《Forced: Kidnapped by a Vampire Master (Book One)》Chapter 20


When I finally stopped to take a breath, I almost screamed my lungs out when the same guy suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Well, well, well . . . hello Miss Nosey." Oh great, ANOTHER vampire!

"Um . . . I'm so sorry, I didn't realize anyone was up there." The man stood in front of me cocked his head to the side.

"Does my brother often let humans roam around his house?" Brother??

"So you're . . . "

"Kane. Kane Tavish. Now, pretty little human, answer my question."

"No . . . he . . . I mean we had an argument and I decided a walk would help." He just stared at me like I was talking a different language. "But I really should get back."

As I went to step around him, he grabbed my arm.

"Are you sleeping with my brother?" I blushed a dark red and looked down. "Well?"

"Y-yes." His hand instantly dropped from my arm and I looked up at him, he smiled.

"Well, nice to meet you. What's your name?" What the heck? It's like this guys personality did a complete 360.


"Rose. Pretty name." I smiled.

"Thanks. So . . . have you seen Alex yet?" We started walking back towards Alex's room. Maybe Kane's presence in the house was the reason he was so annoyed before.

"Not yet, but we normally just go about our own business." My stomach suddenly started to rumble, killing all silence. "Is someone hungry?"

"Yeah, a little."

"Doesn't my brother feed his little minions anymore." He laughed . . . but I didn't.

"I'm not a minion."

As we stood outside Alex's bedroom door, there was some weird sounds coming from inside. Scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion, Kane opened the door, and in a slip second, my stomach hit the floor.


Alex was naked on the bed with Cinders, her work skirt up around her waist and her top on the floor. I felt my eyes start to burn.

He turned around to look at who had disturbed him, only to have his face drain of emotion when he saw us both stood there.

So . . . he was still sleeping around.

Of course he is! What did you think you were special? Stupid idiot!

The thoughts in my own mind managed to make my tears break free, before they could free-fall down my face, showing my hurt, I left.

I want to go home.

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