my own twin sister didn't want to spend time with me.

i sigh, pushing my back, that was a very long time ago, why am i even bringing the horrible memory back. After that, Bella and i had grown apart, of course, neither of our parents paid attention to us growing apart. Bella was their main attention at that time, she doing great things, ballet, science, winning awards. then there's me, the kid that was sleeping during the weekend, watch TV, eating junk food, basically being a bum.

See, mom and dad didn't like that, so they made me be on track, soccer, and even tennis, then of course to make it even worse, they made me go to counseling, because why not? i guess that is when i started my trouble making age kicked in. i started getting in trouble, stealing, coming home late, and remember guys, this was when i was between the ages 11-13, so just imagine, your 13 year old sister/daughter coming home and them not even paying that much attention, it sucked. i knew in the long run i just wanted attention, but that all changed when i was taken away, i made a decision, screw everyone, i don't need anyone, and i plan on keeping that choice.


i look out the window and see a small sign that says "Forks" and i quickly pull the string and the bus slowly stopped. i grab my bags and walk off, giving a nod to the driver and the finger to the annoying boys who just smirk and wink at me. i walk out and look around, okay...now to find Charlies. i began walking, softly humming to a tune i couldn't name at the moment. i grab my phone, dialing dad's number. it rang a few times before i decided to screw it. i got on my GPS and put in his address...i had to go through the forest...really?

i groan and began walking, talk about creepy, i wonder if i could get away with building a tree house...i would need some supplies, but i think i could work it out, i wonder if dad is still a police officer....or he finally got his dream of being a full time hunter. not that I'm with the whole "shoot animals for fun" thing, but it is a hobby...then again, i am a vegetarian, i wonder...i wonder if i can get away with not going to school for a week or so.

i heard a twig snap and i narrow my eyes, oh hell to the no, do not tell me this will end up being a cliche moment where the girl is alone in the dark and she get's murdered, because honey, let me tell you something, i am not that gullible. i look around and continued walking through the dark forest. i felt eyes on and i groan.

"i'm too paranoid for my own good" i whispered.

i did the most stupidest thing....i tripped and fell on my ankle, making me groan, mother of god, am i really that clumsy. i rub my knee where blood was oozing from, greeeeeeat. i heard another branch snap and i look behind me to see three people walking up to me, smirking, seriously? they look like they just stepped out of Vogue.

"hello, little girl" the man said.

"hello creepy people the walk around at night" i said giving them a smirk.

"wow, I haven't seen someone with that kind of mouth since the brothers we killed after coming from Virginia" the ginger said.

That pour girl, she must be bullied, not that i have anything against gingers, she just seems really bitchy looking...can anyone say plastic? i really should stop watching Mean Girls.

"look, as much as i love chatting with random people, i need to get going" i said. i began walking away until someone grabbed me and i look at the that looks like he should be in a boyband. i glare at him and try to get away, but failed. i gulped and felt someone else behind me.

"sorry sweety, nothing personal" the other guy said.

i felt him bite my neck, my neck! i screamed and thrash, successfully falling to the floor and trying to crawl away, but i felt arms grab me and i screamed, then everything went black.

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