《Earning her Love》Chapter 49



I was being shaken back to reality by Drew as he was yelling incoherent things at me. i quickly snapped back ran out the door and outside. It seemed to be quiet...

Too quiet.

I walked along the field and too the shelter with Madison grasping her arms around my neck. Once i made it to the shelter was when i saw the first hunter. He was standing directly in front of me blocking my path to the shelter.

"Hello sweetie" He said creepily eyeing me up and down. I looked around and saw other Hunters stationed in the trees and caught up to what there plans were easily.

"I'm not opening the shelter for you" i gritted through my teeth. As he just smirked at me.

"Well are you sure about that?" He asked as he took out a gun pointing it at Madison's back.My eyes went wide. I ducked as the shot was fired blocking Madison with my hands securely around her. I heard a wolf growl as from the corner of my eye i saw it leap and attack the hunter tearing it to shred's.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

Hunters yelled firing their guns everywhere. Madison ran after the brown wolf who seemed to be very protective of her. He pushed her into the shelter. Before i could say a thanks my feet ran faster than my mind could think. I found myself in Drew's room as I ran to the closet slipping on the white dress and crown.

Once i got outside all fighting ceased my dress flew in the wind whipping around me.

"Amber?" I heard an all too familiar voice

"Oh Hi Danny," I said giving him a face laced in a sarcastic smile. "Its nice to see you when your not trying to kill my daughter"


"Amber i didn't know it was-"

"Danny leave this land right now, you are killing innocent people" I snapped cutting him short

"Amber these things are monsters! They killed mom and dad!" He shouted at me.

" Do you think they'd be proud of this?" i asked as tears started to build up in my vison but refused to let them slip past. I pointed to a young boy who was held at gun point.

Danny gave him a glare as the small kid ran towards me. A shot was fired aiming for the childs head. And i used my instincts. I covered him.

All that was running through my head was two words


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